Al Wafaya Corner

LandmarkLocation: West of Al-Aqsa mosque, south of Bab Al-Nathir.

LandmarkLocationrelativetoDome of therock: South of thedome of therock.


Reason of the name:
It is called Al-Budairihomebecause of Badir bin habish, wholivedandwasburied in there.

Builder Name: Themamluks.

Additional Information abouttheLandmark:
-ThehistorianMujir Al-din said: AL-wafayacorner, in Bab Al-nathir, thedirction of Al-manjkyaschool
( thesecondfloor )one of itslandmarks , It is known as thehouse of SheikhShihab al-Din Ibn Al-Raim, thenknowntothesons of Abu Alufah, because of theirresidencythere, it wasknownback in time as house of Muawiya.

An Overview of theLandmark:
Itwasconstrcted in themamlukera, it is located in thesouthside of bab Al-nathir, thewest of AL-Aqsa mosque, it has manynamesbecause of thelargenumber of its’ residents, such as: Abi al-Wafa, al-Budeiri, etc…).




    Al Fakhrya Corner Abu Su’ood

    LandmarkLocation: Thewest of A-Mgharbamosque, in thesouthwestside of Al-Aqsa mosque.

    LandmarkLocationrelativetoDome of therock: Thesouthwest of thedome (Al-Qubba).

    In themamlukera, in the time of Sultan Mohammed bin Qalawoon.

    Reason of the name:
    -It is nearto Al-Fakhryaminaret. -Itwascalled Abu Su’oodcornerNamedaftertheJerusalemitefamilywhoserved AL-Aqsa mosque, andlived in there.

    Builder Name: Themamluks -with an orderfromFakher Al-Din mohammed.

    Details of theshape:
    -Theroom has a niche; mihrab, that has stones, like a royalstyle.
    -OrderedbyJudgeFakher AL-din Muhammadtobuild it – duringtheMamlukeraduringthereign of Sultan Muhammad bin Qalawun of Mamluk. West of theIslamicMuseumanditsoriginaldoorclosetotheentrance of thefather of Al-Mgharbah, leavingonly a celestialcourtyardwithremnants of theruins of thebuildings of Al-Aqsa Mosque and a largeroomused as an officeforthestaff of theIslamicMuseum. In 1969, theZionistentitydemolishedmost of itsbuildings, includingwhat’s in theMoroccanneighborhood.

    An Overview of theLandmark:
    TheFakhriyyacornerwasnamedafteritslocationneartheFakhriyyaMinaret. Also, it wascalledtheCorner of Abu As-Su’od, aftertheJerusalemitefamilythatresided in it. Thiscorner is locatedsouthwest of Al-Aqsa Mosque, near Al-Magharibah Gate. It has a colorednichewith a Mamlukstyle. Itwasbuiltupontheorders of JudgeFakhr Ad-Din Mohammed bin Fadlullah, duringthe time of Mohammed bin Qalawoun. itusedtostretchovertheareathatreaches Al-MagharibahQuarter, but it wasdemolishedbytheoccupyingZionistEntity in 1969. Whatwasleftwasonly a courtthat has remnants of buildingsthatwereoncethere in Al-Aqsa Mosque.



    Al Wafaya Corner

    LandmarkLocation: West of Al-Aqsa mosque, south of Bab Al-Nathir.

    LandmarkLocationrelativetoDome of therock: South of thedome of therock.


    Reason of the name:
    It is called Al-Budairihomebecause of Badir bin habish, wholivedandwasburied in there.

    Builder Name: Themamluks.

    Additional Information abouttheLandmark:
    -ThehistorianMujir Al-din said: AL-wafayacorner, in Bab Al-nathir, thedirction of Al-manjkyaschool
    ( thesecondfloor )one of itslandmarks , It is known as thehouse of SheikhShihab al-Din Ibn Al-Raim, thenknowntothesons of Abu Alufah, because of theirresidencythere, it wasknownback in time as house of Muawiya.

    An Overview of theLandmark:
    Itwasconstrcted in themamlukera, it is located in thesouthside of bab Al-nathir, thewest of AL-Aqsa mosque, it has manynamesbecause of thelargenumber of its’ residents, such as: Abi al-Wafa, al-Budeiri, etc…).



    Al Rfaaia Corner

    LandmarkLocation: Northwest al-Aqsa mosque, nexttobab Al-ghawanmeh.

    LandmarkLocationrelativetoDome of therock: Northwestthenave (al-sahn, because it looksliketheplate).


    Reason of the name:

    Builder Name: Ahmed bin Ali Al-rfai.

    An Overview of theLandmark:
    It is locatedNorthwest al-Aqsa mosque, nexttobab Al-ghawanmeh, wasbuilt in theottomanera, and it wasnamedafteritsbuilder; Ahmad bin Ali al-rfai.



