Al Qibli Prayer Outside Hall

    Landmark Location:
    South of Al-Aqsa Mosque, towards the Qibla.

    Landmark Location relative to Dome of the rock:
    South of the Dome.

    Landmark History:
    86-96 e / 705-714.

    Reason of the name:
    Named “AlQibli" because it is located towards the Qibla. Named the Al Jamea mosque, because it is the main prayer hall where men gather behind the imam.

    Builder Name:
     Calipha Abdul Malik bin Marwan, and completed by his son Walid bin Abdul Malik.

    Details of the shape:
    -Rectangular, roofed building with a 78-meter-long and 52-meter-wide bullet proof dome. It consists of 7 long corridors extending from north to south of the mosque, and other 7 corridors extending horizontally from the east of the mosque to the west, and the middle corridor is a wider corridor, roofed with Ghamlouni, decorated with Arabesque art. Also, there are Salah al-Ddin mehrab, and the menbar of Noor al-Din, and above them is the dome of the oratory, which is 23-meters-high.
    -It can accommodate 5,500 worshipers, with eleven doors in the north, two in the west and one in the east, and an area of about 4 acres.
    Before you enter the prayer hall from the north, you will see an open yard in front of the seven gates of the hall, consisting of seven pointed arches mounted on stone pillars, on the top of this yard are gears that stabilize many inscriptions that date many architectural works that have been carried out in this yard.

    -At the eastern side of prayer hall, there are many rooms:
    1 – Iwan Mihrab Zakaria: a small room semi-square dimensions (5 * 4.6) decorated mihrab, dating back to the Mamluk period, with the first verses of Surat Maryam.
    It is rumored that it is one of the Crusader additions to the prayer hall, but later an inscription, discovered by Seljuki, confirms the existence of the room before the Crusader occupation.
    It also received a symbolic name that does not refer to the place where Mary and Zacarias worship peace.
    2- Iwan the Shrine of the Forty: Located in the eastern side of Al-Qibli prayer hall to the south of the mihrab of Zakaria, attributed to the forty men buried in the of Mount Qasion – Damascus, with width of 5 m and length of 8 m and an estimated height of 8 m, the Iwan is connected to Omar Mosque via a door, it is small on the southern side of the Iwan and has no mihrab, It is likely from crusader additions to the prayer hall but modified in the Ayyubids period and added verses of Sorat Al Isra’a.
    3 – Omar Mosque: Located east of Al-Qibli prayer hall from the direction of the Qibla, which is a room rectangular shape, partially cut and dedicated as a medical clinic to the mosque.
    It contains a mihrab in the middle of the southern wall of Al-Aqsa Mosque and on one line with a dome, the chain that occupies the middle of Al-Aqsa Mosque and this means that the Calipha Umar ibn al-Khattab established the mihrab on this place.

    Additional Information about the landmark:
    -It is common that people consider Al-Qibli prayer hall as THE Aqsa Mosque, and this poses a great danger to Al-Aqsa Mosque and works to divide it. In fact, Al-Aqsa mosque mentioned in the Holy Qur’an is not only Al-Qibli mosque or the Dome of the Rock, since they both were not built at the time of Qur’an Revelation, rather everything inside the wall.

    -What had Al-Qibli prayer hall been called before it was called Al-Aqsa?
    Ancient historians named several names on the covered prayer hall as the mosque and the mosque Qabali in which the mihrab and named the prayer and other names. However, the matter is not clear to the people, and they stopped calling the whole area “Al-Aqsa” ans started calling Al-Qibli prayer hall by that name, and they named the area as “Haram Al Qodsi” Or “Haram al-Sharif” .
    The traveler Nasir Khusraw was the first to pass this information about this name after his visit to Al Aqsa mosque.

    -What is the reason for naming Al-Haram al-Sharif on the prayer halls and all mosque squares?
    May be a fear of confusing Al-Qibli prayer hall and the blessed Aqsa Mosque, perhaps the period that followed the first Ayyubids liberation prevented non-Muslims from entering it similar to the Haram al-Makki and Medina, However, Muslim scholars warned against saying the word “Haram” on Al-Aqsa Mosque, fearing of applying the provisions of religious sanctuary on it.

    -The Zionist entity claims that Al-Aqsa Mosque is the only Al-Qibli prayer hall and a dome building the Rock is a memorial building, and the yards of Al-Aqsa Mosque are public yards subject to the laws of the municipality of the entity – such as non-observance of the sanctity of the mosque and non-condescension, all this for preparation to the Judaization in full.

    Al-Qibli Prayer Hall in the Umayyad period:
    -Calipha Abdul Malik bin Marwan AlUmawi initiated the construction of Al-Qibli prayer hall and it was completed by his son Waleed, after the death of his father, the most important work completed by Alwaleed is the marble cladding and mosaics.
    At the end of the Umayyad period in 747 AD, *Jerusalem wa



    Al Qibli Prayer Inside Hall

    Mescid-i Aksa’daki ana cami olup güneyde, ön tarafta bulunmaktadır. Bu yapının Mescid-i Aksa şeklinde isimlendirilmesi tarihi bir hata olmanın ötesinde, insanlarda, ön mescit sınırları dışında yapılan ihlallerin Mescid-i Aksa içinde olmadığı ve Mescid-i Aksa’ya karşı herhangi bir ihlalde bulunulmadığı izlenimini uyandırmaktadır. Doğal olarak bu algı yönetimi, işgalci Siyonistlerin Mescid dahilinde yaptıkları en hafif tabiri ile hukuk ve edep dışı hareketlerin sanki sıradan bir mahalde yapıldığı izlenimi oluşmasına yol açmaktadır.

