Bab Al Mgharba Spring
Theeastern of Bab Al-Mgharba, thenorthern of Al-Mgharbamosque, in the western side of AL-Aqsa mosque.
LandmarkLocationrelativetoDome of therock:
Thesouthwestside of theDome of theRock.
Thebegging of theOttomanEra.
Reason of the name:
Because of itslocation, theeastern of Bab Al-Mgharaba.
Builder Name: TheOttomans
Details of theshape:
Thespringconsists of theconstruction of a squarelength of about 3.5 m wideopen in each of its western andsouthernsidesandthenorthernwindowforwatering, whiletheeasternsection of thedoortoclimb a stairway. Thewell is located in thecenter of thespringand is toppedby an Ottomanshallowdome. And it is similartothespring of Ibrahim al-Roumi.
An Overview of theLandmark:
Itwascalledbecause of itslocation, theeastern of Bab Al-Mgharaba. It wasbuilt in thebeginning of theOttomanEra.
Theeastern of Bab Al-Mgharba, thenorthern of Al-Mgharbamosque, in the western side of AL-Aqsa mosque. Thesouthwestside of theDome of theRock. Thespringconsists of theconstruction of a squarelength of about 3.5 m wideopen in each of its western andsouthernsidesandthenorthernwindowforwatering, whiletheeasternsection of thedoortoclimb a stairway. Thewell is located in thecenter of thespringand is toppedby an Ottomanshallowdome. And it is similartothespring of Ibrahim al-Roumi.
King Issa Tank O’rwa Tank
LandmarkLocation: It is adjacenttothestaircase of the western pillarstothesouth, on the western side of Al-Aqsa Mosque.
LandmarkLocationrelativetoDome of therock:Southwest of theDome of theRock.
LandmarkHistory:Intheyear 607 AH / 1210 AD, theinscription is alsomentioned on theentrancetothe tank room, in theAyyubidperiod.
Reason of thename:Namedafterthepersonwhobuilt it.
Builder Name: Muhammad bin O’rwa Al-Musli, duringthe time of theAyyubid sultan Issa.
Details of theshape:
It is threeseparatelowerhallwayswithcutouts, one of whichextendsbeneaththeRock’snavetotheeast.
Additional Information aboutthelandmark:
-The tank wasusedtocollecttherainwaterfalling on theground of theRock’snavethroughchannelsthatfeedthe tank. One of thethreealleyswasusedduringtheMamlukperiod as a storehousefor Al-Aqsa Mosque andthelastmosque of theHanbalis. Itwasthenabandonedfor a period of time andlaterturnedinto a storeroomforthemosque’sgardens. Onepart of it is currentlyused as a medicalclinic, supportingthemedicalclinic in thenorth, andthebiggerpart of it serves as offices of theJordanianMinistry of WaqfandIslamicAffairs.
-Kingissa tank wasnamedafterthepersonwhobuilt it.
-It is located in thesouthwestside of theDome of theRock. Muhammad bin O’rwabuilt it duringthe time of theAyyubid sultan Issa, in 607 Ah 1210 AD. The tank wasusedtocollecttherainwaterfalling on theground of theRock’snavethroughchannelsthatfeedthe tank. One of thethreealleyswasusedduringtheMamlukperiod as a storehousefor Al-Aqsa Mosque andthelastmosque of theHanbalis. Itwasthenabandonedfor a period of time andlaterturnedinto a storeroomforthemosque’sgardens. Onepart of it is currentlyused as a medicalclinic, supportingthemedicalclinic in thenorth, andthebiggerpart of it serves as offices of theJordanianMinistry of WaqfandIslamicAffairs.
An Overview of theLandmark:
TheSouthernAblution of theDome of Al-Nahweya. Namedbecause it is located in thesouthernside, Department of IslamicWaqf., At theend of the 20thcentury.
A largeablutionfacilitywith 35 watertaps. In front of it aremarblechairsusedbypeopleduringwudoo’; ablution. It is consideredone of thelargestmeans of ablution, wherestonecubeswereplacedforpeopleto sit in front of thetaps.
Thesouth of thedome of Al-nahwaya, ablutionplace, wasnamedbecause it is located in thesouthside, builtbythedepartment of islamicendowments, at theend of the 20th century, it is consideredto be like a largebowlwith 35 faucetsandmarblechairsforusebypeopleduringwudoo; ablution’. It is consideredone of thegreatestmeans of ablution, wherestonecubeswereplacedto sit theablutions in front of thetaps.
The Bitter Orange Pond
LandmarkLocation: It is located in front of Al-Ashrfyaschool, Qait Bey andQasemBashasprings, tothesouth of AL-Aqsa mosque.
LandmarkLocationrelativetoDome of therock: South of theDome of theRock.
LandmarkHistory:TheOttomanperiod, it wasrepairedbytheSupremeIslamicCouncil in 1340 AH 1922 AD.
Reason of thename:Theexistence of bitter orangetreesneatoof it, duringitsconstruction.
Builder Name: TheOttomans.
Details of theshape:
-A squareshapedpondwith a length of 7 meters and a size of 49 meters.
-Itsgroundandwallswerepavedwithmarble, andthereare a fountain in thecenter, a metal railing, and24 faucets aroundthepondforablution.
Additional Information aboutthelandmark:
Al-Arif mentioned it withthe name of Al-narinjor Al-Ghajnj, a distortion of theword Al-Narang as demonstratedby Dr. Kamel Al-Asali in record 205 fromtherecords of theIslamic Court andthefollowing is stated:“To Al Aqsa Mosque, Al-Kaasand Al-Narinjpond, which is in themosque. AlNrainj is a kind of citrusthatresemblesorange”.
-SomehistoriansbelievethatponddatesbacktotheMamlukperiod, based on whatMujair al-Din said in the presence of his facadessouth of theQaitbaymausoleum. Thisdoes not applytothepool, as weexplained in thehadith of QasimBasha. It is likelythatthebuilding of theponddatesbacktotheOttomanperiod, whereSheikh Abdul Ghani Al Nabulsidescribed it as saying: “ThementionedschoolturnedtotheHanablamosque,
wherethefiveprayersaredeliveredseparately, and in front of it is a largepool fed bywaterfrom a fountain in themiddle of it. For thosewhowantablution, therearewaterpipesnear it”.