    Al Khader Corner

    LandmarkLocation: South of thenorthwestpillars, andnextto it.

    LandmarkLocationrelativetoDome of therock: AbovetheDome of theRock’snave, in itsnorthwestcorner.


    Reason of the name:
    Namedlikethatbecause it is nearto Al-KhaderDome.

    Builder Name: TheUmayyads.

    Additional Information abouttheLandmark:
    -It is a placeforprayingandreadingQuranandhadith.
    -It’slocation has changedovertheislamicperiods
    -In theearlyIslamicperiod, thecornerwasfoundnexttothe western pillars. In 1099 AD, thesupervisor, Ibn al-Marji, statedthat it wasnexttothe western shrine. The western corner of thecourtyardwasexpandedtothebasementundertheRock’snave in thenorthwesterncorner. Al-Khadercorner in theMamlukperiodwaslargelyneglectedandused as a storehouseforthetoolsandcrops of Al-Aqsa Mosque. Today, itslocation is used as a workshop fortherestoration of marbleandmosquepaintings.

    An Overview of theLandmark:
    Thiscorner is located South of thenorthwestpillars, andnextto it andabovetheDome of theRock’snave, in itsnorthwestcorner in theUmayyadera. Itwasnamedlikethatbecause it is nearto Al-KhaderDome. It is a placeforprayingandreadingQuranandhadith. It'slocation has changedovertheislamicperiods
     In theearlyIslamicperiod, thecornerwasfoundnexttothe western pillars. In 1099 AD, thesupervisor, Ibn al-Marji, statedthat it wasnexttothe western shrine. The western corner of thecourtyardwasexpandedtothebasementundertheRock’snave in thenorthwesterncorner. Al-Khadercorner in theMamlukperiodwaslargelyneglectedandused as a storehouseforthetoolsandcrops of Al-Aqsa Mosque. Today, itslocation is used as a workshop fortherestoration of marbleandmosquepaintings.



    Al Bstamia And Al Smadia Corner

    LandmarkLocation: Southwestcorner of Al-Aqsa mosque, it is nextto al-Buraqstaircase.

    LandmarkLocationrelativetoDome of therock: southwest Al-Quba (theDome).


    Reason of the name:
    Itgot it name fromthefactthat Al-bstamia’spoorpeopleusedtogothereforworshiping Allah thealmighty.

    Builder Name: Abu yazeedTayfour al-Bustami.

    An Overview of theLandmark:
    Al- Bastamiaor Al-smadyacornergotits name because it wasbuilt in theplacewherethepoorpeople in Bastamiausedtomeettoworship Allah thealmighty, thiscorner is locatedsouth-west of Al-Aqsa Mosque andadjoinsthestairs of Al-Buraq. Itwasbuilt in theMamlukeraby Abu Yazid Tayfur al Bustami.



    Al Ghzalya Corner

    LandmarkLocation: Neartobab Al-Rahma, which is nextto Bab Al-Tawba.
    LandmarkLocationrelativetoDome of therock: Totheeast of theDome of theRock.
    15 AH.
    Builder Name: Shaikh Nasir bin Ibrahim Al-Maqdisi.
    Additional Information abouttheLandmark:
    Whenthecornerwasbuilt, therewas a schoolcalledNasiriyahschoolor Al-Nasryahandlaterknown as theschoollibraryGhazaliyaandthereason is theI’tikaafHajjat al-Islam Abu Hamid al-Ghazaliwhere he wrote his book “Revival of theSciences of Religion”.
    ThegreatKing Isa renewed it andmade it a cornerforreadingthe Koran andgrammarandthenprovidedits’ librarybookssuch as thebook “Islah AlManteq” for Abu Yusuf bin Ishaq bin Al-Skeet. Because it is a cornerfull of booksthathavebeendonated, manyscholarsandstudentsvisited it in theAyyubidandMamlukera.

    An Overview of theLandmark:
    Neartobab Al-Rahma, which is nextto Bab Al-Tawba; east of theDome of theRock, it wasbuiltbyShaikh Nasir bin ibrahim Al-Maqdisi. In 15 AH.
    Whenthecornerwasbuilt, therewas a schoolcalledNasiriyahschoolor Al-nasryahandlaterknown as theschoollibraryGhazaliyaandthereason is theI’tikaafHajjat​​al-Islam Abu Hamid al-Ghazaliwhere he wrote his bookrevival of thesciences of religion.

    ThegreatKing Isa renewed it andmade it an angletoreadthe Koran andgrammarandthenprovidedits’ librarybookssuch as thebooktocorrectthelogic of Abu Yusuf bin Ishaq bin Skeet. Because it is a cornercontainingmanybookssuspendedbymanyscholarsandstudentsvisited in theAyyubidandMamlukera.