    Kıble Mescidi, ilk olarak 637 yılında (hicri 15) Beytülmakdis’in fethedilmesi sonrasında Ömer bin Hattab r.a. tarafından inşa edilmiştir. Ahşaptan ve ağaç köklerinden yapılan bu mescit, Hicretin ilk asrında Kudüs’ü ziyaret eden Fransız bir gezgin tarafından yapılan değerlendirmeye göre üç bin kişi alacak kadar büyüktü. Sonraki yıllarda artan ihtiyaç nedeniyle Kıble Mescidi, Halife Abdülmelik bin Mervan tarafından yeniden, daha büyük ve sağlam bir şekilde inşa edilmeye başlanmış. 705 yılında başlanan bu inşaat, Halife Mervan’ın oğlu El-Velid bin Abdülmelik tarafından 714 yılında tamamlanmıştır. Mescit ilk inşası sırasında 15 revaktan oluşuyordu. Ardından mescit depremler neticesinde yıkıma maruz kaldığından birkaç defa yeniden inşa edilmiş, restorasyona uğramış ve üzerine birtakım eklentiler yapılmıştır. Ancak revak (nef: koridor) sayısı yediye indirilmiştir. Kudüs’ün haçlılar tarafından işgali sonrasında haçlılar Mescidi üç bölüme ayırmışlar; kilise, şövalyelerin koğuşu ve komuta merkezi olarak kullanmışlardır. Ardından Selahattin Eyyubi’nin fethi ile Mescid eski parıltısına yeniden kavuşmuştur. Şu anda mevcut bulunan ön taraftaki revaklar gibi bazı mimari eklentiler bu dönemin hatırasıdır.

    1967 yılındaki Siyonist işgalden sonra Mescid-i Aksa’nın Kıble Camii yüzlerce saldırıya maruz kalmıştır. Bunların en tehlikelisi ise 21 Ağustos 1969 tarihinde yaşanan kundaklama olayıdır. Bu olayda haçlı işgalinden kurtuluş sonrasında Selahattin Eyyubi tarafından taşınan Nureddin Zengi’nin sanat şaheseri minberi ile Kıble Mescidi’nin büyük bir bölümü yanmıştır. Ardından Mescid, 1980 ve 1984 yıllarında birkaç defa patlatma ve füze ile vurulma girişimlerine maruz kalmıştır. Mescidin temellerini tehdit eden kazı çalışmaları da halen daha devam etmektedir.

    Günümüzde Kıble Mescidi güneyden kuzeye doğru uzanan yedi revaktan oluşmakta ve ortasında kurşun kubbesi bulunan yüksekçe bir revak yer almaktadır. Bu büyük revakın iki yanında üçer revak bulunmaktadır. 80 x 50 metre boyutlarıyla yaklaşık 4000 metrekare alana sahip olan caminin 11 kapısı ve kurşun panellerle kaplı 17 metre yüksekliğinde bir kubbesi bulunmaktadır.


    Dome Of The Rock Ouside

    Landmark Location:
    The heart of the Holy Mosque.

    Landmark History:
    72 AH / 691 AD in the Umayyad period under the reign of kalipha Abdul Malik bin Marwan.

    Reason of the name:
    For it is presence above the rock.

    Builder Name:
    Built by Raja bin Haywa al-Bisani and helped him Yazid ibn Salam, one of the people of Jerusalem.

    Details of the shape:
    -The Dome of the Rock is located in the heart of Al-Aqsa Mosque (in the middle with a slight deviation towards North) so that it is based on a plate that rises about 4 meters from the level of the courtyard of the mosque, this plate is ascended by 8 drawers, each of which is topped by a barrage or -called arches.
    -The Muslim Engineer in the design and construction of the dome built on three engineering departments, which translated with three architectural elements that resulted in the intersection of two equal squares: the dome Which covers the rock and surrounds it, and the internal and external valuations surrounding the dome resulted in between them is an inner hall in the form of octagonal ribs with a medallion in the center of the rock, 
    -Later a unique Islamic landmark, the rock rises from the floor of the building about a meter and half, and the rock rises in the center of the building round dome diameter of about 20 meters.

    -The Dome of the Rock consists of:
    -Circle surrounding the dome: Based on 4 pillars covered with streaking marble, and on 12 columns surrounding the Rock, the dome consists of two internal and external domes erected on a wooden frame above the neck of the dome.
    -Indoor octagonal open: contains 8 pillars of stone there are two marble columns between each pillar is another 6 meters wide, topped by semicircular contracts decorated with gold-plated mosaics, connected to each other by decorative wooden bridges.
    -External octagonal closed: consists of 8 stone facades, opened in 4 of them a door and was opened 4 windows in each front have a door, 5 windows in the front without a door to add 2 windows in the lower half of the facade (added late), width of about 4, covered with white marbled tiles inside. 
    -The walls of the dome covered with marble plates, Which consists of four symmetrical parts and be a beautiful form called the name (Al Shaqiqa), one of types of Islamic art, it is a very beautiful geometric form that enriches the mosques from the use of decorations and shapes animal and human rights that Islam has denied.
    -The outer part of the dome paved with two types of tiles, the lower part of which tiled with white marble tiles, and the upper section paved with al-Qashani, the roof of two yards also covered from the external decoration and even the dome with wooden Jamlonat, wrapped from inside with panels of wood painted, decorated with figures beautiful, and on the outside were laminated with lead panels.

    Dimensions and measurements of Dome and Dome of the Rock:
    -Internal dome diameter: 20.44 m – Height: 9.8 m.
    -Full building diameter: 52 m – Height: 35 m.

    Lengths of octagonal ribs Dome of the Rock:
    -Rib length: 20.60 m – Rib height: 9.5 m

    Dimensions of the Supervised Rock: (17.70 * 13.50).

    Cave: (Cave of the Al Arwah)

    -It is located at the bottom of the supervised rock, estimated to be 3 meters high, a natural cave that can accommodate for about 40 person.

    -The opening at the top of the cave has spread many rumors and many phrases, the false examples of it, and the fact that it was caused by the Crusader occupation after they turned the mosque into a church and they turned the cave area into an altar and created the slot to shed the blood of the slaughtered sacrifices.

