House of Hadith

    LandmarkLocation: Located on theperimeter of theEastern Al-Aqsa Mosque, closertothenorth.

    LandmarkLocationrelativetoDome of therock: Northeast of theDome

    Reason of the name:
    Namedafteritsuseby a schooltoteachtheShafiifiqh.

    Details of theshape:
    -A mosquewithtwodomesand a mihrab in thesouth.

    An Overview of theLandmark:
    Dar al-Hadith is a mosqueconsisting of twodomesandone mihrab. Itwasnamedafteritsuseby a schooltoteachtheShafi’ifiqhstudies. Itthenwasturnedinto a sanctum.



    The Rock

    LandmarkLocation: TheRock is located at theheart of theblessed Al-Aqsa Mosque.

    LandmarkLocationrelativetoDome of therock: Located at thecenter of theDome of theRock, whichcarryits name.

    Details of theshape:
    -It is a greatrock, reachingitshighest spot toabout eighteenmeters, andthewidest spot is thirteenand a halfmeters. It’shigherthantheRock’snave in about 2 meters.
    -Manyrumorsweresaidaboutthatrock, includingthat it wasflying in theair, andsomesaidthatthewaterandlargespringswererunningbeneath it. Otherssaidthat it has followedtheProphet, peaceandblessings of Allah be uponhim, when he ascendedtotheskies in Al-Isra’anight. This is all a merefallacy, because it is a normal rock.
    – Thebuildingabovetherockeightshape of themostbeautifulbuilt of architecturalartifacts.
    -An altarbuiltabovetherock in theCrusaderperiod.
    -Surroundedby a woodenwalldatingbacktotheAyyubidsperiod.
    -A smallcavecalledthe Al Maghara is undertherock.

    An Overview of theLandmark:
    TheHolyRock is a greatrock, reachingitshighest spot toabout eighteenmeters, andthewidest spot is thirteenand a halfmeters. It’shigherthantheRock’snave in about 2 meters .
    Therock is located at theheart of the Al-Aqsa Mosque, specificallyunder a Dome of theRock, whichwasnamedafter it.
    Manyrumorsweresaidaboutthatrock, includingthat it wasflying in theair, andsomesaidthatthewaterandlargespringswererunningbeneath it. Otherssaidthat it has followedtheProphet, peaceandblessings of Allah be uponhim, when he ascendedtotheskies in Al-Isra’anight. This is all a merefallacy, because it is a normal rock.
    There is a buildingabovetheoctagonalrock. It is one of themostbeautifulstructuresbuilt of architecturalartifactswhere an altarerectedabovetherock in theCrusaderperiod. It is surroundedby a woodenwalldatingbacktotheAyyubidsperiod.
    There is a sinus in theHonorableRockwhere it saidthatJibril (peace be uponhim) broketherockwith his fingerandmadethissinus, thesearecommonmythsandthetruth is thattheCrusadersturnedtheDome of theRockinto a churchwhentheywereruling, andturnedtheRockinto an altar.
    Also, theymadethissinustomaketheblood of thesacrificesflowintothecave.



    Cave of the Spirits (Al Arwah)

    LandmarkLocation: Located in thecenter of Al Aqsa Mosque, exactlyundertherock.

    Details of theshape:
    -It is a largeirregularcaveand at the top of which is a sinusabout 30-40 cm in diameter.
    -It can be reachedby a stairway in thesouth of theDome of theRock.
    -Therearetwosmallshrines in thecave, onedatedbacktotheUmayyadandtheotherwasbuiltbytheFatimids,
    -Thereare a lot of mythsregardingthisplace; liketheonethatsaidthatJibril (peace be uponhim) broketherockwith his fingerandmadeitssinus, but thetruth is thatthissinusdatesbacktotheCrusadertimes, andwasmadebytheCrusaders, since theyturnedtheDome of theRockinto a churchandturnedtherockinto an altar.

    An Overview of theLandmark:
    Located in thecenter of Al Aqsa Mosque, exactlyundertherock. It is a largeirregularcaveand at the top of which is a sinusabout 30-40 cm in diameter. It can be reachedby a stairway in thesouth of theDome of theRock.

