Noor Al Din Zinke Minbar (Pulpit)
LandmarkLocation: South of themosque, inside Al-Qibli Mosque.
LandmarkLocationrelativetoDome of therock: South of theDome
Landmark History:564 AH, 1168 AD
Reason of thename:Namedafter Noor Al-Din Zinke
Builder Name: Noor Al-Din zinkeordered Al-Najjar Al-Ahtarenitobuild it, and it tookhim 10 yearstofinish it.
ـ it is a rostrummade of woodanddecoratedwithivoryandebony.
It is distinguishedbyconnectingitsparts in a way of interlockwithouttheuse of othertoolssuch as glueandnails. It has a gatethatrisesabove it with a greatcrownand a staircasethatreachestotothearchabove.
As fortheengraving of thepulpit, it was as follows:
On therightside: theengraving of Surah Al-Nahl, verse: 90 -93.
On thesameside, at thelevel of where Al- Khatibsits: Surah Al-Tawba, verse (18) was
inscribed inside a framewiththeword “God” in themiddle.
On theleftside: thefollowingtextwasengraved”Inthe name of GodtheMostGracioustheMostMerciful. Theorder of buildingtheMinbarwaspassedbythehumbleworshipperwhoasksforAllah’smercy, thethankfulfor His grace, Al- Mujahidfor His sake, and Al-Murabit at thecusp of His religion’senemies; thejustking Noor Al-Deen, thesupporter of IslamandMuslims, he whodoesjusticetotheoppressedandtakesvengeancefromtheoppressors, Abu Al-QasimMahmoud bin Zinki bin AqSinqar, theonewhostandsupforthe Commander of theFaithful, may Allah reward his supporters, retain his strength, anduphold his beacon. May Allah spread his bannersandflagseverywhere, rewardthesupporters of his state, humiliatetheungrateful, andgranthimthebigvictory.
Amen. Thebuildinglastedfor 564 days”. Ittooktheshape of a parallelogram.
On thesameside of thecouncil, verse 36 wasengraved, andpart of verse 37, fromsurah Al-Noor.
At thelevel of thehead of Al-Khateb (whotellsthespeech), thefollowingstatementwasengraved: “ Inthe name of GodtheMostGracioustheMostMerciful. Theworkwascompleted in the time of his son; thejustking Al-salih Ismael bin mahmoud bin zinkeaqsangar”.
Thereareothernames of the puplit’sconstructors such as:
1. Salma bin maali
2. Hameed bin thafir al-halabi
3. Abi Al-hasan bin yahia al-halabi
4. Fadael bin yahia al-halabi
Noor AL-din set thepulpitbeforetheliberalization, forabout 20 years. He had a pulpitbuilt in Aleppoandmade it readyto be put it in Al-Aqsa mosque.
– Thepulpitcaught fire thatdestroyedcompletely on theday of theburning of Al-Qibli Mosque in Al-Aqsa Fire in 1389 -1969. Whenthemosquewasrenovatedbetweentheyears 1389 AH / 1969 – 1402 AH / 1982, a simpleironpulpitwasmade, withno art orbloom in it, toreplace Noor Al-Deenpulpit.
Itwas a temporaryoneand had an inscriptionplaced in thesameplace of Noor Al-Deen’sinscription, saying:
“In the name of Allah, theMostGracious, theMostMerciful. Thispulpit has beenmade on theorders of theonewhoasksGodforsupportandluck, KingHussein bin Talal of theHashemiteKingdom of Jordan, at his expense, in 1414 AH / 1993.
Itwasorderedto be likethepulpitthat Noor al-Din Zinki had it made, andplacedby Salah al-Din in Al-Aqsa Mosque aftertheliberationfromtheCrusaders in 583 AH / 1187; thepulpitthatcaught fire whentheJewishextremistscommittedthecrime of burning Al- Aqsa in 1389 AH / 1969.
Al-Husseinorderedfor it to be placed in thesameplace, indicating his affectiontowardstheHoly Aqsa Mosque and his eagernessfree it fromtheoccupiers’ clutches”.
On thepulpit, verses of Surah Al-Nahl, Al-Noor, and al Tawbahwereengraved, as it was in theoriginalpulpit, untilanotherpulpitidenticaltotheoriginalpulpitwasmade in Jordan, withthesamefeaturesandmaterials, andwasinstalledearly February in 2007.
Noor Al-Din Zinki’spulpit is locatedsouth of Al-Aqsa Mosque, and inside Al-Qibli Mosque.