    As there are two mihrabs and a mastba

    The mihrab date back to the Ayyubids period and called the Mihrab of David, and the other is called Mihrab Sulaiman, return to the early Islamic period, and the mosque is located in the corner north, the Khidir Mistaba with dimension of (2 * 1.5).

    The Dome’s Nave:
    -Is the Wide area surrounding the Dome of the Rock, called the “Al Dukan” in the Al-Abbasi period, and “Al-Dakka” in the Fatimid era.

    -The nave is surrounded by a handrail of green dotted marble, removed in the Ayyubids period, this is because the great King Issa ordered the expansion of the bowel from the west side 18 meters, so as to provide space for the construction of grammar school, and the work of tanks to collect water from the saucer to the new cutters under the saucer, and the current shape of the dish fixed from the Mamluk period.

    Additional Information about the Landmark:
    Designed on precise and consistent geometric foundations that demonstrate the creativity of the mind Islamic engineering, Egypt’s abscess has been required for seven years to build this building, as most historians stated that the construction began in 66 AH / 685 AD and ended in 72 AH / 705 AD, the other part of the historians say that it began construction in 72 AH because of the occupation of the Calipha his war with Abdullah bin Zubair.

    Why lavish spending on the Dome of the Rock?
    Spending on building the Dome of the Rock with this extravagance; a demonstration of the greatness of Islamic civilization, before the great civilizations then the Persians and the Romans, especially after the entry of those inhabitants the country in Islam has been accustomed to seeing the brilliance of the two civilizations, It was also equivalent

    Please increase by 100 thousand dinars after they finished building the dome.

     What is the purpose of building the Dome of the Rock?
    The building of the Dome of the Rock dates back to three theories:
    1 – In commemoration of the incident of Isra and Maraj.
    2 -Show the greatness of Islam, and make it an Islamic city.
    3- Order to convert the pilgrimage to the Al Aqsa (as claimed by the Yacoubi) – a Shiai an extremist was trying to distort the image of the Umayyads to win the satisfaction of the Abbasids.

    -The interior dome decorated with gilded frescoes and magnificent frescoes, and an opening there are 16 windows for lighting and ventilation.
    -The outer dome coated with copper plates with gold plating.

     Why the Dome of the Rock built octagonal ribs?

    Several theories suggested for building the dome as such:
    1- Religious reasons
    Because of the famous saying that the rock is the lower throne of God make, the building eight ribs resembled the throne of God in heaven.

    2 – Architectural reasons
    So as to exploit the space as much as possible and to show the original Islamic architecture.

    -Dome of the Rock in the Abbasid period: {750-970m.}

    The Abbasids cared for the Dome of the Rock and Al-Aqsa Mosque and Jerusalem as much as they could, they had many restoration works in Al-Aqsa Mosque, as illustrated by a number of inscriptions and the Abbasid Calipha al-Ma’mun established a fils called Jerusalem this event is the first of its kind in the history of Jerusalem and was documented in 217 AH.

    – Dome of the Rock in the Fatimid period: {970-1099.}

    The dome was severely damaged by an earthquake that hit Al-Aqsa Mosque, Alhakem be amrellah khalifa started the restoration work and completed by his son Al-Zaher le’ezaz denellah, where the dome rebuilt and shot dead instead of copper doctrine (Umayyad origin) and included the restoration of the dome and decorations, windows in the dome neck And many things in the building.

     Dome of the Rock in the Crusader era: {1099-1187m.}

    During the crusader occupation, the Dome of the Rock converted into a church and placed above the rock an altar, made the cave a place for the shedding of the blood of offerings, and placed a crucifix over the rock of gold.
    After the crusader occupation of 15 years, the kings of the Franja (Westerners) rocked the marble with fear as the priests were trading them and cutting pieces of the rock and selling it for pilgrims and visitors with gold, as for the iron fence, which removed in 1965 from about the rock dates, back to the Umayyad period and not to the crusaders.

    – Dome of the Rock in the Ayyubids period: {1187-1250 m.}

    -After Salah al-Din al-Ayyubi opened al-Aqsa Mosque, he cleaned and removed all the Crusader monuments of the mosque, returned the
    Dome of the Rock to what it was with rose some of the restoration work, and put 21 verses of Taha. In 1198 he did king Othman bin Salah alDin put a wooden barrier around the rock to protect it.
    -The Ayyubids continued to take care of the Dome of the Rock after Saladin, and their most cleaned Rock with their hands and wash it with rose water constantly.

    – The Dome of the Rock in the Mamluk Period: {1250-1517.}

    -The sultans of this period did not hesitate to take care of the Dome of the Rock.
    -In 1270 AD,Sultan Zahir Baybars renewed the mosaic decorations in the city external appreciation.
    -In 1318, Sultan al-Nasir Muhammad Nasir ibn Qalawun renovated and decorated the dome from inside and from outside, and the nave of the Dome of the Rock.

    – Dome of the Rock in the Ottoman era: {1517-1917.}
    -The Ottomans took care of Al-Aqsa Mosque and its buildings for 400 years, and did not give up in that.
    -During the reign of Sultan Suleiman, the Al Qanoni in the period between 1537-1552 AD he changed the Umayyad mosaics covered with panels, and glass windows installed, which gave them a luster own.
    -In 1720: the third Sultan Ahmad renewed the Kashani and glass windows, Consumed about two thirds of the taxes of Jaffa and Tripoli.
    -In 1817 AD: the second Sultan Mahmoud changed the outer marble of the dome and performed with the renovation of locally made crustaceans.
    -In 1853: a huge project initiated to renovate the internal wooden roof and changing worn-out clothes.
    -In 1875 AD: This done during the reign of Sultan Abdul Aziz, and completed the restoration the roof and changing the worn-out tiles, and renewed the verse “Yasein” Around the outer walls.
    -Restoration of 1876: During the reign of second Sultan Abdul Hamid, and began this reconstruction brushes luxury carpets. 

