North Hallway

LandmarkLocation: tothenorth of Al-Aqsa Mosque, adjacenttoitsnorthernwall, runsfromthenortheasttothe start of theUmayyadschool in thenorth-west.

LandmarkLocationrelativetoDome of therock: north of theDome, extendingfromthenorth-easttothe start of AlOmariyah School northwest.

LandmarkHistory:EarlyIslamicperiod - AyyubidsandMamluks, overtheyears: (610-769 / 1213-1367).

Reason of thename:Itextendsover a largepart of thenorthernwall of Al-Aqsa Mosque.

Builder Name: TheAyyubidsandtheMamluks.

– Itextendsover a largepart of thenorthernwall of Al-Aqsa Mosque.
-Tothenorth of Al-Aqsa Mosque, adjacenttoitsnorthernwall, runsfromthenortheasttothe start of theUmayyadschool in thenorth-west.
_North of theDome, extendingfromthenorth-easttothe start of AlOmariyah School northwest.
-EarlyIslamicperiod – AyyubidsandMamluks, overtheyears: (610-769 / 1213-1367)
-Thishallway has beenrenovatedandrestoredoverdifferentperiods.
Thesection of bab Al-AsbattobabHettawasrenovated: “In the time of Sultan AshrafShaaban in 768 AH / 1367 AD”; this is theinscriptionbelowtheminaret of Bab Al-Asbat.

Thearea has beenrenewed; from Bab Hettatobabsharaf Al-Anbyaa – Bab AlA’tem: In theearlyIslamicperiod (beforetheCrusaders), specifically in theyear 696 AH / 1297 AD, thecitywasbuiltandlaterrenovatedduringthereign of King Issa al-Ayyubi in 610 AH – 1213 AD – accordingtotheinscriptionlocatedwest of theAlA’temgate.
There is an engraving on one of thepillars of thedoor of thecave, whichshowsthedimensions of Al-Aqsa Mosque. In the 20th century, thishallwaywastransformedintoone of thefewschools.
Onepart of it remained in the form of a hallwaythatwasclosedanddividedintoclassroomsthatlaterturnedinto twoschools (thekindergartenandthe al-Aqsa elementaryschoolforboys).

-Itextendsover a largepart of thenorthernwall of Al-Aqsa Mosque
-Thenorth of Al-Aqsa Mosque, adjacenttoitsnorthernwall, runsfromthenortheastto
thebeginning of theUmayyadschool in thenorth-west of thenorth of thedome,
extendingfromthenorth-easttothebeginning of thenorth-westschool
-EarlyIslamicperiod – AyyubidsandMamluks, specificallybetweenthetwoyears
(610–769 / 1213-1367).

-Thishallway has beenrenovatedandrestoredoverdifferentperiods.
Thesection of bab Al-AsbattobabHettawasrenovated: “In the time of Sultan AshrafShaaban in 768 AH / 1367 AD”; this is theinscriptionbelowtheminaret of Bab Al-Asbat.
Thearea has beenrenewed; from Bab Hettatobabsharaf Al-Anbyaa – Bab AlA’tem: In theearlyIslamicperiod (beforetheCrusaders), specifically in theyear 696 AH / 1297 AD, thecitywasbuiltandlaterrenovatedduringthereign of King Issa al-Ayyubi in 610 AH – 1213 AD – accordingtotheinscriptionlocatedwest of theAlA’temgate.
There is an engraving on one of thepillars of thedoor of thecave, whichshowsthedimensions of
Al-Aqsa Mosque.
In the 20th century, thishallwaywastransformedintoone of thefewschools. Onepart of it remained in the form of a hallwaythatwasclosedanddividedintoclassroomsthatlaterturnedintotwoschools (thekindergartenandthe al-Aqsa elementaryschoolforboys).




    North Hallway

    LandmarkLocation: tothenorth of Al-Aqsa Mosque, adjacenttoitsnorthernwall, runsfromthenortheasttothe start of theUmayyadschool in thenorth-west.

    LandmarkLocationrelativetoDome of therock: north of theDome, extendingfromthenorth-easttothe start of AlOmariyah School northwest.

    LandmarkHistory:EarlyIslamicperiod - AyyubidsandMamluks, overtheyears: (610-769 / 1213-1367).

    Reason of thename:Itextendsover a largepart of thenorthernwall of Al-Aqsa Mosque.

    Builder Name: TheAyyubidsandtheMamluks.

    – Itextendsover a largepart of thenorthernwall of Al-Aqsa Mosque.
    -Tothenorth of Al-Aqsa Mosque, adjacenttoitsnorthernwall, runsfromthenortheasttothe start of theUmayyadschool in thenorth-west.
    _North of theDome, extendingfromthenorth-easttothe start of AlOmariyah School northwest.
    -EarlyIslamicperiod – AyyubidsandMamluks, overtheyears: (610-769 / 1213-1367)
    -Thishallway has beenrenovatedandrestoredoverdifferentperiods.
    Thesection of bab Al-AsbattobabHettawasrenovated: “In the time of Sultan AshrafShaaban in 768 AH / 1367 AD”; this is theinscriptionbelowtheminaret of Bab Al-Asbat.