    Therearetwosmallshrines in thecave, onedatedbacktotheUmayyadandtheotherwasbuiltbytheFatimids. Thereare a lot of mythsregardingthisplace; liketheonethatsaidthatJibril (peace be uponhim) broketherockwith his fingerandmadeitssinus, but thetruth is thatthissinusdatesbacktotheCrusadertimes, andwasmadebytheCrusaders, since theyturnedtheDome of theRockinto a churchandturnedtherockinto an altar. In addition, theymadethissinustomaketheblood of thesacrificesflowintothecave.
    Somesaidthatwhen a piece of therockwascut, which has an oldertrace, andthenwasplaced inside a separatedome in thesouthwesternpart, thisgapwasformed, thentherockwasformed.



    Perchment Restoration Center

    LandmarkLocation: In the western gallery inside theschoolbuildingAshrafiehMamlukia.

    LandmarkLocationrelativetoDome of therock: West of theDome of theRock.


    Reason of the name:
    Itcontainsoldmanuscriptsthat has beenrestored.

    Builder Name: IslamicEndowmentsDepartmentandtheMinistry of AwqafandIslamicHolyAffairs in Jordan.

    Details of theshape:
    -Theadministrator of thecenter is RadwanAmro.
    -Themanuscripts inside thecenterdatebacktomost of thehistoricalperiods of Jerusalem. Thereareabout 4,000 differentmanuscripts. It is one of themostimportantplacesthatcollect of manuscripts in theLevantcountries, scientifically, technicallyandhistorically.

    An Overview of theLandmark:
    TheManuscriptRestoration Center wasestablished in 2008. Itincludesabout 4000 manuscripts thatdatebacktomost of thestages of civilizationsthatwereestablished in Jerusalem. Theadministrator of thecenter is RadwanAmro.
    Thecenter is located in the western hallway inside theMamlukAshrafieh School, and is one of theleadingcenterssubsidiarytotheIslamicEndowmentsDepartmentandtheMinistry of AwqafandAffairsIslamicholysites in Jordan.
    Themanuscripts inside areamongthemostimportantmanuscripts in theLevantcountrieshistorically, scientifically, andartistically.



    Al Boraq Wall

    LandmarkLocation: Thewall of Al-Buraqborders Al-Aqsa Mosque fromthewest, from an integral part of Al-Aqsa.

    LandmarkLocationrelativetoDome of therock: West of theDome of theRock

    Reason of the name:
    At Al-Isra’aandMi’rajnight, prophetMohammed, peace be uponhim, wasriding his animal, which name is Buraq, andthenreachedthiswallandtiedupAlBuraqto it, before he ascendstotheskies, andthat’s how thewallgotits name.

    Details of theshape:
    -It is 50 meterslongand 20 metershigh.
    -JewsandsomeChristiansclaimthatthiswall is a remainingpart of thetemplethatdatesbacktothe time of prophetSuleiman, andtheycall it theWailing Wall.
    -Thiswall is locatedbetweenAlmagaribagatetothesouthandtheminaret of Bab al-Silsilatothenorth.
    -Aftertheoccupation of Jerusalem in 1967, theJewsremovedtheIslamicmonumentstothispart of thewall.
    -TheJewsdestroyedtheMaghribaneighborhoodadjacentto it andturned it into a squarefortheworshiperswhocometo “Wailing Wall”.

    An Overview of theLandmark:
    At Al-Isra’aandMi’rajnight, prophetMohammed, peace be uponhim, wasriding his animal, which name is Buraq, andthenreachedthiswallandtiedupAlBuraqto it, before he ascendstotheskies, andthat’s how thewallgotits name. Thewall of Al-Buraqborders Al-Aqsa Mosque fromthewest, from an integral part of Al-Aqsa. It is 50 meters long and 20 metershigh.