Itwasnamedafter Noor Al-Din ZinkiAqSinqarwhoordereditsconstruction. Itwasbuilt in 564 AH / 1168. It is a pulpitmade of woodanddecoratedwithivoryandebony. It is distinguishedbyconnectingitsparts in a way of interlockwithouttheuse of othertoolssuch as glueandnails. It has a gatethatrisesabove it with a greatcrownand
a staircasethatreachestothearchabove.
As fortheengraving of thepulpit, it was as follows:
On thesameside, at a level of Al- KhatibCouncil, Surah Al-Tawba, verse (18) wasinscribed in a squarewiththeword”God” on theleftside:” In the name of GodtheMostGracioustheMostMerciful.
Theorder of buildingtheMinbarwaspassedbythehumbleworshipperwhoasksforAllah’smercy, thethankfulfor His grace, Al- Mujahidfor His sake, and Al-Murabit at thecusp of His religion’senemies; thejustking Noor Al-Deen, thesupporter of IslamandMuslims, he whodoesjusticetotheoppressedandtakes
vengeancefromtheoppressors, Abu Al-QasimMahmoud bin Zinki bin AqSinqar, theonewhostandsupforthe Commander of theFaithful, may Allah reward his supporters, retain his strength, anduphold his beacon. May Allah spread his bannersandflagseverywhere, rewardthesupporters of his state, humiliatetheungrateful, andgranthimthebigvictory.
Amen. Thebuildinglastedfor 564 days”.
Ittooktheshape of a parallelogram.
On thesameside of thecouncil verse 36 wasengravedandpart 37, fromsurah Al-Noor.
At thelevel of thehead of Al-Khateb (whotellsthespeech), thefollowingstatementwasengraved: “ Inthe name of GodtheMostGracioustheMostMerciful. Theworkwascompleted in the time of his son; thejustking Al-salih Ismael bin mahmoud bin zinkeaqsangar”.
Thereareothernames of thepulpit’sconstructorssuch as:
Salma bin maali
Hameed bin thafir al-halabi
Abi Al-hasan bin yahia al-halabi
Fadael bin yahia al-halabi
Noor AL-din set thepulpitbeforetheliberalization, forabout 20 years. He had a pulpitbuilt in Aleppoandmade it readyto be put it in Al-Aqsa mosque.
– Thepulpitcaught fire thatdestroyedcompletely on theday of theburning of Al-Qibli Mosque in Al-Aqsa Fire in 1389 -1969.
Whenthemosquewasrenovatedbetweentheyears 1389 AH / 1969 – 1402 AH / 1982, a simpleironpulpitwasmade, withno art orbloom in it, toreplace Noor Al-Deenpulpit. Itwas a temporaryoneand had an inscriptionplaced in thesameplace of Noor Al-Deen’sinscription, saying:
“In the name of Allah, theMostGracious, theMostMerciful. Thispulpit has beenmade on theorders of theonewhoasksGodforsupportandluck, KingHussein bin Talal of theHashemiteKingdom of Jordan, at his expense, in 1414 AH / 1993.
Itwasorderedto be likethepulpitthat Noor al-Din Zinki had it made, andplacedby Salah al-Din in Al-Aqsa Mosque aftertheliberationfromtheCrusaders in 583 AH / 1187; thepulpitthatcaught fire whentheJewishextremistscommittedthecrime of burning Al- Aqsa in 1389 AH / 1969.
Al-Husseinorderedfor it to be placed in thesameplace, indicating his affectiontowardstheHoly Aqsa Mosque and his eagernessfree it fromtheoccupiers’ clutches”.
On thesameside of theseat verse 36 andpart 37 wereengravedfromsurah Al-Noor.
At thelevel of thehead of Al-Khateb (whotellsthespeech), thefollowingstatementwasengraved: “ In the name of GodtheMostGracioustheMostMerciful.
Theworkwascompleted in the time of his son; thejustking Al-salih Ismael bin mahmoud bin zinkeaqsangar”.
Noor Al Din Zinke Minbar (Pulpit)
LandmarkLocation: South of themosque, inside Al-Qibli Mosque.
LandmarkLocationrelativetoDome of therock: South of theDome
Landmark History:564 AH, 1168 AD
Reason of thename:Namedafter Noor Al-Din Zinke
Builder Name: Noor Al-Din zinkeordered Al-Najjar Al-Ahtarenitobuild it, and it tookhim 10 yearstofinish it.
ـ it is a rostrummade of woodanddecoratedwithivoryandebony.
It is distinguishedbyconnectingitsparts in a way of interlockwithouttheuse of othertoolssuch as glueandnails. It has a gatethatrisesabove it with a greatcrownand a staircasethatreachestotothearchabove.
As fortheengraving of thepulpit, it was as follows:
On therightside: theengraving of Surah Al-Nahl, verse: 90 -93.