    Dome of the Rock and the Supreme Islamic Council: {1922-1948.}
    After the occurrence of Al-Aqsa Mosque under the British occupation, the council assumed responsibility, it protected the Dome of the Rock and made plans for the reconstruction of the dome and the changing of the tiles but the Palestinian revolutions and wars prevented the completion of these reconstructions and the Council only make only some adjustments.

    Dome of the Rock and the Covenant of Jordan: {1967-to now.}
    -Al-Aqsa Mosque Reconstruction Committee took over the restoration work at this stage. The reconstruction at this stage is so necessary that the prayer hall of the Dome of the Rock in a deplorable state, as it was affected in the 1948 War. The Zionists threw some bombs on Al-Aqsa Mosque, one of which hit the Dome of the Rock and caused damage.
    -Al-Aqsa Mosque Reconstruction Committee replaced the lead plates coated the dome replaced with a yellow colored metal that later removed, finally they rebuilt the dome from a painted copper sheet with gold.

    What types of decorations used in the Dome of the Rock?

    1- The mosaic decoration:
    -They are small squares of stained glass, used in a dome building Rock, and the embodiment of the Islamic faith through the designs of mosaics.
    -Emphasis were put on mosaics on forms that do not contradict Islam plant shapes or beautiful geometric drawings, some of which had great meaning, when he focused the Muslim artist to draw the Taj Byzantine from within the decorations in the dome, here he wanted to recalling the victory of the islamic state over the great Byzantine state, it focuses and shows the greatness of Islam.

    2-Wood decoration:
    These motifs found between the pillars and in the

    3-wooden barrier around the rock that he ordered Aziz Othman bin Salah al-Din to build. “Art of wood decoration” Known as art Arabesque.

    Glass decoration:
    These motifs designed on different plants, floral forms, and geometric shapes and come back the Umayyad period, the decorations in the Dome of the Rock, are prototypes for decoration on glass.

    4- Marble decoration:
    Used in the Dome of the Rock for its durability and hardness, and was used extensively most of the building, we see it in the columns and their crowns and stone stucco, as it is, most of the marble in the dome is the original Umawied .

    5-Alqashnia decoration:
    It is a colorful pottery painted with a layer of glass, and recently called the tiles of the Chinese tiles. Used in the building of the Dome of the Rock, and it shows as many verses as possible; Quranic verses such as (Surah Yassin and part of the Surat Al Isra), used for the first time in Dome of the Rock, in the reign of Ottoman Sultan Suleiman the Al Qanoni, color the blue dominated the rest of the colors and the building gained contact with the sky’s glow, believe that the colored tiles used by Sultan Suleiman in the construction of the dome were manufactured in the city Jerusalem, where it found some ovens for cooking Kashani in Al-Aqsa Mosque near a dome the rock.

    An Overview of the Landmark:
    The Dome of the Rock is one of the most important Islamic architectural monuments in the world, and great religious sanctity in the hearts of Muslims and many people, is the oldest and most beautiful model in Islamic architecture, drew the attention and interest of researchers and all people to what it excelled of the harmony between its elements and architectural structures, considered a verse in the art of engineering architectural, and is the most beautiful and admired wonders of the world.
    Muslims have shown particular interest in them over the long Islamic history, especially after the natural disasters that had a significant impact on Al-Aqsa Mosque from earthquakes, storms, rain, etc., as no successor or Muslim Sultan was late restoration, preservation and defense.

    The dome was built during the Umayyad Caliph Abdul Malik Bin Marwan’s time and two engineers supervised the building of it; Raja Bin Hayawah and Yazid Bin Salam. After they finished the building the Caliph awarded them with 100 thousands Dinar, but they refused to take anything. So the Caliph made order to use that money and make golden bars to cover the dome with them.

    It built with very high precision and its dimensions are:
    -Dimensions and measurements of Dome and Dome of the Rock
    Internal dome diameter: 20.44 m – Height: 9.8
    – Qatar Full building: 52 m – Height: 35 m
    -Octagonal rib lengths rock dome
    – Rib length: 20.60 m – Rib height: 9.5 m

    – Dimensions of the rock supervisor (17.70 * 13.50)

    The walls of the Dome of the Rock were paved with marble tablets, which consists of four parts symmetrical and form a beautiful called the name (Al Shaqiqa), one of Islamic art types used in more than one place and more than one type.
    The Dome of the Rock contains 14 mihrabs, and the main ones are located in the direction of the Qibla, also it have 52 windows and a large number of black marble tiles is estimated at 99 tiles, as it is it contains 24 arch decorated with mosaics connected the columns with each other.
    The Dome of the Rock affected by all historical periods since its construction and every passing period, caused many things of restoration, repair, modification and vandalism as well, in a period the Crusader and Israeli occupation is the worst period, in the Islamic period, the most prosperous period, which transformed it and made it take its current form, and now represents the covered space surrounding the sacred rock is a prayer hall dedicated to women prayers Friday,( Eid, Friday pray and Taraweeh).
    The Zionists were particularly interested in the rock, they seek to establish their temple alleged in the place of the rock, made multiple attacks on them in various ways, from bombing their aircraft during the aggression of 1948, and the desecration of the rock supervised by raising their flag above it for some time and a lot of attacks that negatively affect the Dome of the Rock, as it is during the 1980 AD, several attempts were made to blow it up with explosives highly destructive to Jewish extremists, a Jewish soldier named Harry Goldman, he broke into it in 1982 and fired at the worshipers indiscriminately causing in the martyrdom of two and injuring four worshipers.
    In addition, excavations and Zionist tunnels continue around and below the Aqsa Mosque, some of them into what is under the Dome of the Rock, but thought to have established Jewish churches, this serious assaults affected the Dome of the Rock with all the great marble surrounding the dome inside, its mosaic decorations from inside and outside suffer from cracking and corrosion and falling, this situation threatened by an increase due to the blockade imposed by the authorities, the Zionist occupation of the Aqsa Mosque and prevented Muslims from doing any restoration work for any of its parts, including the Dome of the Rock