    JewsandsomeChristiansclaimthatthiswall is a remainingpart of thetemple (AlHaikal) thatdatesbacktothe time of prophetSuleiman, andtheycall it theWailing Wall, wheretheystandtocryovertheirlostreign, waitingfortheopportunitytoattack Al Aqsa andrebuildtheirHaikal,
    Thetruth is that Al-Aqsa Mosque wasbuiltbeforethecoming of prophetSuleimanandthatSuleimanrebuilt it as a renewal of a housedevotedtotheworship Allah, because he is a prophet of Allah, and he wouldneverbuildorrenovate a temple, oranyplace in which Allah is not theOnewho is worshipped.
    Aftertheoccupation of Jerusalem in 1967, theJewsdestroyedtheIslamicmonumentsthatwere on thewall.



    Islamic Museum

    LandmarkLocation: Located in thesouthwestcorner of Al-Aqsa Mosque.

    LandmarkLocationrelativetoDome of therock: SouthwestDome of theRock.

    Founded in 1923.

    Builder Name: EstablishedbytheSupremeIslamicCouncil.

    Details of theshape:
    -Itsoriginallybased in theAlrebatAlmansouribuilding.
    -Containsthemanuscripts of the Koran, whichestimated at about (650) WrittenMoshaf.
    -Themuseumrecentlyreorganizedandopenedagain in August 1980.

    An Overview of theLandmark:
    TheIslamicMuseum (Mosque of Moroccans) establishedbytheSupremeIslamicCouncil In 1923 year, where it initiallystationed in theAlrebatAlmansouribuildingandthentransferredtoitscurrentheadquarters, located at the Mosque of Moroccans in thesouthwesterncorner of the Al-Aqsa Mosque.
    Theblessedmuseumcontains a lot of differentIslamicantiquesthatreflectmost of the popular artsthatprevailedthroughouttheIslamichistory. Itcontainsnearly 650 manuscripts of theQur’an.
    Moreover, therearemorethan 900 Mamlukdocuments. Themuseumwasrecentlyreorganizedandreopenedtoreceivevisitorsagain in August 1980.



    Al Khattani Library

    LandmarkLocation: Thesouthernside of Al-Aqsa.

    LandmarkLocationrelativetoDome of therock: South Dome of theRoc.

    Builder Name: Builtby Salah al-Din al-Ayyubiandconsidered as waqfbyJalilMujahid.

    Details of theshape:
    -South of the Mosque and can be enteredfromtheoldmusallah (chapel) in Al-Aqsa Mosque.
    -In 1899, it wasrestoredandbookswereaddedto it; linguisticreferencesandallkinds of books, religiousandsecularstudies. Itachievesthediversity of science, culture, andknowledge in alltheircircumstances. Theresearcherandthereadermayfindwhatevertheyneed.

    An Overview of theLandmark:
    Thelibrary is one of theoffices of the Al-Aqsa Mosque, which is characterizedbytheexistence of allkindsbooks of knowledgebooks, religiousandsecularstudies, andvariousculturalandscientificcollections.
    Thislibrary is located in thesouth of Al-Aqsa Mosque andvisitors can access it fromtheoldchapel in Al-Aqsa.
    Builtby Salah al-Din al-Ayyubiandconsidered as waqfbyJalilMujahid.



    Al Aqsa Library

    LandmarkLocation: Located on the western side of Al-Aqsa Mosque

    Reason of thename:Its name camefromthefactthat it containsArabicbooksandmanuscripts.

    Details of theshape:
    -Thislibrarywasopened in 1922 in theGrammarDome.
    -ThelibrarywaslatertransferredtoAlas’ardiaschoolnorth of Al-Aqsa Mosque, thentotheIslamicMuseumandafterwardstoAlashrafieh School. Itcontains fourteenthousand folders in additiontoArabicbooksandmanuscripts.
    -Thelibrary of SheikhKhalil Khalidi andthelibrary of SheikhMohammed Al-Khaliliwereaddedto it afterbeingmovedfromthemuseum.
    -Thelibraryincludes a largenumber of Turkishbooks as well as a number of newspapersandmagazines.