-ItwassuppliedwithwaterfromthenearbyQassemBashawaterwayreservoir. Thepondwaslaterdried.
An Overview of theLandmark:
An-NarinjPond is a square-shapedpond. It’s 7 meters longanditsarea is 49 squaremeters. Itsgroundandwallswerepavedwithmarble, andthere is a fountain in thecenter, a metal railing, and 24 faucetsaroundthepondforablution. It is located in front of Al-Ashrfyaschool, Qait Bey andQasemBashasprings, south of AL-Aqsa mosqueandtheDome of theRock. In theOttomanperiod, it wasrestoredbytheSupremeIslamicCouncil in 1340 AH 1922 AD. Perhapsthat it gotits name fromtheNarinjtrees (Bitter Orange) treesnextto it.
Al-Arif mentioned it withthe name of Al-narinjor Al-Ghajnj, a distortion of theword Al-Narang as demonstratedby Dr. Kamel Al-Asali in record 205 from therecords of theIslamic Court andthefollowing is stated:
“To Al Aqsa Mosque, Al-Kaasand Al-Narinjpond, which is in themosque. AlNrainj is a kind of citrus thatresemblesorange”.
SomehistoriansbelievethatponddatesbacktotheMamlukperiod, based on whatMujair al-Din said in the presence of his facadessouth of theQaitbaymausoleum. Thisdoes not applytothepool, as weexplained in thehadith of QasimBasha. It is likelythatthebuilding of theponddatesbacktotheOttomanperiod, whereSheikh Abdul Ghani Al Nabulsidescribed it as saying: “ThementionedschoolturnedtotheHanablamosque, wherethefiveprayersaredeliveredseparately, and in front of it is a largepool fed bywaterfrom a fountain in themiddle of it. For thosewhowantablution, therearewaterpipesnear it”. ItwassuppliedwithwaterfromthenearbyQassemBashawaterwayreservoir. Thepondwaslaterdried.
The Ablution Al Seqaya Al Mansorya
LandmarkLocation: It can be reachedfromoutside Al-Aqsa mosque’sborders.
LandmarkLocationrelativetoDome of therock: Southwestthedome of therock.
589 AH 1193 AD in theayyubidera.
Reason of the name:
Namedafter Sultan Al-MansourQalawoun.
Builder Name: Al-Adil king, Abu baker, brother of Salah Al-Din, ordereditsconstruction.
Details of theshape:
-Theonlybuildingleft of theAyyubidbuildingwherethere is an inscriptiondatingtotheconstructionandwassuppliedwithwaterthroughthe Canal, renewedPrinceAlaa Al-Din Al-Basiri in 666 AH / 1268 AD andcalled on behalf of the Al-Mansawiya Al-Sakayyahtheproportion of Sultan Al-MansourQalawun.
-ThetravelerIbn Fadlullah al-‘Umaridescribed it in 746 AH / 1345 AD, beside thishallway, there is thedoor of purity. ItincludestwoTaharites, oneforwomenandtheotherfor men. ThemaleTahariteincludestwenty-threehousesand a largefountain.
-It is reportedthatthewomen’scleaner is abovemen’scleaner. DuringtheOttoman time, it wascalled “cleaner”, and it wasrenovatedandexpandedseveraltimesbytheSupremeIslamicCouncilandthenrecentlybytheReconstructionCommittee of Awqaf, in ordertokeepupwiththeincrease of thenumber of worshipers, especially in Ramadan.
An Overview of theLandmark:
Thisablutionplace can be reachedthrough Al-Mutaharah Gate outsidethewalls of Al-Aqsa Mosque. Al-Adil king, Abu baker, brother of Salah Al-Din, ordereditsconstruction, in 589 AH 1193 AD in theayyubidera. Theonlybuildingleft of theAyyubidbuildingwherethere is an inscriptiondatingtotheconstructionandwassuppliedwithwaterthroughthe Canal, renewedPrinceAlaa Al-Din Al-Basiri in 666 AH / 1268 AD andcalled on behalf of the Al-Mansawiya Al-Sakayyahtheproportion of Sultan Al-MansourQalawun. ThetravelerIbn Fadlullah al-'Umaridescribed it in 746 AH / 1345 AD, beside thishallway, there is thedoor of purity. ItincludestwoTaharites, oneforwomenandtheotherfor men. ThemaleTahariteincludestwenty-threehousesand a largefountain.
It is saidthatthewomen’scleaner is abovemen’scleaner. DuringtheOttoman time, it wascalled “cleaner”, and it wasrenovatedandexpandedseveraltimesbytheSupremeIslamicCouncilandthenrecentlybytheReconstructionCommittee of Awqaf, in ordertokeepupwiththeincrease of thenumber of worshipers, especially in Ramadan.
The Cup Spring Mayda’at Al Kaas
LandmarkLocation: Is located in front of Al-Qibli Mosque in themiddle of thedistancebetween it andthesouthernpillarsleadingtotheDome of theRock; thesouthernside of Al-Aqsa Mosque.
LandmarkLocationrelativetoDome of therock:
Thesouthern of Dome of theRock.
737 AH. 1339 AD. intheMamlukera.
Reason of the name:
The cup springMayda’at Al-Kaas( place of ablution; Theplacewherepeople do wudoo 'in preparationforprayer Al-Kaasspring. Called Al-Kaasspringbecause of itsshape; whichlookslike a cup. Also, It has othernames, such as: “ Blessing”.
Builder Name:
Details of theshape:
-Itconsists of a circularpondwith a cup in itscenter, fromwhichthewaterflowsintothepond. Itpoursfromthe cup tothepond, beautifully, andthenfromthepooltothetaps; 20 tap.
-People spring of the cup forwudoo’; ( ablution) in particular, wheretheycomedowntothebeautifulstonechairs, withseveraldegrees.
Thehistory of thespring:
-Theoldestmention of the cup springdatesbackto 737 AH / 1339 AD in theMamlukperiod, wherethetravelerKhalid bin Issa al-Balawirecalledduring his visit, saying: “In thisbowl, a water tank comesfrom an arduousdistance, and a farawaycamouflagefromtheground. Its’ mountainswerecutoff, andthegreatrockswerecrackedwith hard moneyandheavyhands, untilthewaterpoured on Al-Aqsa Mosque and it wascrushedandspilledwhichledto a (poolorbasin) of a largemarble in front of the Great Mosque in themiddle of which a sparklingwater. It is clearfromthedescription of Balawithatthespring of the cup returnedbythewaterchannel.”
