Al Sabibiye School

LandmarkHistory:Itwasestablishedbythe son of thedeputy of the Al Salibiyacastle (Banias) Prince Ala al din bin Ali bin Mohammed, at 800 Hijri.

Reason of thename:Namedafterone of thecastleslocatedbetweenBaniasandTibnin.

Builder Name: BuiltbyPrince Ala Al din bin Ali bin Mohammed.

Additional Information aboutthelandmark:
-Itwasestablishedbythe son of thedeputy of the Al Salibiyacastle (Banias) Prince Ala al din bin Ali bin Mohammed, at 800 Hijri.
-Itrepresentstheeasternpart of theoldschoolandincludesthehallandthebuildingsbelow it, andextendstowardsthemosque Aqsa Mosque in whattodaycalledthe Royal Suite (upperfloor).
-Al Salibiya School occupiestheeasternpart of the Al Omarya School, whichwasestablishedbythedeputyprinceThecastle of al-Salibiya al-Din ibn Ali ibn Muhammad in 800 AH, located in thenorthernyard Al-Aqsa Mosque, has another name, which is theNaseebia School. Itseasternpart is thehallandthebuildingsbelow it, whichextendtowardsthe far in theso-calledtoday Royal part (upperfloor), whichrenewed in the British erabytheSupremeIslamicCouncil, Whilethehallandthebuildingsbelow it remainedintact since theMamlukera, andtherewas a role A greatintellectualandculturalfieldandstoppedbymanystopsand in thelateMamlukeraItused a housefortheprosecution, and in theearlyTurkishperiod, it used a housefortheruler in the name of the Saraya andthentheOttomanarmy.
At the time of the British Mandate, ShaykhMuhammad Al-Salehrented it fromtheAwqafandused it as a schooltoteachchildren on behalf of Kindergarten andremained in thiscaseuntil 1938.

Thenseizedbythe British andturned it into a policestationuntil 1948. Thenbecametheheadquarters of theArabSalvationArmy. Thentheheadquarters of theJordaniancommander of Jerusalem. Thentheheadquarters of severaladministrativedepartments at thebeginning of theJordanianera. In 1952, a schoolrestored.

An Overview of theLandmark:
ItwasbuiltbyPrince Ala Al din bin Ali bin Mohammed. Itrepresentstheeasternpart of theoldschoolandincludesthehallandthebuildingsbelow it, andextendstowardsthemosque Aqsa Mosque in whattodaycalledthe Royal Suite (upperfloor). As-Sabibiyya School occupiestheeasternpart of the Al Omarya School. Aladin bin Ali ibn Muhammad, thedeputyleader of As-Sabibiyyacastleestablished it in 800 AH, located in thenorthernyard of Al-Aqsa Mosque, has another name, which is theNaseebia School.

Itseasternpart is thehallandthebuildingsbelow it, whichextendtowardsthe far in theso-calledtoday Royal part (upperfloor), whichrenewed in the British erabytheSupremeIslamicCouncil, whilethehallandthebuildingsbelow it remainedintact since theMamlukera, andtherewas a role A greatintellectualandculturalfieldandstoppedbymanystopsand in thelateMamlukeraItused a housefortheprosecution, and in theearlyTurkishperiod, it used a housefortheruler in the name of the Saraya andthentheOttomanarmy. At the time of the British Mandate, ShaykhMuhammad Al-Salehrented it fromtheAwqafandused it as a schooltoteachchildren on behalf of Kindergarten andremained in thiscaseuntil 1938.

Then, it wasseizedbythe British andturned it into a policestationuntil 1948. Afterwards, it becametheheadquarters of theArabSalvationArmy. Thentheheadquarters of theJordaniancommander of Jerusalem. Then, theheadquarters of severaladministrativedepartments at thebeginning of theJordanianera. In 1952, it wentbacktobeing a school.




    Al Tinkiziya School

    LandmarkLocation: LocatedbetweenAlsisiladoornorthandthewall of theoccupiedBuraqsouth, part of it withinthe western corridor Aqsa Mosque, andpartoutside.