    Thearea has beenrenewed; from Bab Hettatobabsharaf Al-Anbyaa – Bab AlA’tem: In theearlyIslamicperiod (beforetheCrusaders), specifically in theyear 696 AH / 1297 AD, thecitywasbuiltandlaterrenovatedduringthereign of King Issa al-Ayyubi in 610 AH – 1213 AD – accordingtotheinscriptionlocatedwest of theAlA’temgate.
    There is an engraving on one of thepillars of thedoor of thecave, whichshowsthedimensions of Al-Aqsa Mosque. In the 20th century, thishallwaywastransformedintoone of thefewschools.
    Onepart of it remained in the form of a hallwaythatwasclosedanddividedintoclassroomsthatlaterturnedinto twoschools (thekindergartenandthe al-Aqsa elementaryschoolforboys).

    -Itextendsover a largepart of thenorthernwall of Al-Aqsa Mosque
    -Thenorth of Al-Aqsa Mosque, adjacenttoitsnorthernwall, runsfromthenortheastto
    thebeginning of theUmayyadschool in thenorth-west of thenorth of thedome,
    extendingfromthenorth-easttothebeginning of thenorth-westschool
    -EarlyIslamicperiod – AyyubidsandMamluks, specificallybetweenthetwoyears
    (610–769 / 1213-1367).

    -Thishallway has beenrenovatedandrestoredoverdifferentperiods.
    Thesection of bab Al-AsbattobabHettawasrenovated: “In the time of Sultan AshrafShaaban in 768 AH / 1367 AD”; this is theinscriptionbelowtheminaret of Bab Al-Asbat.
    Thearea has beenrenewed; from Bab Hettatobabsharaf Al-Anbyaa – Bab AlA’tem: In theearlyIslamicperiod (beforetheCrusaders), specifically in theyear 696 AH / 1297 AD, thecitywasbuiltandlaterrenovatedduringthereign of King Issa al-Ayyubi in 610 AH – 1213 AD – accordingtotheinscriptionlocatedwest of theAlA’temgate.
    There is an engraving on one of thepillars of thedoor of thecave, whichshowsthedimensions of
    Al-Aqsa Mosque.
    In the 20th century, thishallwaywastransformedintoone of thefewschools. Onepart of it remained in the form of a hallwaythatwasclosedanddividedintoclassroomsthatlaterturnedintotwoschools (thekindergartenandthe al-Aqsa elementaryschoolforboys).



    The Western Hallway

    LandmarkLocation: Alongthe western wall of themosque.

    LandmarkLocationrelativetoDome of therock: West of theDome of theRockextendsfrom Bab Al-ghawnma of to Bab Al-Mgharaba.

    LandmarkHistory:EarlyIslamicPeriod, in theperiodbetween 707-737 AH / 1307-1336 CE.

    Reason of thename:Itextendsalongthe western side of Al-Aqsa Mosque This name wasmentioned in an inscriptionfound on part of the western hallwayduringtheottomanreconstruction.

    -Itextendsalongthe western side of Al-Aqsa Mosque.
    This name wasmentioned in an inscriptionfound on part of the western hallwayduringtheottomanreconstruction.
    -Alongthe western wall of themosque, West of theDome of theRockextendsfrom Bab Al-ghawnma of to Bab Al-Mgharaba.
    -EarlyIslamicperiod – renewed in theMamlukperiodandtheOttomanperiod.
    -EarlyIslamicPeriod, in theperiodbetween 707-737 AH / 1307-1336 CE MamlukPeriod, andtheOttomanperiod.
    -EarlyIslamicPeriod, in theperiodbetween 707-737 AH / 1307-1336 CE The MamlukPeriod.
    -It is a coveredhallwayconsisting of 55 contract builtandrenewed in severalstages in theMamlukandOttomanperiods in ordertofacilitatethepassagebetweenthemonumentslocated in the western area of ​​themosque, extendingfromthenorthwesterncorner of “Bab Alghwanem” tothe “Al-maghraba Gate “.
    Thetravelerphilosopher Nasir Khusrawmentioned in 1047 that it wascomposed of doublearcheswith a facadedecoratedwithenamelandmosaicsinscribedwiththe name of theruler of Egypt.
    -Therearemanyimportantandknownlandmarks, such as doors, schoolsandminarets

    Thereconstruction of the western hallwaywasbuilt on threeknownperiods.
    Part of Bab Al-ghwanmauntil Bab Al-NAthir, wasbuilt in 706 AH / 1307 AD underthesupervision of PrinceBalfaq bin Jafan Al-Khwarizmi. Accordingtotheinscription on bab Al-nathirfromthe inside.