-Many of Al-Aqsa landmarks’ booksattributetheconstruction of thespringtothegreatAyyubid sultan, Salah Al-Din’sbrother, 589 AH. 1193 AD. andwasreestablished in the time of Al-MamlukprinceTheNazarene.
However, we do not findanyhistoricalindication of theattributionthe cup totheAyyubids. Todiscussthis, seethetext of thehistorianMajier al-Din: al-Nasseri, whocrossedthewaterchanneltothecity of Al-Quds Al-Sharif ( Jerusalem ), thebeginning of itsarchitecture in Shawwal, twenty-seven and seven hundred, arrived in Al-Quds Al-Sharif ( Jerusalem) andenteredthecenter of al-Aqsa Mosque in latespring, twenty-eightand seven hundred andworkedthemarblepondbetweenrockand Al-Aqsa to Al-Sabil ( thespring ), the cup is relatedtothespringchannel. Thehistorybooksdid not mentionAdel al-Ayoubi as a constructor of thespringchannel. Majier al-Dinstexttells us that Al-Nasrimadethemarblepond, not constructing it, becauseif he constructed it, wewould say that he didsoafter a damage, but whatdid he meanby“ constructing “ is “ making “; “ working” . However, in anothertext, IbnKatheermentionedthe time of thepondconstructionwith an orderfrom Al-Nasri :” in thelatemonth of march, thechannelreached Jerusalem whoordereditsconstructionandestablishment, Al-Nasri, he didsowiththegovernors of thoseareas; muslimswerehappy, it evenreached Al-Aqsa mosquebeach, whichcaused a hugepond; it is, however, a marblebetweentherockand Al-Aqsa, itsconstructionbegun at themonth of Shawwal in thelastyear.”
Al-Kaasspringwasrenewed in the time of theOttoman Sultan “ Sulieman Al-qanouni”, as thetravelerOliaJalabimintioned in his book “sayiaihtinamuh”: “ Thestepsthenproceeddirectlytowards a largewaterbasinbuilt of marble, cutfromoneblockaccordingtotheSultan’sowninstructions. It is a uniqueandunmatchedlandmark on theground.”
-TheHistory of the Spring summary:
Based on thetestimonies of historiansandtravelers, whichindicatethatthespringwhenTankz Al-Nasribuiltwas a basin (orpond – as mentionedMajier Al-Din) andthatSuliemanaddedthe cup “ Al-Kaas” fromwhichthewatergoesout of thebasin of onepiece of marble – as weseeuntiltoday. In addition, thespringremained a largebasinWaterdrinkdirectlyfromvisitors. Theexcesswaterfromthe cup “ Al-Kaas” basinpassedthrough a groundchanneltothenearby lake well, As Abdul GhaniNabulsipointedout, “Wefoundthe cup in front of thedoors of Al-Aqsa Mosque, a largemarblecupboard, fivecubitsdeep in fivearms, in a fountain in thecenter of thelarge, And it is pouredintothesinksaround it andbeing a large tank in theland of themosqueaboutfortycubitsandwidth as well, and has fourmouthsbuiltwithstones – toextractwaterwithbuckets – in the form of humans »| In 1340 AH / 1922, theSupremeIslamicCouncildecidedto put Darbizin “ fences “ aroundthepondtopreventtamperingwiththeabusersandthenrenewedthestonechairsaroundhimandworkedtapsforablution.
Sheikh Raed Salah, head of theIslamicMovement in Palestine 48, Sheikh al-Aqsa Mosque, saidthattheexcavations of theZionists in thevicinity of Al- Aqsa Mosque andbelow it reachedunderthis cup “ Al-Kaas” , whichindicatesthat it reached a dangerousstagethatthreatenstheheart of Al-Aqsa Mosque; and not onlyexternalparts.
An Overview of theLandmark:
The cup springorMayda’at Al-kaasspring. It is located in front of Al-Qibli Mosque in themiddle of thedistancebetween it andthesouthernpillarsleadingtotheDome of theRock; thesouthernside of Al-Aqsa Mosque. Itwasnamedthe cup; because of itsshape;whichlookslike a cup. Also, It has othernames, such as: “ Blessing”. Tnkz Al-Nasribuilt it in 737 AH – 1339 AD. intheMamlukEra. Itconsists of a circularpondwith a cup in itscenter, fromwhichthewaterflowsintothepond. Itpoursfromthe cup tothepond, beautifully, andthenfromthepooltothetaps; 20 tap. People spring of the cup forwudoo’; ( ablution) in particular, wheretheycomedowntothebeautifulstonechairs, withseveraldegrees.
Thehistory of thespring:
Theoldestmention of the cup springdatesbackto 737 AH / 1339 AD in theMamlukperiod, wherethetravelerKhalid bin Issa al-Balawirecalledduring his visit, saying: “In thisbowl, a water tank comesfrom an arduousdistance, and a farawaycamouflagefromtheground. Its’ mountainswerecutoff, andthegreatrockswerecrackedwith hard moneyandheavyhands, untilthewaterpoured on Al-Aqsa Mosque and it wascrushedandspilledwhichledto a (pondorbasin) of a largemarble in front of the Great Mosque in themiddle of which a sparklingwater. It is clearfromthedescription of Balawithatthespring of the cup returnedbythewaterchannel.”
Many of Al-Aqsa landmarks’ booksattributetheconstruction of thespringtothegreatAyyubid sultan, Salah Al-Din’sbrother, 589 AH. 1193 AD. andwasreestablished in the time of Al-MamlukprinceTheNazarene.