    LandmarkHistory:Itwasmade as Waqfandestablishedbythedeputy of Sham, PrinceSaif al-Din Tinkz al-Nasiri, in theMamlukera, in theyear 729E - 1328), andattributedtohim.

    Reason of thename:Namedafteritsfounderandthepersonwhoconsidered it as Waqf, Saif al-Din Tinkiz.

    Builder Name: Deputy of thePrinceSaif al-Din Tnkz Nasiri.

    Details of theshape:
    -One of themostbeautifulschools of Al-Aqsa Mosque.
    -Theschool’sbuildingconsists of twofloors, onlythefirstone is usedtheschool For studentsandSufism (Khanaqah).

    Additional Information aboutthelandmark:
    -Itwas a greatschoolandahouse of Hadeeth, duringthereign of theMamluk Sultan Qaytbay, it becametheseat of thejudiciaryandgovernance.
    -In theOttomanera, theschoolbecame a Shariacourt, andfrom here it becameknown on behalf of the Court, andremainedsountiltheearly British Mandate, whichtakenbytheIslamicCouncil, thenreturnedto a schooltoteachIslamicjurisprudence.
    -In 1389 – 1969, confiscatedbytheZionistoccupationauthorities, thenconvertedto a militarylocationtotheso-calledborderguards, wheretheysupervisethe Al Aqsa Mosque, andintervenetoafterworshipers at theoutbreak of demonstrationscondemningtheoccupation.
    -Byvirtue of itslocationadjacenttothe Wall of Al-Buraq, manyZionistexcavationscarriedout totunnelsbelievedto be carriedouttothe inside of Al Aqsa Mosque.
    Thesefossilsrelatetowhat he calledJewstunnel ” Hashmonaim”,  Whichopened in 1996, andextendsfromtheoccupiedsquare of Al-Buraqsouth, alongthe western wall of the Al-Aqsa Mosque, until he reachestheschoolnorthtothenorth, withothertunnels on itssides.

    -In March 2006, MosheKatsav, head of theoccupiedentity, inaugurated a Jewishsynagogue in one of thesethetunnels, locateddirectlybelowtheAltankaziaschool, arecompletelyadjoiningthe western wall of the al-Aqsa Mosque, where it runs totheJewsfromthewall of theoccupiedBuraqwall.

    -In September 2006, theoccupationauthoritiesinaugurated a site, thefirst of itskind in the underground space Aqsa Mosque, withinparts of theso-calledTunnelHashmonaim” ,specificallyundertheentire Al Buraq Wall mean ( adjoiningthefully-blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque), andnamed it theMuseum “chain/convoy of generations”, where Itincludes seven roomsthattellfalseJewishhistory, usingsoundandlightdisplays.

    -Thisschooloccupiestheroof of 6 arches in the western gallerytothesouth of thegateandoverlookingthegateits western windows on the western gallery of the Al-Aqsa Mosque arebeautifulschools, he said of Majir al-Din: It is a greatschoolthat is not in school, and it has mastereditsconstructionAlsisila, And has a passengercompound on the western corridors of themosque.

    -Theschoolconsists of twofloors, thesecondfloor is housingforstudentsandSufis (Khanaqah). Dispose of thestudentsandteachers at theschoolarefromKhanTinkz, Ein Al-ShifaandhalfshopsQataneen market (as shown in theendowment on his school).
    -Theschoolconvertedinto a court of judges at theend of theMamlukperiodandcontinued as a court.
    -Itwas a ShariaschoolduringtheOttomanperiodandduringthe British MandatelivedHaj Amin al-HusseinipresidenttheSupremeIslamicCouncil of Palestine, tooverseethesquare of Al-Buraqandmonitortheviolations of theJews, especiallyaftertheevents of therevolution of Al-Buraq in 1348 Hijri / 1929).
    -Theschoolwasdamagedbytheearthquake of 1345 AH / 1927 AD. SotheSupremeIslamicCouncilTorenovatetheschoolandtoreinforcethemasts it carries.
    -In theJordanianperiod, thebuildingreturnedto be a ShariaschooluntiltheIsraelioccupationforces in general, 1389/1969, byconfiscatingandturning it into a centerfortheIsraeliborderguards as wellTheIsraelipoliceinstalledsurveillancecamerasovertheMuslimschool inside Al-Aqsa Mosque