    Dome Of The Rock Inside

    Dünya üzerinde ilk dönem İslam mimarisinin güzel örneklerinden biri olup, Emevi halifesi Abdülmelik bin Mervan tarafından 685-705 yılları arasında (hicri 65-86) Allah resulü (s.a.v.)’in Miraç yolculuğuna başladığı şerefli kayanın üzerinde inşa edilmiştir. Yapı sekizgen bir kayanın üzerinde bulunmakta olup, üzerinde küre şeklinde altın renkli bir kubbe bulunmaktadır. 35 metre yüksekliğinde olan kubbenin üzerinde dört metre yüksekliğinde bir hilal yer almaktadır. Kubbenin içerisi göz kamaştıran işlemelerle, mozaiklerle ve eşsiz hat sanatları ile süslenmiştir. İslam mimarisinin en kadim sembollerinden biri sayılan kubbe, Mescid-i Aksa sahasının üst kısmında yer almakta olup, zeminden yaklaşık dört metre kadar yüksekte açıkta bulunan platonun (avlunun) ortasında inşa edilmiştir. Kubbenin bulunduğu yere sekiz kemerin içerisinden geniş merdivenler ile geçilebilmektedir.

    Sekizgen bir yapının merkezinde bulunan kubbe, dört kapısı bulunan ve üzerinde İsra suresinden birtakım ayetlerin yazılı bulunduğu motifler taşıyan çinilerle süslenmiş dairesel bir desteğe dayanmaktadır. Şerefli kayanın çevresinde de sınırlarını belirleyecek şekilde zarif, ahşap bir bariyer bulunmaktadır. Kubbe ve mimarisi halen Emeviler döneminde ilk yapıldığı gibi korunmakta olup, sonraki dönemlerde birkaç basit değişiklik yapılmıştır.

    Abbasiler dönemi;

    Abbasiler Kubbetüs Sahra’ya önem vermişler ve birkaç defa restorasyona tabi tutmuşlardır. Bu restorasyonlardan en önemlisi halife Me’mûn döneminde 831 yılında (hicri 216) kubbe yapısına yapılan restorasyondur. Öte yandan 913 yılında (hicri 301) Abbasî halifesi El Muktedir Billah tarafından kubbeye büyük ahşap kapılar yapılmıştır.

    Fatımiler dönemi;

    Fatımiler 1022 yılında (hicri 413) Kudüs şehrinde meydana gelen deprem sonrasında halife El Zahir Biemrillah Ebü’l-Hasan Bin Hakem döneminde Kubbetüs Sahra’yı tamamen restore etmişlerdir. Öte yandan 1075 yılında (hicri 467) halife Ebu Cafer Abdullah bir kere daha kubbeyi restore etmiştir.

    Haçlılar (Frenkler) dönemi;

    Haçlılar Beytülmakdis’i 1099 yılında (hicri 492) işgal ettiler ve Kubbetüs Sahra mescidini işgal sırasında bir kiliseye çevirerek Tanrı Tapınağı (Templum Domini) ismini verdiler. Haçlılar kubbenin yapısına ve motiflerine bazı haçlar ve simgeler eklediler. Kutsal olduğuna inanıldığı için Avrupa’da yüksek meblağlara satılan kayanın parçalarının çalınmasını engellemek için etrafını demir bir çit ile çevirdiler. Kubbetüs Sahra’nın yerinde kurulan bu kilise, tapınak şövalyelerinin karargâhı ve haçlılar dönemindeki toplantı merkezleri sayılıyordu. Selahattin Eyyubi, Kubbetüs Sahra’daki İslami sembolleri 1187 yılında (hicri 583) Kudüs’ü özgürlüğüne kavuştuktan sonra asli yerlerine iade etti.

    Eyyubiler dönemi;

    Selahattin Eyyubi Kudüs’ü haçlılardan kurtardıktan sonra Kubbetüs Sahra’yı restore etti ve bina üzerinde eklemiş oldukları teslisi simgeleyen sembolleri kaldırdı. Binanın iç duvarlarını yenileyen Sultan, kubbeyi restore ederek altın kaplama yaptırdı.

    Memlukler dönemi

    Memlukler Kubbetüs Sahra’yı birkaç defa restore etmişler ve kubbeye de özel önem atfetmişlerdir. El Zahir Baybars 1260 yılında (hicri 659) kubbe yapısını tamamen restore etmiş ve kubbenin dış cephesini süsleyen mozaikleri yenilemiştir. Öte yandan adil sultan Zeyneddin Ketboğa El Mansuri 1294 yılında (hicri 694) kubbeyi ikinci defa restore etmiştir. Sultan Muhammed Bin Kalavun ve Emir Muhammed Bin Seyfuddin El Zahiri tarafından da kubbe tadilata tabi tutulmuştur.

    Osmanlılar dönemi

    Osmanlı sultanları Kubbetüs Sahra’ya çok fazla önem vermişlerdir. Mimarinin çok fazla ilerleme kaydettiği Kanuni Sultan Süleyman döneminde Kubbetüs Sahra’yı kaplayan tarihi mozaikler 1548-1561 yılları arasında (hicri 955-969) İstanbul’dan özel olarak getirilen çinilerle değiştirilmiştir. Aynı zamanda Kubbetüs Sahra restore edilmiş, kubbe içerisinde yeni bir takım pencere ve havalandırmalar açılmış, kapıları yenilenmiş ve bakır ile kaplanmıştır. Sultan II. Abdülmecid 1853 yılında (hicri 1270) Kubbetüs Sahra’yı kapsamlı bir restorasyona tabi tutarak bir bölümünü yeniden yaptırmıştır. Sultan II. Mahmut’un oğlu Sultan Abdülaziz de 1874 yılında (hicri 1291) kubbeye kurşun levhalar giydirmiş ve ön kapı ve minberin altında bulunan büyük avizeyi yerleştirmiştir. Sultan II. Abdülhamid 1876 yılında (hicri 1293) kubbenin doğu cephesinin üst tarafına sülüs hattı ile Yasin suresinin yazılmasını emretmiştir.