However, we do not findanyhistoricalindication of theattributionthe cup totheAyyubids. Todiscussthis, seethetext of thehistorianMajier al-Din: al-Nasseri, whocrossedthewaterchanneltothecity of Al-Quds Al-Sharif ( Jerusalem ), thebeginning of itsarchitecture in Shawwal, twenty-seven and seven hundred, arrived in Al-Quds Al-Sharif ( Jerusalem) andenteredthecenter of al-Aqsa Mosque in latespring, twenty-eightand seven hundred andworkedthemarblepondbetweenrockand Al-Aqsa to Al-Sabil ( thespring ), the cup is relatedtothespringchannel. Thehistorybooksdid not mentionAdel al-Ayoubi as a constructor of thespringchannel. Majier al-Dinstexttells us that Al-Nasrimadethemarblepond, not constructing it, becauseif he constructed it, wewould say that he didsoafter a damage, but whatdid he meanby“ constructing “ is “ making “; “ working” . However, in anothertext, IbnKatheermentionedthe time of thepondconstructionwith an orderfrom Al-Nasri :” in thelatemonth of march, thechannelreached Jerusalem whoordereditsconstructionandestablishment, Al-Nasri, he didsowiththegovernors of thoseareas; muslimswerehappy, it evenreached Al-Aqsa mosquebeach, whichcaused a hugepond; it is, however, a marblebetweentherockand Al-Aqsa, itsconstructionbegun at themonth of Shawwal in thelastyear.”
– Al-Kaasspringwasrenewed in the time of theOttoman Sultan “ Sulieman Al-qanouni”, as thetravelerOliaJalabimentioned in his book “sayiaihtinamuh”: “ Thestepsthenproceeddirectlytowards a largewaterbasinbuilt of marble, cutfromoneblockaccordingtotheSultan’sowninstructions. It is a uniqueandunmatchedlandmark on theground.”
-Based on thetestimonies of historiansandtravelers, whichindicatethatthespringwhenTankz Al-Nasribuiltwas a basin (orpond – as mentionedMajier Al-Din) andthatSuliemanaddedthe cup “ Al-Kaas” fromwhichthewatergoesout of thebasin of onepiece of marble – as weseeuntiltoday.
- In addition, thespringremained a largebasinWaterdrinkdirectlyfromvisitors. Theexcesswaterfromthe cup “ Al-Kaas” basinpassedthrough a groundchanneltothenearby lake well, As Abdul GhaniNabulsipointedout, “Wefoundthe cup in front of thedoors of Al-Aqsa Mosque, a largemarblecupboard, five cubitsdeep in five arms, in a fountain in thecenter of thelarge, And it is pouredintothesinksaround it andbeing a large tank in theland of themosqueaboutfortycubitsandwidth as well, and has fourmouths builtwithstones – toextractwaterwithbuckets – in the form of humans »| In 1340 AH / 1922, theSupremeIslamicCouncildecidedto put Darbizin “ fences “ aroundthepondtopreventtamperingwiththeabusersandthenrenewedthestonechairsaroundhimandworkedtapsforablution.
-Sheikh Raed Salah, head of theIslamicMovement in Palestine 48, Sheikh al-Aqsa Mosque, saidthattheexcavations of theZionists in thevicinity of Al- Aqsa Mosque andbelow it reachedunderthis cup “ Al-Kaas” , whichindicatesthat it reached a dangerousstagethatthreatenstheheart of Al-Aqsa Mosque; and not onlyexternalparts
Ablution Taps
In thesouthernside of Al-Aqsa betweenthetwoterraces.
LandmarkLocationrelativetoDome of therock:
Southwest of Qubbat Al-Sakhra, “dome of therock”.
Wasconstructed in thenewera.
Reason of the name:
An Overview of theLandmark:
- It is located in thesouthernside of Al-Aqsa betweenthetwoterraces, Southwest of Qubbat Al-Sakhra, “dome of therock”.
- It’s name relativetoitslocationbetweenthetwoterraces, in thesouthernside of AL-Aqsa betweenthetwoterraces, southwest of qubbat Al-sakhra, “ dome of therock”, it wasconstructed in thenewera.
Al Zaytona Spring
Thesouthernside of Al-Aqsa mosque, thenorthern of Al-Kaasspring.
LandmarkLocationrelativetoDome of therock:
Thesouthern western side of Qubbat Al-Sakhra( dome of therock )
In thenewera.
Reason of the name:
Relativetotheolivetreewhich is located in thecenter of thespring, surroundedbytaps.
Details of theshape:
There is an ancientolivetree in the site of thespring, in theOttomanperiod, called Al- Zaytouna of theProphet ,anditsolivetreewherethe folk taletellsthattheProphetMuhammad, peace be uponhim, planted it. It is mentionedthat at thebeginning of thelastcentury, thesheens of theprophetMosesseasonwerearoundthattree.
An Overview of theLandmark:
Reltivetotheolivetreewhich is located in thecenter of thespting, surrrounedbytaps, it is in thesouthernside of Al-Aqsa mosque, there is an ancientolivetree in the site of thespring, in theottomanperiod, called Al-Zaytouna o thprophet, anditsolivetreewherethe folk taletellsthatthepropthetMuhammadpeace be uponhim, planted it. It is mentionedthat at thebegginning of thelastcentury, thesheens of theprophtetMosesseasonwerearoundthattree. Thespringwasconstrcuted in thenewera
Bab Al Mgharba Spring
Theeastern of Bab Al-Mgharba, thenorthern of Al-Mgharbamosque, in the western side of AL-Aqsa mosque.
LandmarkLocationrelativetoDome of therock:
Thesouthwestside of theDome of theRock.
Thebegging of theOttomanEra.
Reason of the name:
Because of itslocation, theeastern of Bab Al-Mgharaba.
Builder Name: TheOttomans
Details of theshape:
Thespringconsists of theconstruction of a squarelength of about 3.5 m wideopen in each of its western andsouthernsidesandthenorthernwindowforwatering, whiletheeasternsection of thedoortoclimb a stairway. Thewell is located in thecenter of thespringand is toppedby an Ottomanshallowdome. And it is similartothespring of Ibrahim al-Roumi.
An Overview of theLandmark:
Itwascalledbecause of itslocation, theeastern of Bab Al-Mgharaba. It wasbuilt in thebeginning of theOttomanEra.
Theeastern of Bab Al-Mgharba, thenorthern of Al-Mgharbamosque, in the western side of AL-Aqsa mosque. Thesouthwestside of theDome of theRock. Thespringconsists of theconstruction of a squarelength of about 3.5 m wideopen in each of its western andsouthernsidesandthenorthernwindowforwatering, whiletheeasternsection of thedoortoclimb a stairway. Thewell is located in thecenter of thespringand is toppedby an Ottomanshallowdome. And it is similartothespring of Ibrahim al-Roumi.