    An Overview of theLandmark:
    It’slocatedbetweenAlsisilagatenorthandthewall of theoccupiedBuraqsouth, part of it withinthe western corridor Aqsa Mosque, andpartoutside. Deputy of thePrinceSaif al-Din Tnkz Nasiri established it in theMamlukera, specifically in 1328 (729 A.H.), and it wasnamedafterhim. It’sone of themostbeautifulschoolsin Al-Aqsa Mosque. Itwas a greatschoolandahouse of Hadeeth, duringthereign of theMamluk Sultan Qaytbay, it becametheseat of thejudiciaryandgovernance. In theOttomanera, theschoolbecame a Shariacourt, andfrom here it becameknown on behalf of the Court, andremainedsountiltheearly British Mandate, whichtakenbytheIslamicCouncil, thenreturnedto a schooltoteachIslamicjurisprudence.

    In 1389 - 1969, confiscatedbytheZionistoccupationauthorities, thenconvertedto a militarylocationtotheso-calledborderguards, wheretheysupervisethe Al-Aqsa Mosque, andintervenetoafterworshipers at theoutbreak of demonstrationscondemningtheoccupation.

    Byvirtue of itslocationadjacenttothe Wall of Al-Buraq, manyZionistexcavationscarriedout. In March 2006, MosheKatsav, head of theoccupiedentity, inaugurated a Jewishsynagogue in one of thesethetunnels, locateddirectlybelowtheAltankaziaschool, arecompletelyadjoiningthe western wall of the al-Aqsa Mosque, where it runstotheJewsfromthewall of theoccupiedBuraqwall.

    In September 2006, theoccupationauthoritiesinaugurated a site, thefirst of itskind in the underground space Aqsa Mosque, withinparts of theso-calledTunnel " Hashmonaim" ,specificallyundertheentire Al Buraq Wall mean ( adjoiningthefully-blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque), andnamed it theMuseum "chain/convoy of generations", where it includes seven roomsthattellfalseJewishhistory, usingsoundandlightdisplays.

    Thisschooloccupiestheroof of 6 arches in the western gallerytothesouth of thegateandoverlookingthegateits western windows on the western gallery of the Al-Aqsa Mosque arebeautifulschools, he said of Majir al-Din:  It is a greatschoolthat is not in school, and it has mastereditsconstructionAlsisila, and has a passengercompound on the western corridors of themosque.

    Theschoolconsists of twofloors, thesecondfloor is housingforstudentsandSufis (Khanaqah). Dispose of thestudentsandteachers at theschoolarefromKhanTinkz, Ein Al-ShifaandhalfshopsQataneen market (as shown in theendowment on his school).

    Theschoolwasturnedinto a court of judges at theend of theMamlukperiodandcontinued as a court. Itwas a ShariaschoolduringtheOttomanperiodandduringthe British MandatelivedHajAmin al-HusseinipresidenttheSupremeIslamicCouncil of Palestine, tooverseethesquare of Al-Buraqandmonitortheviolations of theJews, especiallyaftertheevents of therevolution of Al-Buraq in 1348 Hijri / 1929).

    Theschoolwasdamagedbytheearthquake of 1345 AH / 1927 AD. SotheSupremeIslamicCounciltorenovatetheschoolandtoreinforcethemasts it carries.
    In theJordanianperiod, thebuildingreturnedto be a ShariaschooluntiltheIsraelioccupationforces in general, 1389/1969, byconfiscatingandturning it into a centerfortheIsraeliborderguards as well. Also, TheIsraelipoliceinstalledsurveillancecamerasovertheMuslimschool inside Al-Aqsa Mosque.



    Al Ashrafieh School

    LandmarkLocation: Locatedwest of the Al-Aqsa Mosque betweentheminaret of Bab al- SilasilatothesouthandtheOttomanschooltothenorth.

    LandmarkHistory:IntheMamlukera. BuiltbyPrince Hassan Al-Dhahiri in 875 AH / 1470 AD.

    Reason of thename:Namedafterthepersonwhobuilt it forthesecond time, Al-AshrafQaitbay, wasalsonamedtheSultaneia.