On thesameside, at thelevel of where Al- Khatibsits: Surah Al-Tawba, verse (18) was
inscribed inside a framewiththeword “God” in themiddle.
On theleftside: thefollowingtextwasengraved”Inthe name of GodtheMostGracioustheMostMerciful. Theorder of buildingtheMinbarwaspassedbythehumbleworshipperwhoasksforAllah’smercy, thethankfulfor His grace, Al- Mujahidfor His sake, and Al-Murabit at thecusp of His religion’senemies; thejustking Noor Al-Deen, thesupporter of IslamandMuslims, he whodoesjusticetotheoppressedandtakesvengeancefromtheoppressors, Abu Al-QasimMahmoud bin Zinki bin AqSinqar, theonewhostandsupforthe Commander of theFaithful, may Allah reward his supporters, retain his strength, anduphold his beacon. May Allah spread his bannersandflagseverywhere, rewardthesupporters of his state, humiliatetheungrateful, andgranthimthebigvictory.
Amen. Thebuildinglastedfor 564 days”. Ittooktheshape of a parallelogram.
On thesameside of thecouncil, verse 36 wasengraved, andpart of verse 37, fromsurah Al-Noor.
At thelevel of thehead of Al-Khateb (whotellsthespeech), thefollowingstatementwasengraved: “ Inthe name of GodtheMostGracioustheMostMerciful. Theworkwascompleted in the time of his son; thejustking Al-salih Ismael bin mahmoud bin zinkeaqsangar”.
Thereareothernames of the puplit’sconstructors such as:
1. Salma bin maali
2. Hameed bin thafir al-halabi
3. Abi Al-hasan bin yahia al-halabi
4. Fadael bin yahia al-halabi
Noor AL-din set thepulpitbeforetheliberalization, forabout 20 years. He had a pulpitbuilt in Aleppoandmade it readyto be put it in Al-Aqsa mosque.
– Thepulpitcaught fire thatdestroyedcompletely on theday of theburning of Al-Qibli Mosque in Al-Aqsa Fire in 1389 -1969. Whenthemosquewasrenovatedbetweentheyears 1389 AH / 1969 – 1402 AH / 1982, a simpleironpulpitwasmade, withno art orbloom in it, toreplace Noor Al-Deenpulpit.
Itwas a temporaryoneand had an inscriptionplaced in thesameplace of Noor Al-Deen’sinscription, saying:
“In the name of Allah, theMostGracious, theMostMerciful. Thispulpit has beenmade on theorders of theonewhoasksGodforsupportandluck, KingHussein bin Talal of theHashemiteKingdom of Jordan, at his expense, in 1414 AH / 1993.
Itwasorderedto be likethepulpitthat Noor al-Din Zinki had it made, andplacedby Salah al-Din in Al-Aqsa Mosque aftertheliberationfromtheCrusaders in 583 AH / 1187; thepulpitthatcaught fire whentheJewishextremistscommittedthecrime of burning Al- Aqsa in 1389 AH / 1969.
Al-Husseinorderedfor it to be placed in thesameplace, indicating his affectiontowardstheHoly Aqsa Mosque and his eagernessfree it fromtheoccupiers’ clutches”.
On thepulpit, verses of Surah Al-Nahl, Al-Noor, and al Tawbahwereengraved, as it was in theoriginalpulpit, untilanotherpulpitidenticaltotheoriginalpulpitwasmade in Jordan, withthesamefeaturesandmaterials, andwasinstalledearly February in 2007.
Noor Al-Din Zinki’spulpit is locatedsouth of Al-Aqsa Mosque, and inside Al-Qibli Mosque.
Itwasnamedafter Noor Al-Din ZinkiAqSinqarwhoordereditsconstruction. Itwasbuilt in 564 AH / 1168. It is a pulpitmade of woodanddecoratedwithivoryandebony. It is distinguishedbyconnectingitsparts in a way of interlockwithouttheuse of othertoolssuch as glueandnails. It has a gatethatrisesabove it with a greatcrownand
a staircasethatreachestothearchabove.
As fortheengraving of thepulpit, it was as follows:
On thesameside, at a level of Al- KhatibCouncil, Surah Al-Tawba, verse (18) wasinscribed in a squarewiththeword”God” on theleftside:” In the name of GodtheMostGracioustheMostMerciful.
Theorder of buildingtheMinbarwaspassedbythehumbleworshipperwhoasksforAllah’smercy, thethankfulfor His grace, Al- Mujahidfor His sake, and Al-Murabit at thecusp of His religion’senemies; thejustking Noor Al-Deen, thesupporter of IslamandMuslims, he whodoesjusticetotheoppressedandtakes
vengeancefromtheoppressors, Abu Al-QasimMahmoud bin Zinki bin AqSinqar, theonewhostandsupforthe Commander of theFaithful, may Allah reward his supporters, retain his strength, anduphold his beacon. May Allah spread his bannersandflagseverywhere, rewardthesupporters of his state, humiliatetheungrateful, andgranthimthebigvictory.