Ablution Dispensers
Thesouthern of Al-Nahwayaschool.
LandmarkLocationrelativetoDome of therock: SouthwestDome of theRock.
Reason of the name: Because it is located in thesouth.
Details of theshape:
-One of thegreatestsprings of Al-Aqsa, forablution, however, manycubesstonewereplacedforpeople to sit in front of thetaps.
-Itconsists 30 faucets.
An Overview of theLandmark:
One of thegreatestsprings of Al-Aqsa, forablution, however, manycubesstonewereplacedforpeople to sit in front of thetaps
Qasem Basha Spring
East of Al-Ashrafiehschool, andsouth of thepind of Narang in the western side of Al-Aqsa Mosque.
LandmarkLocationrelativetoDome of therock:
SouthwestQubbat Al-Sakhra“ Dome of theRock”.
933 AH 1527 AD. In theOttomanera.
Reason of the name:
Renovatedandreconstructedbythegovernor of Jerusalem QasimBasha.
Builder Name:
Renovatedandreconstructedbythegovernor of Jerusalem QasimBasha, in thereign of Sultan Suleiman Al-Qanouni.
Details of theshape:
-Thespring is octagonal, toppedby a domeshapedlike a helmet. Itconsist of sixteenfaucets, whichdropabout 1.43 meters fromthemosque, sothatthewater of thechannelcomingfromunder Bab Al-Silsila, flowsintoitsreservoiranddescendstothefaucets of thespringthroughfourdegreesfromitseightsides.
- Leadcoveredwoodpreventssunlighttoreachpeople in thesummerandwinterrains.
-It is likelythatthespringwasbuilt at the site of Fesqiyah, whichwasestablishedbytheMamluk Sultan Qaitbay, south of Qaitbayterracespring, as mentionedbyMujair Al-Din.
Additional Information aboutthelandmark:
-ThiswasconfirmedbyMuhammad ibn Khudr al-Roumidated 982 AH / 1574AD, wholived in thebeginning of theOttomanera in saying: Therearealsotwospringstowardsthe Al-Ashrafiyyaschool, which is attributedtothelate Sultan Qaitbay, oneis for Al-Hanafyahandtheother is for Al-Shafeyah.
-Weunderstandfromtheview of Al-Rumi thatthespring of Qaitbaywasthewudoo ‘of Al-Shafi’iyah (theMamlukstatedoctrine). Al-FesqiyahspringQasembashalater, wasthewudoo’ of Al-Hanafyah( Theottomanstatedoctrine).
-Providingthespringthroughthechannel of thespringfromSulieman’spondsuntilthe British Mandateperiod, andthenbecamesuppliedwithwaterfromthesewagepipes.
-Thespringwasrepaired in 1418H (1997 AD).
An Overview of theLandmark:
RelativetotherenovatedandreconstructedQasimBasha, and is called Bab Al-Makhmehspringrelativeto Bab Al-Silsilaspringthat is locatednear it. It is located in theeast of Al-Ashrafiehschool, andsouth of thepind of Narang in the western side of Al-Aqsa Mosque, andsouthwestQubbat Al-Sakhra“ Dome of theRock”. Itwasrenovatedandreconstructedbythegovernor of Jerusalem QasimBasha, in thereign of Sultan Suleiman Al-Qanouni, in 933 AH 1527 AD. In theOttomanera. Thespring is octagonal, toppedby a domeshapedlike a helmet. Itconsist of sixteenfaucets, whichdropabout 1.43 meters fromthemosque, sothatthewater of thechannelcomingfromunder Bab Al-Silsila, flowsintoitsreservoiranddescendstothefaucets of thespringthroughfourdegreesfromitseightsides. Lead-coveredwoodpreventssunlighttoreachpeople in thesummerandwinterrains.
It is likelythatthespringwasbuilt at the site of Fesqiyah, whichwasestablishedbytheMamluk Sultan Qaitbay, south of Qaitbayterracespring, as mentionedbyMujair Al-Din. ThiswasconfirmedbyMuhammad ibn Khudr al-Roumidated 982 AH / 1574AD, wholived in thebeginning of theOttomanera in saying: Therearealsotwospringstowardsthe Al-Ashrafiyyaschool, which is attributedtothelate Sultan Qaitbay, oneis for Al-Hanafyahandtheother is for Al-Shafeyah.
Weunderstandfromtheview of Al-Rumi thatthespring of Qaitbaywasthewudoo ‘of Al-Shafi’iyah (theMamlukstatedoctrine). Al-FesqiyahspringQasembashalater, wasthewudoo’ of Al-Hanafyah( Theottomanstatedoctrine).
Providingthespringthroughthechannel of thespringfromSulieman’spondsuntilthe British Mandateperiod, andthenbecamesuppliedwithwaterfromthesewagepipes. Thespringwasrepaired in 1418H (1997 AD).
Qayt Bay Spring
In theface of Bab Al-Mtahranexttotheroadleadingtothe western staircasetothe
rock.LandmarkLocationrelativetoDome of therock:
In the western side of Qubbat Al-Sakhra, dome of therock.
In theMamlukperiod in AH 859 / AD 1455, thebuildingwasrebuilt in 887 AH / 1482 AD. Thebuildingwasrenewed in 1300 AH / 1882 AD
Reason of the name:
In relationtotheMamluk Sultan, AshrafQaitbay, whoorderedtherebuilding of thespring.
Builder Name: TheMamluk sultan, InalSabila, wasrebuiltbytheMamluk Sultan Al-AshrafQaitbay. Thenthenewspring in theera of theOttoman Sultan Abdul Hamid II.
Details of theshape:
-High andbeautiful, height of 13 meters andthewidth of thebasesquare 4.5 meters opened three largewindowstoprovidewater as it ascendstodegreesand on thewestside is thedoor of thespring.
-Itwasused in theconstruction of coloredstones in what is known as Al-Mashharor Al-Ablaq. It has a beautifulstonedomedecoratedwithfloralmotifsfromtheoutside. It is theonlyone in Al-Aqsa Mosque, which is decoratedfromtheoutside.
-One of itsaesthetics is thefactthat it did not movefromsquaretodomedirectly in contrasttotheshallowOttomandomes, fromsquareshapetotriangles.
Additional Information aboutthelandmark:
-On thespringthere is a largeterracewith a stonenichedatingbacktotheMamlukperiod.