    An Overview of theLandmark:
    Al-Aqsa Library wasnamedout of thefactthat it containsArabicbooksandmanuscripts. Thislibrary is currentlylocated on thewest of Al-Aqsa Mosque. Itwasopened in 1922 in theGrammarDome, andwaslatermovedtoAlas’ardiaschoolnorth of Al-Aqsa Mosque, thentotheIslamicMuseumandafterwardstoAlashrafieh School. Itcontainsfourteenthousandfolders in additiontoArabicbooksandmanuscripts.
    Thelibrary of SheikhKhalil Khalidiand a librarywereaddedto it afterbeingmovedfromthemuseum of sheikhMohammed Al Khalili.
    Thelibraryincludes a largenumber of Turkishbooks as well as a number of newspapersandmagazines.



    The Shrine of the Forty


    Reason of the name:
    People named it sobecausetheybelieveit’stheburialplace of fortyrighteous men.

    – Details of theshape:
    -A wideroomwith twoentrances inside Al_Qiblicomplexand an entrancethroughOmarmosque. It is 8 meters long, 8 meters highand 5 meters wide.

    -Theoldchapel of al-Aqsa Mosque is locatedundertheground of thisplace, and it is a largeopenarea. Betweenthree of itswalls is an ancientQur’anicnumberthatneedsrestoration.

    -TheShrine of theForty is namedsobecausepeoplebelieveit’stheburialplace of fortyrighteous men orprophets, andthis is unacceptable, since theground of thisplace is manmade, andbeneath it is a largeopenarea, thearea of ​​theold Aqsa Mosque, in-betweenitsthreewalls is an ancientQur’anicnumberthatneedsrestoration.

    An Overview of theLandmark:
    Thisplace is located on theeasternside of AL-QibliPrayerHalltothesouth of Zekaya mihrab. Itwasnamed “Al-Nazer Shrine” bytheJerusalemitehistorianMujair al-Din. Theplace is 5 meterswide, 8 meters long, and 8 meters high.
    It is likelythattheroomwasaddedduringtheCrusaderoccupationtothemosque, thentheAyyubidsadded a friezearoundthewalls of theroom, showingtheverses: “andtodestroywhatthey had takenoverwith [total] destruction”, from Surat Al-Isra’a, in thebeautifulNaskhscript. Thisroom is freefromtheniches.



    Jerusalem’s Zakat Committee


    Additional Information aboutthelandmark:
    -Thecommitteeworksunderthesupervision of theMinistry of AwqafandIslamicAffairsandHolySites.
    -Thecommitteeaims at serving Al-Aqsa Mosque andtheFaredatHajj, Zakat, charitablework, andimprovingthefinancialresources of zakatandcharity, anddisbursement in itslegitimatebanks, at highlevel of workmanship.

    -Distributingthemeatand Al Nothour 2014.
    -TheOlive Project, theZakat of Jerusalem 2014.
    -WarmWinter Project 2014.
    -Projects of Ramadan 2013.
    -FamilyGuarantee Project 2013.
    -Project of Al Adahi 2015.
    -Distribution of schoolbags.
    -Al KafaratDistributions Project 2014 (thisprojecttargetsthepoor in Jerusalem).

    -President of theCommittee: SheikhMohammedJumaaSuleiman.
    -Vice- President of theCommitteeandpresident of theCommittee’sShariasubcommittee: Prof. Hossam El-Din Affana.
    -TreasurerandHead of Project Management andOrphanIssues: Ashraf Salhab Al Tamimi.
    -Secretary: Mohammed Rajabi.

    -Salah Halhuli – Businessmen in thecity of Jerusalem.
    -Sheikh Riyad Khois -teacher in Al-Aqsa Mosque.
    -Dr. Ahmed Darraj – Director of Noor Al Huda Schools in Ramallah.

    An Overview of theLandmark:
    TheCommittee is non-profit. Itwasestablished in 1988 underthesupervision of Ministry of AwqafandIslamicAffairsandHolySitesThecommitteeaims at serving Al-Aqsa Mosque andthe “Faridat” Hajj, Zakatandcharitablework, in additionimprovingthefinancialresources of zakatandcharityanddisbursingthemtotheneedy, withthehighestlevel of proficiency.



    Works of Different Civilizations

    İslam geleneğinde bir ibadethaneden çok daha fazla anlam ifade eden Mescid-i Aksa, aynı zamanda açık hava tarih müzesi denecek kadar çok sayıda eseri de bünyesinde barındırmaktadır.