    Builder Name: Thefirstbuilder is a Prince Hassan Althaheriandafter his death, it giventoAshrafQaitbaywhodid not likethebuildingordered it demolishedandbuiltagain.

    Additional Information aboutthelandmark:
    -Al-AshrafQaitbayruledafter his deathandwasgiventheschool. He did not likethebuildingandordereditsdemolitionandreconstruction (885 AH / 1480 AD), and it tooktwelveyearsto be built.
    –Theschoolconsists of twofloorsdownstairsfacingthreearches of theyard in a long nice mihrab was a chapelfortheHanbala.
    -Itcontainsseveralshrines, one of which is theMufti of theShaafa’isandtheMufti of theTwoHolyMosquesSheikhMohammed al-Khalili (1147 Hijri / 1734 AD).
    -Today, thisfloor is occupiedbythemanuscriptdepartmentIslamic  Awqaf, theupperfloor is themostbeautifulcoloredstonesandengravingsandmultipledecorations, Itwascomposed (accordingtothedescription of Mujair al-Din) of fourvalleysoppositeQibla, which is thelargestwith a mihrab, andtheroof of thesecondfloor (after 1105 AH / 1689 AD) wasdemolishedsomedecorativewallsindicatethebeauty of theschoolbuilding.

    -Thebeautifulentrancestillcoveredby a radialchain, whichleadstothesecondfloorandtoAlseselaminaret, denotesthegrandeur of a schoolthat has becomeextinct.
    Thedescription of theschool:
    -Alsocalledtheschool (Al Sultania) and is consideredone of themostbeautifulandmostimportantschools in the Al AQSA, describedbyMujir al-Din al-Hanbaliwiththefinestdetails in the “Al Anas Al Jalil”, where he considered it thethirdjewel in the Aqsa Mosque aftertheDome of theRockand Al-Qibli Mosque, andsaidabout: peopleweresaying: in themosque of thehouseholygemstonesdome of the Mosque of Al-Aqsa (Al-Qibli Mosque), andtheDome of theRock, I said  ” Magiral din ” andthistheschoolbecame a thirdjewel.
    -Theschool is beautifulconstruction, withelements on therows of coloredstones (colored in color) Redandwhite), andrich in architecturalanddecorativeelements. DescribedbyMujair al-Din Al-Hanbali as thethirdjewel in the Al-Aqsa Mosque aftertheDome of theRockandthedome of AL-QibliPrayerHall.

    -Theschool is locatedbetween Bab al-Sikayneh in thesouthandthearchesundertheOttomanschooltothenorthbeyondthecorridoreastwardincluded in thesquares of Al-Aqsa Mosque, unlikeotherschools, located on theborders of thehallway.
    -Thetraveler Abdul Ghani al-Nabulsisaidwhen he visited in theOttomanera in (1105 Hijri / 1689 AD): “Wesaw a greatdoormade of carvedcoloredstone, theyard of theschoolbuiltwithmarblepillars, largegreatstones, Thehighchainno “bow”.

    -WhenweascendedaboutfiftyStairs on a coileddrawersharedwiththelighthousestaircase, wemovedto a largespacedecoratedspace.
    -Theschool has twosections: a section inside the Al-Aqsa Mosque andtheotheroutside it twofloors: ThefirstwastheHanbalachapel in theblessed Al-Aqsa Mosque in itsorigin, andpart of it is usedNow as theheadquarters of theManuscriptSection of the Al-Aqsa Mosque Library (headquartered in Mosque of Women), andthebulk of it is theheadquarters of Al-Aqsa Shariaschoolforgirls, andalsothetomb of SheikhKhalili, andsomesmallpartsthatuse a role forhabitation.
    -Thesecondfloor, is a schoolmosque, Duetothedestruction of thispart of theearthquake in 1346 – 1927.

    Stages of construction:
    Ittooktwelveyearsto be built.
    -First, Prince Hassan Al-Dhahiribeganconstruction (875 AH / 1470 AD), in the name of King Al-ZaherKhosheqdam, but whentheapparentkingdied, theruler, Qatibay, tookoverandgavehimtheschoolandduring his visit Jerusalem, did not likethe port of theordertodemolishandrebuild it againwasbuilt in September (887 AH / 1482 AD).
    -As thehistorianMojairaddintells us as engraved on theside of thedoor of theschool, in theOttomanera.