-Belowthespringthere is a largewell-wateredwellthatextendstothe western gallery of Al-Aqsa length of 28 meters andwidth 6 meters anddepth of 11 metersand a halfmeters.
-There is an exquisitebookthatchroniclesthesultanswholivethewayandexplainsthepurpose of buildingthespringand a verse of theHolyQuran.
-In 140 AH / 1981 AD. Zionistexcavationswerefoundstretchingfromwesttoeastunder Bab Al-mtaharandimplementedtothewellfor a length of morethan 25 meters inside thecourtyards of Al-Aqsa Mosque and not separatedonly a fewmetersfromtheDome of theRock in Al-Aqsa Mosque andstillpassthroughtwosets of faucets In itssouthernandnorthernregions.
An Overview of theLandmark:
It is In theface of Bab Al-Mtahranexttotheroadleadingtothe western staircasetotherock. In the western side of Qubbat Al-Sakhra, dome of therock. TheMamluk sultan, InalSabila, wasrebuiltbytheMamluk Sultan Al-AshrafQaitbay. Thenthenewspring in theera of theOttoman Sultan Abdul Hamid II. In theMamlukperiod in AH 859 / AD 1455, thebuildingwasrebuilt in 887 AH / 1482 AD. Thebuildingwasrenewed in 1300 AH / 1882 AD
High andbeautiful, height of 13 meters andthewidth of thebasesquare 4.5 meters openedthreelargewindowstoprovidewater as it ascendstodegreesand on thewestside is thedoor of thespring.
Itwasused in theconstruction of coloredstones in what is known as Al-Mashharor Al-Ablaq. It has a beautifulstonedomedecoratedwithfloralmotifsfromtheoutside. It is theonlyone in Al-Aqsa Mosque, which is decoratedfromtheoutside. One of itsaesthetics is thefactthat it did not movefromsquaretodomedirectly in contrasttotheshallowOttomandomes, fromsquareshapetotriangles. On thespringthere is a largeterracewith a stonenichedatingbacktotheMamlukperiod. Belowthespringthere is a largewell-wateredwellthatextendstothe western gallery of Al-Aqsa length of 28 metersandwidth 6 meters anddepth of 11 meters and a halfmeters. There is an exquisitebookthatchroniclesthesultanswholivethewayandexplainsthepurpose of buildingthespringand a verse of theHolyQuran. In 140 AH / 1981 AD. Zionistexcavationswerefoundstretchingfromwesttoeastunder Bab Al-mtaharandimplementedtothewellfor a length of morethan 25 meters inside thecourtyards of Al-Aqsa Mosque and not separatedonly a fewmetersfromtheDome of theRock in Al-Aqsa Mosque andstillpassthrough twosets of faucets In itssouthernandnorthernregions.
Shalaan Spring
Belowthestaircase of the North Western pillarsleadingtotheDome of theRockbowloffthedoor of thebeholderwest of Al Aqsa Mosque.
LandmarkLocationrelativetoDome of therock:
The Western of theDome of theRock.
In theAyyubidperiod (613 Hijri AD 1216) andwasrenewed in theMamlukperiod (832 AH / 1429) andthentheOttoman.
Reason of the name:
In relationtothefamily of Shaalan, whosesonstookthejob of watering in thisspring, andIbrahim Bin Shalaanwasone of them.
Builder Name:
ThespringwasestablishedbyMuhammad ibn Erwa al-Musli in 613 AH 1216 AD duringthe time of King Issa al-Ayyubi.
And thenrenewed in theMamlukera in the time of AshrafBarbesai in 832 AH / 1429 bythehead of the Al-Aqsa Mosque Shaheen Al-Shuja'i. Itwasrenovated in theOttomanperiodbyPirmPasha, governor of Egyptunderthesupervision of thegovernor of Jerusalem, MohammedBasha.
Details of theshape:
-On theinterface of theroadarethreepaintings of thefirstinscriptionfromtheleft, indicatingtheAyyubidconstructionandtheright panel totheOttomanrenovation.
-ThespringwassuppliedfromtheErwawellunderthedoor. Thewell is located inside a registrationroom, a smallroomtoppedby a beautifulstonedome.
Additional Information aboutthelandmark:
- The presence of threeengravingsshowsthegreatness of thisspringanditsimportanceand is located in front of thedoor of thebeholderone of the main doors of the Al-Aqsa Mosque wheretheseat of theCustodian of theTwoHolyMosques.
-It is interestingthatthespringwas not namedbypeople in the name of thekingsandprinceswholived but was in the name of thefamilyShaalan, whosesonstookthejob of watering in thisspring, Ibrahim bin Shaalan. However, thespringwasuntilthelastera of the British occupation, but today it is disabled.
An Overview of theLandmark:
- Belowthestaircase of the North Western pillarsleadingtotheDome of theRockbowloffthedoor of thebeholderwest of Al Aqsa Mosque.
- ThespringwasestablishedbyMuhammad ibn Erwa al-Musli in 613 AH 1216 AD duringthe time of King Issa al-Ayyubi. And thenrenewed in theMamlukera in the time of AshrafBarbesai in 832 AH / 1429 bythehead of the Al-Aqsa Mosque Shaheen Al-Shuja’i. Itwasrenovated in theOttomanperiodbyPirmPasha, governor of Egyptunderthesupervision of thegovernor of Jerusalem, MohammedBasha.
In theAyyubidperiod (613 Hijri AD 1216) andwasrenewed in theMamlukperiod (832 AH / 1429) andthentheOttoman. On theinterface of theroadarethreepaintings of thefirstinscriptionfromtheleft, indicatingtheAyyubidconstructionandtheright panel totheOttomanrenovation.
- ThespringwassuppliedfromtheErwawellunderthedoor. Thewell is located inside a registrationroom, a smallroomtoppedby a beautifulstonedome.
The presence of threeengravingsshowsthegreatness of thisspringanditsimportanceand is located in front of thedoor of thebeholderone of the main doors of the Al-Aqsa Mosque wheretheseat of theCustodian of theTwoHolyMosques.
It is interestingthatthespringwas not namedbypeople in the name of thekingsandprinceswholived but was in the name of thefamilyShaalan, whosesonstookthejob of watering in thisspring, Ibrahim bin Shaalan. However, thespringwasuntilthelastera of the British occupation, but today it is disabled.