    Tarih boyunca birbirine rakip birçok medeniyet bu mübarek topraklara sahip olmak için savaşmış, başarılı olduklarında ise bu mekânda iz bırakabilmek için ellerindeki tüm imkânları seferber etmiştir. İnsanlık tarihi kadar geniş bir geçmişi olan Beytülmakdis'te bu sebeple her milletten, her inanç sisteminden izler bulmak mümkündür.

    Gerek doğal afetlerden sonra yapılan inşa faaliyetleri gerekse fetihlerden sonra görülen kendi medeniyetini yansıtan imar ve ihya faaliyetleri nedeniyle sanatkârlar bu mekânda hünerlerini gösterme imkânı bulmuştur. Sonraki dönemlerin ustaları ise bu dini yapıları ve sanat eserlerini kendi medeniyet tasavvurlarına uyarlamışlardır. Bu sebeple Mescid-i Aksa külliyesinde her adımda karşınıza eski çağların bir izi çıkar. Bunların en basiti üzerinde yürünüp giden “Kudüs taşı” ndan yapılmış yer karolarıdır.

    Bu taş yapıların en meşhurları ise Kıble Mescidinin batı tarafındaki platoda bulunan muhtemelen putperest Romanın Jüpiter tapınağından kalma yükseklikleri 50-60 cm.'lik taş sütunlardır. Dayanıklılık ve kalitesinden olsa gerek bu ve benzeri malzemeler bir kez Beytülmakdis girdiklerinde tekrar çıkmamış, her yeni gelen medeniyet değiştirerek/ dönüştürerek bu taşları kullanmıştır.

    Jüpiter tapınağının bazı kalıntıları haçlılar eliyle kilise inşaatında kullanılırken, onlardan kalan hayvan figürleri içeren oyma taşlar biraz modifiye edilip Müslümanlar tarafından Ömer Mescidinin mihrabına yerleştirilmiştir.


    Mervan Masjid Emergency Exit Doors

    Bu kapılar, Mescid-i Aksa’nın güneydoğu yönündeki şehir surlarının hemen bitişiğindedir. Mervan Mescidinin kapılarını 04.12.1999 yılında İslami Hareketin Lideri Şeyh Raid Salah gayretleriyle açıldı. Uzun yıllar boyunca Mescid-i Aksa külliyesine çivi çakılmasına izin vermeyen işgal yönetiminin böyle bir yapıya izin vermesinin ilginç bir hikâyesi vardır.

    Vatikan’dan Kudüs’teki kutsal mekânları ziyarete gelecek olan Papa'ya eşlik etmek isteyecek kalabalığın izdiham oluşturacağı endişesi ile işgal yönetimi yaptığı planlama sırasında buraya küçük bir acil çıkış kapısı yapılması gerektiğinden bahsedince Raid Salah ve arkadaşları bu açıklamayı fırsata dönüştürerek bir kamuoyu oluşturdular. Konu Uluslararası basınında bulunduğu bir toplantı da gündeme gelince geri dönülemez bir durum oluştu. İdare 1 x 2 m boyutlarında bir kapı açılmasına izin verdi.

    Fırsatı değerlendiren Aksa neferleri özellikle inşaata perşembe günü başladılar ve önlerindeki 2,5 günlük resmi hafta sonu tatilinde bir denetlemeye, engellemeye takılmadan cansiperane bir şekilde çalıştılar. Acil çıkış kapılarının dış tarafındaki ağaçlar söküldü, topraklar çıkarıldı, toprağın altındaki yedi kemer ortaya çıkarıldı. Bu kemerlerin iki tanesinin taşları tamamen ortaya çıkarıldı ve açık hale getirildi, üçüncü kemer ise yarım kaldı. Ortaya çıkan devasa boyuttaki kapılara “Bavvabat El-Emlaka” (Dev Kapılar) ismi verildi. Bahçe ile kapılar arasındaki güzel merdiven de “Müderrec El-İhvan “(Kardeşler Merdiveni) olarak meşhur oldu. Bu olay nedeniyle Şeyh Raid Salah ve iki arkadaşı 2 sene işgal yönetiminin hapishanelerinde tutuklu kaldılar.