    An Overview of theLandmark:
    It’slocatedwest of the Al-Aqsa Mosque betweentheminaret of Bab al-SilasilatothesouthandtheOttomanschooltothenorth. Al-AshrafQaitbayruledafter his deathandwasgiventheschool. He did not likethebuildingandordereditsdemolitionandreconstruction in 1480 (885 A.H.), and it tooktwelveyearsto be built. Theschoolconsists of twofloors; thelowerone is acrossthreearches of theyard in a long nice mihrab was a chapelfortheHanbala. Itcontainsseveralshrines, one of which is theMufti of theShaafa'isandtheMufti of theTwoHolyMosquesSheikhMohammed al-Khalili (1147 Hijri / 1734 AD). Today, thisfloor is occupiedbythemanuscriptdepartmentIslamicAwqaf, theupperfloor is themostbeautifulcoloredstonesandengravingsandmultipledecorations, it wascomposed (accordingtothedescription of Mujair al-Din) of fourvalleysoppositeQibla,  which is thelargestwith a mihrab, andtheroof of thesecondfloor (after 1105 AH / 1689 AD) wasdemolishedsomedecorativewallsindicatethebeauty of theschoolbuilding. Thebeautifulentrance is stillcoveredby a radialchain, whichleadstothesecondfloorandto As-SilsilaMinaret, denotesthegrandeur of a schoolthat has becomeextinct. 

    People Describedthe School:
    Theschool is alsocalledtheschool (Al Sultania) and is consideredone of themostbeautifulandmostimportantschools in the Al AQSA, describedbyMujir al-Din al-Hanbaliwiththefinestdetails in the "Al Anas Al Jalil", where he considered it thethirdjewel in the Aqsa Mosque aftertheDome of theRockand Al-Qibli Mosque, andsaidabout: peopleweresaying: in themosque of thehouseholygemstonesdome of the Mosque of Al-Aqsa (Al-Qibli Mosque), andtheDome of theRock, I said  " Magir al din " andthistheschoolbecame a thirdjewel. Theschool is beautifulconstruction, withelements on therows of coloredstones (coloredredandwhite), andrich in architecturalanddecorativeelements. DescribedbyMujair al-Din Al-Hanbali as thethirdjewel in the Al-Aqsa Mosque aftertheDome of theRockandthedome of AL-QibliPrayerHall. Theschool is locatedbetween Bab al-Sikayneh in thesouthandthearchesundertheOttomanschooltothenorthbeyondthecorridoreastwardincluded in thesquares of Al-Aqsa Mosque, unlikeotherschools, located on theborders of thehallway. Thetraveler Abdul Ghani al-Nabulsisaidwhen he visited in theOttomanera in (1105 Hijri / 1689 AD): "Wesaw a greatdoormade of carvedcoloredstone, theyard of theschoolbuiltwithmarblepillars, largegreatstones, Thehighchainno "bow". WhenweascendedaboutfiftyStairs on a coileddrawersharedwiththelighthousestaircase, wemovedto a largespacedecoratedspace. Theschool has twosections: a section inside the Al-Aqsa Mosque andtheotheroutside it twofloors: ThefirstwastheHanbalachapelin theblessed Al-Aqsa Mosque in itsorigin, andpart of it is usednow as theheadquarters of theManuscriptSection of the Al-Aqsa Mosque Library (headquartered in Mosque of Women), andthebulk of it is theheadquarters of Al-Aqsa Shariaschoolforgirls, andalsothetomb of SheikhKhalili, andsomesmallpartsthatareused as a residence. Thesecondfloor, is a schoolmosque, Duetothedestruction of thispart of theearthquake in 1346 - 1927.

    Stages of Construction:
    Ittooktwelveyearsto be built. First, Prince Hassan Al-Dhahiribeganconstruction (875 AH / 1470 AD), in the name of King Al-ZaherKhosheqdam, but whentheapparentkingdied, theruler, Qatibay, tookoverandgavehimtheschoolandduring his visit Jerusalem, did not likethe port of theordertodemolishandrebuild it againwasbuilt in September (887 AH / 1482 AD). As thehistorianMojairaddintells us as engraved on theside of thedoor of theschool, in theOttomanera.