Budayri (Mustafa Agha) Spring
Thespring is locatedabout 20 meters southeast of Bab al-Nazer, west of Al-Aqsa Mosque.
LandmarkLocationrelativetoDome of therock:
SouthwestDome of theRock.
1153 AH 1740 AD.
Reason of the name:
Relativetoitsconstructor Mustafa Agha, and Al-Bderi, because Al-ShaikhMohammedBdeir, built it later, ormaybejustbecausethespring is located in theface of Al-ShaikhBder’shomeand his mausoleum.
Builder Name:
Mustafa Aghawith an orderfromthegovernor“ Osman Bey Al-Faqari”.
Details of theshape:
-It is theconstruction of thebaseboxwithoneand a halflengthmeter, and a height of 4 meters.
-Thespring is joinedby a balcony of thesame name. Therearetwostairsforthepersonwhowantstoclimbtothebasinwhere he usedtogetwaterthroughthewaterer . He usedtobringthewatertothespringfor 24 loaves of bread.
-Abovethebasearefourshortcolumns of ornatemarble, And thenorthern, western andsouthernfrontfacadeareopenandeach has an ironrailingwith a hole tofillthe cup fromthebasin.
-Thefourtharea is theeast is a stonewall, on theroof of thespring a stonedome, and in theeastwallclosed at a height of abouttwometersabovethemastaba, a 62 * 40 cm panel with seven lines of poetry in a texthand“ Naskh” in smalllettersandthroughthetextpoeticdescription of thespring, thatitswaterhealstheecho.
Additional Information aboutthelandmark:
-Thespring is disablednow.
- Relativetoitsconstructor Mustafa Agha, and Al-Bderi, because Al-ShaikhMohammedBdeir, built it later, ormaybejustbecausethespring is located in theface of Al-ShaikhBder’shomeand his mausoleum. Thespring is locatedabout 20 meterssoutheast of Bab al-Nazer, west of Al-Aqsa Mosque. Mustafa Aghawith an orderfromthegovernor“ Osman Bey Al-Faqari” 1153 AH 1740 AD . It is theconstruction of thebaseboxwithoneand a halflengthmeter, and a height of 4 meters.
- Thespring is joinedby a balcony of thesame name. Therearetwostairsforthepersonwhowantstoclimbtothebasinwhere he usedtogetwaterthroughthewaterer . He usedtobringthewatertothespringfor 24 loaves of bread. Abovethebasearefourshortcolumns of ornatemarble. And thenorthern, western andsouthernfrontfacadeareopenandeach has an ironrailingwith a hole tofillthe cup fromthebasin. Thefourtharea is theeast is a stonewall, on theroof of thespring a stonedome, and in theeastwallclosed at a height of abouttwometersabovethemastaba, a 62 * 40 cm panel with seven lines of poetry in a texthand“ Naskh” in smalllettersandthroughthetextpoeticdescription of thespring, thatitswaterhealstheecho.
Al Basiri (Ibrahim Al Roumi) Spring
Eastern of Bab Al-Nathir, western of Al-Aqsa mosque.
LandmarkLocationrelativetoDome of therock: Southeast of Qubbat Al-Sakhra“ dome of therock”
Itwasrepaired in 839 AH 1435 AD.
Reason of the name:
RelativetoAlaa Al-Din AL-Basiri, whoconstructed it, andthe name of thespring is attributedtoIbrahim Al-Roumiwhorepaired it.
Details of theshape:
-Is a square-shapedbuildingwith a length of threeand a halfmeters. Eachside has a largewindowwith an ironrailing on it. Theeasternwindow is used as an entrancetothespring. Itascends twosteps andthere is an openingforthewell in themiddle of thespring.
-Itseemsthatthestyle of thebuilding of thespring; wherethedecoration of thePersiansteeth, on theupperedge, fromtheshallow (lowandwithout a neck) that do not resembleMamlukdomes, that it wasrebuilt in theOttomanera.
-Interestingly, it wasstated in theinscription: thatthebuilderHajIbrahim Al-Roumiwantedtoletpoorpeopletodrink fromthewell, and it is not permissibleforanyonewhowantstofill his bottle (forthepurpose of sellingwater) tousethewell.
An Overview of theLandmark:
RelativetoAlaa Al-Din AL-Basiri, whoconstructed it, andthe name of thespring is attributedtoIbrahim Al-Roumiwhorepaired it. Eastern of Bab Al-Nathir, western of Al-Aqsa mosque. Southeast of Qubbat Al-Sakhra“ dome of therock” ItwasconstructedbyAlaa AL-Din Al-basiri, andrepairedbyIbrahim AL-roumi. Itwasrepaired in 839 AH 1435 AD. It Is a square-shapedbuildingwith a length of threeand a halfmeters. Eachside has a largewindowwith an ironrailing on it. Theeasternwindow is used as an entrancetothespring. Itascends twosteps andthere is an openingforthewell in themiddle of thespring.
Itseemsthatthestyle of thebuilding of thespring; wherethedecoration of thePersiansteeth, on theupperedge, fromtheshallow (lowandwithout a neck) that do not resembleMamlukdomes, that it wasrebuilt in theOttomanera.
Interestingly, it wasstated in theinscription: thatthebuilderHajIbrahim Al-Roumiwantedtoletpoorpeopletodrink fromthewell, and it is not permissibleforanyonewhowantstofill his bottle (forthepurpose of sellingwater) tousethewell.
Bab Hatta Spring
It is located in theleftside of theleadingstairto Bab Hatta lavatory. Thenorthern of Al-Aqsa mosque.
LandmarkLocationrelativetoDome of therock:
Thenorthern of Qubbat Al-Sakhra( dome of therock ).
Reason of the name: Because of its presence in theeasternside of thewall of Bab Hatta.
Builder Name:
TheOttomans, Itwasrestoredby Al Aqsa Foundation fortheReconstruction of HolySites
Details of theshape:
A simplespring of making a taperednecklacecoveringthebasin of thespringandabovethearch is thedecoration of thePersians, whichcharacterizetheOttomanbuildings.
Additional Information aboutthelandmark:
-Ali Jarallah, the son of theMufti of Jerusalem, stoppedthespring in 1060 AH / 1650 AD, wheretherearemanypropertiesbelongingtothefamily of Jarallahbetweenthegates of Hattaandhonor of theprophets.