    Ürdün Vakıflar İdaresi

    Ürdün devleti, mübarek Mescid-i Aksa’da yönetimi ele aldıktan sonra Kubbetüs Sahra’yı birkaç defa tadilata tabi tutmuştur. Kral I. Abdullah 1924 yılında kubbenin tamamen restore edilmesini emretmiş, ardından Kral Hüseyin bin Talal döneminde birkaç girişimde daha bulunulmuş ve kubbe altın yaldızlı alüminyum levhalar ile kaplanmıştır. 1953 yılında kubbenin iç duvarlarına mermer giydirilmiş ve dış cephedeki çiniler restore edilmiştir. Üçüncü imar dönemi olarak bilinen 1969 ile 1994 yılları arasındaki dönemde ise kubbenin dış cephesi tamamen çinko kaplı bakırdan yapılmış olan ve 24 ayar altın tabakası ile işlenen levhalar ile kaplanmıştır. Ahşap kubbenin iç motiflerine bakım yapılmış, uyarı ve yangın söndürme sistemleri monte edilmiştir. Halen Ürdün devleti ve Kudüs İslami Vakıflar Dairesi mübarek yapı üzerinden gerekli restorasyonları yapmaktadırlar.


    The Marwani Prayer Hall

    Landmark Location: Down the southeast corner of the mosque.

    Landmark Location relative to Dome of the rock: South-east of the dome.

    Landmark History:The Umayyad-Fatimid period.

    Reason of the name:Compared to the Calipha Abdul Malik bin Marwan.

    Builder Name: Calipha Abdul Malik bin Marwan.

    Details of the shape:
    -The area of the prayer hall:
    The prayer hall included 16 stone pillars that built on strong stone pillars and extended over an area it is about four and a half acres and is the largest covered area in Al-Aqsa Mosque blessed now.
    The southern wall and the eastern wall of the Marwani prayer hall are the same wall of old town.

    -Details of the construction of the Marwani prayer hall:
    The prayer hall from the inside contains the Al Khatnia corner that divided into two sections descend to them one is 36 Stairs and the other is 54 Stairs, the two sections are connected together through small door.
    The first section: consists of three corridors, the first is the main door corridor, the second store for the purpose of the mosque and the third one is closed by stone from the Umayyad period.
    The second section: a large settlement consists of 13 yard of huge pillars.

    Additional Information about the landmark:
    -Built as an architectural settlement of the original hill of Jerusalem, descending to the south, it is possible to build above the southern section closest to the Qibla on a flat floor and foundations solid rise to the northern section.
    How do I get to it?
    It can be reached by two ways: either through a stone staircase northeast of the mosque, or through its newly revealed large northern portals.

    Prayer in the early Islamic period:
    Nothing was mentioned about the building since the Umayyad construction until before the Crusader occupation. Only Nasir Khusraw talked about the cradle room of Jesus in the Fatimid period in 1047 AD, without mentioning the rest of the building, indicating that the place remained closed to visitors.

    The Prayer Hall during the Crusader occupation:
    The prayer hall was turned into a stable of horses during this period, when the Marwani prayer hall entered, you can see the places of the rings engraved on the columns, which were dug by the Crusaders until they connect Horses called it “Soliman’s Stables” This biblical designation is not correct and it has nothing to do with our Sulaiman (peace be upon him) Salah al-Din al-Ayyubi cleared it and cut its walls into separate rooms that were used some as stores for the mosque and another hostel for the Sufi and students studying in corner of circumcision.

    The prayer hall in the Ottoman period:
    The site was ignored and fabricated stories about were spread and used to scare children.

    Prayer in the Modern Age:
    The place remained unchanged until 1996 AD, when the Zionist entity built a staircase in front of it the closed triple door behind the leveling, the fear of grabbing it and turning it into a synagogue, so they working on its reconstruction as a prayer under the name (Marwani Prayer hall) in honor of Abdul Malik bin Marwan.

    Restoration of the Marwani Prayer hall:
    (Al Aqsa Foundation for the Reconstruction of Holy Sites and the Islamic Heritage Committee in Beit Al-Maqdis)
    On his rehabilitation and opening for prayer, and in November 1417 AH / 1996, one of the reasons for this restoration also, that some international newspapers revealed in 1995 a secret document to divide the Al Aqsa so that the underground for the Jews and above for the Muslims, was their goal is to control the Marwani prayer hall, which is the largest prayer hall in Al-Aqsa Mosque, work began in 1996 by removing tons of dirt from inside and was tiled and supplied and put a wooden niche in it, as Egypt donated its carpets, ended in a very short time estimated only two months! It made available to worshipers in the month of Ramadan the same year as a Prayer hall
    (For the first time in history), and contributed to solving the problem of overcrowding in Ramadan.
    It considered the largest urban project in Al-Aqsa Mosque for hundreds of years.
    The Muslims succeeded in opening two giant gates from the gates of the Marwani Prayer hall the huge north in May 2000, the construction of a large staircase inside the Aqsa leads to these Gates in a short period of time, and caused the act of intense anger of the entity Zionist organization that was planning to control the place, and make them claim that this deliberate destruction of Jewish monuments in the Temple Mount.

    Al Aqsa Intifada (Uprising)
    The Intifada started in the 28th of September, 2000, when Ariel Sharon, the leader of the Zionist opposition at that time, stormed Al-Aqsa Mosque, under the pretext of the need to prevent bringing maintenance equipment to the Marwani prayer hall! He tried to reach to the prayer hall, resulting in igniting the blessed Aqsa Intifada in all Palestinian territories the next day.

    An Overview of the Landmark:
    The Marwani Prayer hall is located below the southeastern corner of the blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque, it was built in the Umayyad period under the reign of Calipha ‘Abd al-Malik bn Marwan, it is the largest area currently roofed in Al-Aqsa Mosque and has 16 standing stone towers on strong stone pillars, the area of about 4.5 acres can be accessible through a stone staircase northeast of Al-Qibli mosque, or through its huge northern gates that were newly discovered. Its southeastern wall separates it from the Old Town.
    The Marwani Prayer is greatly affected by the Crusader and Zionist occupation. It is used as a store and settlement, but the Crusader occupation turned it to a stallion for horses, until Salah Eddin freed and cleansed it from the hands of the Crusaders, restoring it as a store and settlement just like before.