    The Ottoman School

    LandmarkLocation: LocatedaboveAlmutahharadoor of bordertothenorth of thedoor of theqatanine, andsouth of theschoolAshrafieh.

    LandmarkHistory:Made as waqfby Isfahan Shah (840 AH / 1437 AD) duringthereign of Sultan Al-AshrafBishbay.

    Reason of thename:AsfahanShahKhatoondaughterMahmoudOthmani.

    Builder Name: Isfahan ShahKhatoonbintMahmoudOthmani.

    Additional Information aboutthelandmark:
    -Consisting of twofloors, alloutsidethe Al-Aqsa Mosque, which is beingbuilt in itsupperfloorsThedoor of Mathara.
    -Theupstairsfloor, occupies a spaceabovethe western gallery, and in thecenter, Iwanoverlooks Al-Aqsa Mosque, theschool's perimeterconsists of bracketsandcirclesdecoratedwithredstones.
    Moreover, thebasementwas a mosqueforthisschool.
    -Thebasement, whichwas a mosquefortheschooland at thelevel of the Al Aqsa squaresoverlookingthem, wascapturedtheoccupationauthoritiesandclosedthedooroverlookingthe Al – Aqsa andbecamepart of theceiling of the western tunnel. Shearrestedby Isfahan ShahKhatoondaughter Mahmud al-Ottmani.
    -Itstated in theregister of Awqafthat it was a teacher in 990 AH / 1582 AD SheikhIslamSirajuddinOmar bin Abi al-Latif (Mufti of theHoly Land). Sheikh Taha bin signShihab al-Din Ahmed bin TheMufti of theHanafigroup.
    -In the modern era, it wasused as a court of law, before it transferredtothegrammatical (al nahawia) dome. ThenturnedtoresidentialhousingMuslimfamilies.

    An Overview of theLandmark:
    It’slocatedaboveAlmutahharagate of bordertothenorth of thedoor of theqatanine, andsouth of theschoolAshrafieh. ItwasmadeWaqfbyAsfahanShah (840 AH / 1437 AD) duringthereign of Sultan Al-AshrafBishbay. Itconsists of twofloors; theupperflooroccupies a spaceabovethe western gallery, and in thecenter, Iwanoverlooks Al-Aqsa Mosque, theschool'sperimeterconsists of bracketsandcirclesdecoratedwithredstones. Thelowerfloorwas a mosquefortheschooland at thelevel of the Al Aqsa squaresoverlookingthem. ItwastakenoverbytheoccupationauthoritiesandtheyclosedthedooroverlookingtheAl - Aqsa andbecamepart of theceiling of the western tunnel. Shearrestedby Isfahan ShahKhatoondaughter Mahmud al-Ottmani. Itstated in theregister of Awqafthattwo of her teachers in 990 AH / 1582 AD wereSheikhSirajuddinOmar bin Abi al-Latif (Mufti of theHoly Land), andSheikh Taha bin signShihab al-Din Ahmed bin (theMufti of theHanafigroup). In the modern era, it wasused as a court of law, before it wasturnedinto An-NahawiyyaDome. Then, it wasturnedinto a residentialhouseforMuslimfamilies.



    The Arghoni School

    LandmarkLocation: Located in the western gallery of Al-Aqsa Mosque

    LandmarkHistory:Itwasestablished a yearago (758 AH / 1356 AD). Completedafter his deathRokn al-Din Baybars Al-Saifi.

    Reason of thename:Namedafteritsfounder, PrinceArghun Al Kamali.

    Builder Name: PrinceArghunKamali, Ruler of theBilad Al Sham.