    Thehallwayextendsfrombab al-Nathirtobab al-silsila. Itwasbuilt in 736 AH / 1336 AD underthesupervision of PrinceTinkz of Nazareth, as stated in theinscription on bab Al- Qatanin .
    TheSupremeIslamicCouncilrestoredpart of thishallway in 1343 AH / 1925 AD.
    -Thispart of thehall is characterizedbythewindows of theschoolsthatcontainthetombs of leadersandprincesoverlooking it.

    Section III:
    Which is thelastsection of thehallways, whichextendsfrombab al-silsilatobab al- mgharba ,andwasestablished in 713 AH / 1313 AD underthesupervision of Prince Musa bin Hassan al-Habdani, accordingtotheinscriptionnearthewindows of theschoolAltnkzipoverlookingthispoisonfromthehallway. Accordingtotheinscription on the western hallwaythat in 1037 AH / 1627 AD, thegovernor of Egypt, “Perm Basha” therenovation of thehallway, after a part of it fell – perhapsbecause of an earthquake – andthiswas in theOttomanperiod.
    There is a door at theend of thishallwayleadingto Al- Buraq Mosque, andbehindthishallwaytothewest is Al-Buraq Wall.

    It is a coveredhallwayconsisting of 55 contract builtandrenewed in severalstages in theMamlukandOttomanperiods in ordertofacilitatethepassagebetweenthemonumentslocated in the western area of ​​themosque, extendingfromthenorthwesterncorner of “Bab Alghwanem”; tothe Al-maghraba Gate ”
    Thetravelerphilosopher Nasir Khusrawmentioned in 1047 that it wascomposed of doublearcheswith a facadedecoratedwithenamelandmosaicsinscribedwiththe name of theruler of Egypt.
    -Therearemanyimportantandknownlandmarks, such as doors, schoolsandminarets

    Thereconstruction of the western hallwaywasbuilt on threeknownperiods.It has beenthrough 3 differentsections :
    1. ( from Bab Al-Ghanwmatobab AL-nathir ) 706 AH 1307 AD underthesupervision of theprince, Bulfaq bin jafan al-kawarazmi.
    2. ( frombab al-nathirtobab al-silsila ) 736 AH 1336 AD underthesupervision of theprince, Tankz Al nasri.
    3. ( frombab AL-silsilatobab Al-Mgharba ) 713 AH 1313 AD udnerthesupervision of theprinceMousa bin Hasan Al-habdani.


    Eastern Hallway

    LandmarkLocation: East of Al-Aqsa Mosque, adjacenttotheeasternwall of themosque.

    LandmarkLocationrelativetoDome of therock: East Dome of theRock.


    Reason of thename:Because it is adjacenttotheeasternwall of Al-Aqsa Mosque.

    Builder Name: May be tracedbacktothe time of theUmayyads.

    -Because it is adjacenttotheeasternwall of Al-Aqsa Mosque.
    -East of Al-Aqsa Mosque, adjacenttotheeasternwall of themosque East Dome of theRock.
    -May be tracedbacktothe time of theUmayyads.
    -In theearlyIslamicperiod.
    -Thetravelerandphilosopher Nasir Khusrodescribedpart of theeasternhallwaysaying: At theeasternwall in themiddle of themosquethere is a magnificenthallway of polishedstone.

    Youthink it is a one-piecesculpture, fiftycubits highand 30 feetwide, withinscriptions, tapestries, and twobeautifuldoors separatedbymorethan onefoot , It has manydecorations of ironandcopperDamascene; thatarebabAlRahmaand Bab AlTawbaor as Ibn al-Fadl al-‘Umarisaiddescribing it “theend of theeasternhallway is a corridorfromtheQiblatothenorth, sixteenand a halfcubits, easttowest of bab Al- asbat”.
    Destroyedby time duetoearthquakesandweatherfactorswith a littleleftthatwasdiscoverednearthegates of Al-marwanimosquegiant.

    -its name camefromthefactthat it is adjacenttotheeasternwall of Al-Aqsa Mosque.
    -East of Al-Aqsa Mosque, adjacenttotheeasternwall of themosque East Dome of theRock.
    -May be tracedbacktothe time of theUmayyads.
    -In theearlyIslamicperiod.
    -Thetravelerandphilosopher Nasir Khusrodescribedpart of theeasternhallwaysaying: At theeasternwall in themiddle of themosquethere is a magnificenthallway of polishedstone.

    Youthink it is a one-piece sculpture, fiftycubitshigh and 30 feetwide, withinscriptions, tapestries, and twobeautifuldoors separatedbymorethan onefoot , It has manydecorations of ironandcopperDamascene; thatarebabAlRahmaand Bab AlTawba – Destroyedby time duetoearthquakesandweatherfactorswith a littleleftthatwasdiscoverednearthegates of Al-Marwanimosque.