    Why did not Salah Eddin build it as a prayer hall?
    Salah al-Din kept the Marwani prayer hall closed for many years due to the vastness of the upper squares of Al-Aqsa Mosque, and the small number of visitors, so there was no need for another prayer hall at that time.
    After a long period of time, the Marwani Mosque suffered again during the Zionist occupation. This occupation tried to take over it, so they built a stairway leading to Al-Aqsa mosque through the triple door enclosed in the wall south of Al-Aqsa Mosque so that the Zionists could pray in it and control it, but it was rescued by Al-Aqsa Foundation for the Reconstruction of Holy Sites and the Islamic Heritage Committee at Al Aqsa. They cleaned and repaired it in a very short time, this prayer hall in one of the days was one of the reasons behind Al-Aqsa Intifada in 2000, when Ariel Sharon stormed Al-Aqsa Mosque and tried to reach the Marwani Prayer hall in Al-Aqsa Mosque.
    From that time until now, the Marwani prayer hall suffers from serious cracks that may cause it to collapse, due to the accumulation of sediment resulting from dirt and dust that in turn were caused by humidity, and these cracks are centered in the columns of the prayer hall and its walls, especially in the hallway
    It is adjacent to the eastern wall of Al-Aqsa Mosque, as well as its roof, which requires urgent rehabilitation but the occupying entity seeks to prevent this restoration to make it in a deplorable state



    The Old Aqsa Mosque

    The Old PrayerRoom is a part of the al-Aqsa complexand is locatedunderthecentralaisle of theQibli Mosque. It is enteredbymeans of a stonestaircasepositionedoppositetheentrance of theQibliMosque.Theprayerroomconsists of twolargeaislesrunningfromsouthtonorth. Theseaislesarelinedwiththickstonecolumnswhichholduptheroof, abovewhich is part of theQibli Mosque. Theprayerroom is part of thesouthernlevelwhichwaserectedabovetheoriginal, collapsedlowerlevel of themosquesothat it would be possibletobuild on a levelsurface. Theoriginalpurpose of itsconstruction, however, wastoprovide a passageleadingdirectlytotheQibli Mosque forUmayyadprincesenteringfromthegatesoverlookingtheUmayyadpalacestothesouth of themosque. For manycenturiestheprayerroomremainedabandoned, full of rubble. However, in 1419/1998 it wasreopenedforprayerbythe Al-Aqsa Organisationforthe Development of HolyPlacesandthe Jerusalem IslamicHeritageCommitteefollowing a gradualincrease in thenumber of visitorstothemosque. Itcoversabout 1,500 square metres, althoughthepartgivenovertoprayer is muchsmallerandonlyholdsabout 150 people.On 1/8/1999, theforces of theoccupationblockedtheopeningusedforventilation, preventingcontrol of humiditywithinthewalls of theprayerroom.


    Al Buraq Mosque

    Landmark Location:
    It  is located below the Magriba door in the southwest squares of Al-Aqsa Mosque along a wall Al Buraq.

    Landmark Location relative to Dome of the rock:
    Southwest of the dome.

    Landmark History:
    Umayyad period.

    Reason of the name:
    Named based on its nearness to Al-Buraq wall.

    Builder Name: Al Umawien.

    Details of the shape:
    -Small and narrow prayer hall, descending to it by 38 stairs, its entrance is located in the hallway west of Al-Aqsa Mosque to the left of the inside of the Magariba Gate, opened on Friday morning and on some occasions, some researchers confirmed that the door and prayer hall of Al-Buraq Umayyad building because of the similarity of the elements in this section with (the Bab Al Rahma, and the Double door), some say, that the Al-Buraq Prayer hall rebuilt in its present form in the Mamluk period in 707-737 AH / 1307 – 1336 AD, which is connected to the old prayer of the Aqsa and the Marwani prayer hall and the Bab Al Rahma.
    -The prayer hall has a door outside of the wall of Al-Aqsa Mosque in Al Buraq courtyard but closed later and opened an entrance from inside Al-Aqsa Mosque blessed.

    Additional Information about the landmark:
    -Reconstructed in its present form in the Mamluk period in 707 – 737 AH / 1307 -1336 AD.

    -Attempts to Judaize and control the prayer hall:
    The danger to the Al-Buraq prayer hall increased in recent time, some of its stones have cracks, due to severe humidity, and his condition is worsening due to the ban imposed on him the occupying entity for the maintenance and restoration of the prayer hall, the reason for the presence of the prayer hall nearby from the south, which is fully controlled by the entity, it prevents and obstructs access prayers to the prayer hall.

    In 2007, the demolition of the Magariba door road began and the plans revealed Zionism prepared for the prayer hall, they opened the other door (leads out mosque) in order to convert it into a synagogue.

    Also endangered because of the Zionist excavations scattered in this area and prepare the prayer hall is very close to it.

    An Overview of the Landmark:
    It is a small prayer hall, built in the Umayyad period and has its present form from the Mamluk period (707-737 AH / 1307-1336 AD) connected to old Al-Aqsa Mosque
    and the Marwani prayer hall and the Bab Al Rahma, it descends to 38 stairs, its entrance is in the western yard of Al-Aqsa Mosque to the left of the inside of the Bab Al Magearba, opened at the morning of Friday and some occasions, there is a door outside the wall of Al-Aqsa Mosque at Al-Buraq square, closed at a later time and opened its entrance within Al-Aqsa Mosque, the occupying entity uses this section today to Judaize, the worshiper and turned it into a synagogue, they opened the door leading out of the mosque and prevents any work of maintenance and restoration of the prayer hall, it is one of the closest landmarks on excavations located in the south-west of the mosque, affected by a lot, and appeared some of the cracks on his stones caused by it is weakness and increased humidity also.