Amen. Thebuildinglastedfor 564 days”.
Ittooktheshape of a parallelogram.
On thesameside of thecouncil verse 36 wasengravedandpart 37, fromsurah Al-Noor.
At thelevel of thehead of Al-Khateb (whotellsthespeech), thefollowingstatementwasengraved: “ Inthe name of GodtheMostGracioustheMostMerciful. Theworkwascompleted in the time of his son; thejustking Al-salih Ismael bin mahmoud bin zinkeaqsangar”.
Thereareothernames of thepulpit’sconstructorssuch as:
Salma bin maali
Hameed bin thafir al-halabi
Abi Al-hasan bin yahia al-halabi
Fadael bin yahia al-halabi
Noor AL-din set thepulpitbeforetheliberalization, forabout 20 years. He had a pulpitbuilt in Aleppoandmade it readyto be put it in Al-Aqsa mosque.
– Thepulpitcaught fire thatdestroyedcompletely on theday of theburning of Al-Qibli Mosque in Al-Aqsa Fire in 1389 -1969.
Whenthemosquewasrenovatedbetweentheyears 1389 AH / 1969 – 1402 AH / 1982, a simpleironpulpitwasmade, withno art orbloom in it, toreplace Noor Al-Deenpulpit. Itwas a temporaryoneand had an inscriptionplaced in thesameplace of Noor Al-Deen’sinscription, saying:
“In the name of Allah, theMostGracious, theMostMerciful. Thispulpit has beenmade on theorders of theonewhoasksGodforsupportandluck, KingHussein bin Talal of theHashemiteKingdom of Jordan, at his expense, in 1414 AH / 1993.
Itwasorderedto be likethepulpitthat Noor al-Din Zinki had it made, andplacedby Salah al-Din in Al-Aqsa Mosque aftertheliberationfromtheCrusaders in 583 AH / 1187; thepulpitthatcaught fire whentheJewishextremistscommittedthecrime of burning Al- Aqsa in 1389 AH / 1969.
Al-Husseinorderedfor it to be placed in thesameplace, indicating his affectiontowardstheHoly Aqsa Mosque and his eagernessfree it fromtheoccupiers’ clutches”.
On thesameside of theseat verse 36 andpart 37 wereengravedfromsurah Al-Noor.
At thelevel of thehead of Al-Khateb (whotellsthespeech), thefollowingstatementwasengraved: “ In the name of GodtheMostGracioustheMostMerciful.
Theworkwascompleted in the time of his son; thejustking Al-salih Ismael bin mahmoud bin zinkeaqsangar”.
Burhan Al Din Pulpit
LandmarkLocation: Theedge of theRock’snave of thesouthpillarstothesouth of thecountry.
LandmarkLocationrelativetoDome of therock: South Dome of theRock.
Thepulpitwasfullybuiltbetween 1345 and 1388.
Reason of the name:
Namedafterthechief of thejudges, Burhan Al-Din bin Jomaa As forthenaming of thesummerpulpit, it camefromitsuseforspeeches of ascitesandthetwoEids.
Builder Name: TheChiefJustice Burhan Al-din Ben Gomaa.
ـTheybuilt a pulpit of marbleandcoloredstones of exquisitemanufacture, with 13 steps, andalso on AlKhateeb’sseatthe is a marbledome.
Thepulpitwasrenovated in theOttomanerabyPrinceMuhammadRashid in 1259 AH / 1843 AD, in the time of Sultan Abdul Majeed.
Moreover, theOttoman logo (Crescentand Star) on bothsides of thepulpitwasadded.
Beforethebuilding of thepulpit, it wasoriginally a domecalledtheDome of theScale, thenthepulpitwasintroduced in theAyyubidera, with a staircaseconsisting of 13 steps.
ـThe Burhan al-Din pilpit is located on theedge of Al_Qiblinave of theRockthat is closetotheRabbanarails on thewestside.
Thehead of thejudges Burhan Al-Deen bin Joma’a had it builtbetween 1345- 1388, andtherefore it wasnamedafterhim.
ـThepulpitwasfullybuiltbetween 1345 and 1388
ـTheybuilt a pulpit of marbleandcoloredstones of exquisitemanufacture, with 13 steps, andalso on AlKhateeb’sseatthe is a marbledome
ـThepulpitwasrenovated in theOttomanera, byPrinceMuhammadRashid in 1259 AH / 1843 AD, in the time of Sultan Abdul Majeed.