-Wasrenovatedby Al-Aqsa Foundation fortheReconstruction of IslamicHolySitesduringitsconstruction of thenearbylatrineunitandwaslaterabolished.
An Overview of theLandmark:
Because of its presence in theeasternside of thewall of Bab Hatta it wascalled Bab Hatta spring. It is located in theleftside of theleadingstairto Bab Hatta lavatory.
- Thenorthern of Al-Aqsa mosque. Itwasconstructed in TheOttomansera, Itwasrestoredby Al Aqsa Foundation fortheReconstruction of HolySites.Wasrenovatedby Al-Aqsa Foundation fortheReconstruction of IslamicHolySitesduringitsconstruction of thenearbylatrineunitandwaslaterabolished.
- A simplespring of making a taperednecklacecoveringthebasin of thespringandabovethearch is thedecoration of thePersians, whichcharacterizetheOttomanbuildings.
- Ali Jarallah, the son of theMufti of Jerusalem, stoppedthespring in 1060 AH / 1650 AD, wheretherearemanypropertiesbelongingtothefamily of Jarallahbetweenthegates of Hattaandhonor of theprophets.
Sulieman Al Qanouni Spring
About 20 meters from Bab Faisal neartheDome of theProphet'slovers”QubbatOshaq Al-Nabi” , on thenorthernside of Al-Aqsa Mosque.
LandmarkLocationrelativetoDome of therock:
North West theDome of theRock.
Reason of the name:
RelativetoSulieman Al-Qanouniwhoorderedtheconstruction of thespring.
Builder Name:
Sulieman Al-Qanouni.
Details of theshape:
-Thefacade of thespringanditsdecoration is similarto thedoor of thechainspring “ Bab Al-Silsila “ andothersprings of Sultan Suleiman, wherescattered in theancientcityandaround it.
-In thecenter of thespringandabovethebasin is a plaqueengravingthetitles of Sultan Suleiman Al-Qanouniwhoorderedtheconstruction of thespring. There is a smallmarbleplateabovethepreviouspaintingwithtwolines in theOttomanlanguageand in verysmalllettersandtheinscription is usedtoreconstructthisspringlater.
Additional Information aboutthelandmark:
-There is a terracedirectlybehindthespring, sothattherearfacade of theavenue is a mihrab ”niche” of thismausoleumandabovethe mihrab “niche ” there is a renewalpainting of it, byorder of Sultan Suleiman Al-Qanouni.
-ThespringwassuppliedthroughthecanalthattransportedwaterfromSulieman’spondto Jerusalem. But, thespring is disablednow.
–In 1418 AH / 1997 AD. A place of ablutionwasbuiltaroundthespring of Suleiman, consisting of 34 faucet withstonebenches.
An Overview of theLandmark:
RelativetoSulieman Al-Qanouniwhoorderedtheconstruction of thespring. About 20 meters from Bab Faisal neartheDome of theProphet’slovers”QubbatOshaq Al-Nabi” , on thenorthernside of Al-Aqsa Mosque.
- North West theDome of theRock. Thefacade of thespring anditsdecoration is similarto thedoor of thechainspring “ Bab Al-Silsila “ andothersprings of Sultan Suleiman, wherescattered in theancientcityandaround it.
- In thecenter of thespringandabovethebasin is a plaqueengravingthetitles of Sultan Suleiman Al-Qanouniwhoorderedtheconstruction of thespring. There is a smallmarbleplateabovethepreviouspaintingwithtwolines in theOttomanlanguageand in verysmalllettersandtheinscription is usedtoreconstructthisspringlater. There is a terracedirectlybehindthespring, sothattherearfacade of theavenue is a mihrab ”niche” of thismausoleumandabovethe mihrab “niche ” there is a renewalpainting of it, byorder of Sultan Suleiman Al-Qanouni.
- ThespringwassuppliedthroughthecanalthattransportedwaterfromSulieman’spondto Jerusalem. But, thespring is disablednow.
In 1418 AH / 1997 AD. A place of ablutionwasbuiltaroundthespring of Suleiman, consisting of 34 faucet withstonebenches.
Bab Al Asbat Spring
Eastern of Bab Al-asbatminaret, northern of Al-Aqsa mosque.
LandmarkLocationrelativetoDome of therock:
Eastern of Bab Al-asbatminaret, northern of Al-Aqsa mosque.
Details of theshape:
4 faucets based on a mysticalframework.
An Overview of theLandmark:
It is located in theeastern of Bab AL-Asbatminaret, northern of Al-Aqsa mosque, andnorthwesttheholyrock, it has 4 faucets that is based on a mysticalframework.
Bab Al Rahma Spring
Western side of Bab Al-Rahma, in front of Al-Ahmadiaschools’ stair in theeasternside of Al-Aqsa mosque.
RelativetoDome of therock: Thesouthern western side of thedome of therock( Qubbat AL-Sakhra ).
In september 1416 AH 1995 AD.
Reason of the name:
Builder Name:
An Overview of theLandmark:
Reason of its name is because of itslocation, which is located in the western side of Bab Al-Rahmaand Al-Tawba in front of Al-Ahmadiaschools’ stair in theeasternside of AL-Aqsa mosque, thesouthern western side of thedome of therock( Qubbat Al-Sakhra ), constructedbytheIslamicHeritageCommittee, in september 1416 AH 1995 AD
Burhan Al Din Rostrum Spring
Landmark Location:
Adjacenttothestairs of the South pillarsfromthewestbehind Burhan al-Din pulpitsouth of Al-Aqsa Mosque.
LandmarkLocationrelativetoDome of therock:
Southern of Qubbat Al-Sakhra“ Dome of therock “.
At theend of 1418 AH 1998 AD.
Reason of the name:
Relativetoitslocationbehind Burhan al-Din rostrum.
Builder Name:
Details of theshape:
-It has 24 faucets
An Overview of theLandmark:
It is locatedadjacenttothesouth of thepillarstothewestbehindthe Burhan al-Din rostrumsouth of Al-Aqsa Mosque, south of theDome of theRock. ItwasrecentlyestablishedbytheCommitteeforReconstruction at theend of 1418 AH / 1998. It has 24 faucets.