    Mosque Of Al Maghrba - Al Malekiya Mosque

    Landmark Location: It is located in the southwestern corner of Al-Aqsa Mosque, south of the Magariba door.

    Landmark Location relative to Dome of the rock: Southwest of the dome.

    Landmark History:In the year 590 AH – 1193 AD/ Ayyubids period.

    Reason of the name:-Named the Mosque of the Al Magariba, because Salah al-Din al-Ayyubi built this mosque for the Moroccans after their homeland in the west Aqsa Mosque, to be a prayer hall for them. -Named the Islamic Museum, because it converted into an Islamic museum and the Islamic monuments displayed there. -Named after the Mosque of Malikya, because this mosque was allocated to followers of the Maliki School (Moroccans).

    Builder Name: Salah al ddin.

    Details of the shape:
    It has a rectangular base (50 * 10) m in the direction of the Qibla, with a barbeque roof, the prayer hall contains two doors, open in the east and closed in the north, used today as a show room for the Islamic Museum.

    Additional Information about the landmark:
    The mosque reconstructed during the Ottoman Sultan Abdul Aziz he reconstructed the central section and he opened a door overlooking the eastern side (the main museum door) and added two large windows also indicated the inscription above the door, used today as a showroom for purpose the Islamic Museum, contains ancient manuscripts, manuscripts, Ottoman weapons, and a lot of valuable ancient monuments, directed east facing the western wall of the mosque Al-Qibli.

    Zionist attempts to seize and sabotage it:
    It was attacked in 2004 by some Zionists and broke marble columns close to the Islamic Museum dates back to the early Islamic times, as is excavations carried out by the occupying entity at the bottom of the western side in Al-Buraq Square, influenced and in 2003 led to the collapse of its western wall.

    An Overview of the Landmark:
    The Magariba Mosque is located in the southwest corner of Al-Aqsa Mosque, which recently converted to an Islamic museum and displays many of the effects of many Islamic periods, including the effects transferred from Rabat Al Mansouri 1348 – 1929, that was an old building with two doors: open in the east facing the wall west of Al-Qibli mosque, and the closed on the north.
    Attacked in 2004 by some Zionists and broke marble columns close to the Islamic Museum dates back to the early Islamic times, as is excavations carried out by the occupying entity at the bottom of the western side in Al-Buraq Square influenced, and in 2003 led to the collapse of its western wall.



    Women’s Mosque

    Landmark Location:
    The southernmost part of Al-Aqsa mosque, which runs along its wall south of Al-Aqsa Mosque, starting with the western wall of Al-Qibli mosque, and even the wall west of Al-Aqsa Mosque.

    Landmark Location relative to Dome of the rock:
    Southwest of the Dome of the Rock.

    Landmark History:
    Crusader – Ayyubids.

    Reason of the name:
    Because it was reserved for women only.

    Builder Name: The Crusaders.

    Details of the shape:
    It is a large and spacious building, high on the level of the mosque, which is based on ten bases, wide for two bases, dedicated to women’s prayer only, a one historian was told that it columns from colored marble.

    Additional Information about the landmark:
    -The prayer hall’s divisions

    This prayer hall was divided into three sections:
    *The western section is an extension of the Islamic Museum and its appendix.
    *The second section is the center; it has Al-Aqsa main library.
    *The third section is the adjacent eastern section of Al-Qibli mosque is attached to it and is now used as a repository.

    What are the dangers facing the women’s prayer hall?
    -The women’s prayer hall exposed too many dangers because of its proximity to the southern wall of the mosque Aqsa Mosque, because of the excavations that lie below the southern side of the entity; it believed that these excavations reached the foundations of the prayer hall making it in real danger.
    -Many contemporary historians of the Ayyubids liberation of Jerusalem claim that the Crusaders (The Templars) built some buildings in the west of Al-Aqsa Mosque and used to live and spend the need (bath and store for grain) and remained so until Salah alddin covered a carpet for women.

    An Overview of the Landmark:
    The Women’s Prayer hall is located in the far southwestern part of Al-Aqsa Mosque, southwest of the Dome of the Rock, from the western wall of Al-Qibli mosque to the wall west of the mosque, which is a large and wide building and height at the same level as the prayer hall Al-Qibli, and located only for women.
    The building is built on ten bases and has wide two bases, whose construction dates back to the Ayyubids era Salah al-Ddin, and some researchers said that built during the Crusader occupation period as a residence inside Aqsa Mosque, then Salah al-Din cleans it and made it a place to pray by assigning it to women only.



    Omar Prayer Hall

    Landmark Location: Located near the Southern Wall of Al-Aqsa Mosque, east of Al-Qibli Mosque.

    Landmark Location relative to Dome of the rock: South of the Dome of the Rock.

    Landmark History:Built in 15 A.H. when Omar bin Al-Khattab conquered Jerusalem. He ordered building a prayer hall for Muslims in Al-Aqsa Mosque.

    Reason of the name:Named after the Caliph Omar bin AL-Khattab who built it when liberating Jerusalem.

    Builder Name: Omar bin Al-Khattab.

    Details of the shape:
    A wooden rectangular building that can accommodate 1000 worshipper. In the middle of I is a mihrab that goes in line with As- Silsila Dome. This is an evidence that Omar bin Al-Khattab is the one who built it there.

    Additional Information about the landmark:
    part of it was taken and turned into a clinic.

    An Overview of the Landmark:
    Omar Prayer Hall was built by the Caliph Omar bin AL-Khattab in 15 A.H., when liberating Jerusalem. It is located near the Southern Wall of Al-Aqsa Mosque, east of Al-Qibli Mosque. It’s a wooden rectangular
    building that can accommodate 1000 worshipper. In the middle of I is a mihrab that goes in line with As-Silsila Dome. This is an evidence that Omar bin Al-Khattab is the one who built it there. Part of it was taken and turned into a clinic.