    Additional Information aboutthelandmark:
    -Consists of twofloorsandsomeabovethe western yard of the Al- Aqsa Mosque in thesectionbetweenthedoorqatanineandAlhadid.
    -Located in thesouthernside of theirondooranditsentranceoutsidetheirondoornexttotheschool of Katunya.
    -Itwasconsidered as waqfbyPrinceArghun al-Kamali (beforetheyear 758 AH / 1356 AD), where he wasruler of thealShamduringthereign of theking Al KamilShaaban. In thelateyears of his life, Argun wentto Jerusalem andsettledthereandwasburied in his school in general (758 AH / 1357 AD). Then, completeditsconstructionafterthedeath of itsstandRokn al- Din Baybars al-Saifithefollowingyear. Used in theperiodtheOttomanEmpire as a hostelfor Jerusalem deputies, andthegovernor of Jerusalem, Khader Bek, camedown in (897 AH / 1492 AD). A section of thisschoolturnedinto a house of residence, andtheotherpartwastheburialplace of Sharif Hussein bin Ali he died in 1350 AH / 1931 AD. Wholedtherevolutionalongsidethe English againsttheOttomansyear 1334 Hijri / 1915 AD. The British preventedhimfromreturningtotheland of theHijazafterthey had givenbirthto a son Saudagainst his son Prince Ali, and his exiletoCyprus.

    However, it wassatisfactoryandreturnedto Amman afterlessfromtheyear he died in trustworthy.

    An Overview of theLandmark:
    It’slocated in the western gallery of Al-Aqsa Mosque. ItwasnamedafterPrinceArghunKamali, Ruler of theLevant. Theschoolwasestablished a yearago (758 AH / 1356 AD). After his death, Rokn al-Din Baybars Al-Saififinisheditsconstruction. Itcnsists of twofloorsandsomeabovethe western yard of the Al-Aqsa Mosque in thesectionbetween Al-Qataninand Al-Hadid gates. Theschool is located in thesouthernside of theirondooranditsentranceoutsidetheirondoornextto Al-Khatooniyya School.

    Itwasconsidered as WaqfbyPrinceArghun al-Kamali (beforetheyear 758 AH / 1356 AD), where he wasruler of thealShamduringthereign of theking Al KamilShaaban. In thelateyears of his life, Argun wentto Jerusalem andsettledthereandwasburied in his school in general (758 AH / 1357 AD).

    Afteroneyear of thedeath of theonewhomade it Waqf, Rokn al-Din Baybars al-Saificontinueditsconstruction. Itwasused in theperiodtheOttomanEmpire as a hostelforJerusalem'sdeputies, andthegovernor of Jerusalem, Khader Bek, camedown in (897 AH / 1492 AD).

    Part of thisschoolwasturnedinto a house of residence, andtheotherpartwastheburialplace of Sharif Hussein bin Ali he died in 1350 AH / 1931 AD, wholedtherevolutionalongsidethe English againsttheOttomansyear 1334 Hijri / 1915 AD. The British preventedhimfromreturningtotheland of theHijazafterthey had givenbirthto a son Saudagainst his son Prince Ali, and his exiletoCyprus. However, it wassatisfactoryandreturnedto Amman afterlessfromtheyear he died in trustworthy.



    Al Khatonia School

    LandmarkLocation: Located in the western corridor of Al-Aqsa Mosque between Bab Al- Hadid andQatanin Gate.

    LandmarkHistory:Itwasfoundedby Agel Khatoun in 755 AH / 1354 AD, and it seemsthatitsarchitecturewas not completed, andcompletedandmadeWaqf . On it Isfahan Shah in 782 AH / 1380 AD.

    Reason of thename:NamedafterKhattoun, thedaughter of Shams al-Din Kazan Baghdadiya, whomade it as waqf.

    Builder Name: AghlKhatoondaughterShams al-Din al-KazaniyahItcompletedby Isfahan Shah, thedaughter of Prince Kazan Shah.

    Additional Information aboutthelandmark:
    -Most of thisschool is locatedoutsidethe Al-Aqsa Mosque, andits main roomsoverlookthe Al-Aqsa Mosque withfivetombs.
    -Thisschool is locatedsouth of Bab Al-Hadid nexttotheArgonneschool, which is severalroomsadjacenttothe western wall of Al-Aqsa Mosque, whoseeasternwindowsoverlookthecourtyard of theHoly House.
    -ItarrestedbyMrs. AgelKhatoon, thedaughter of Shams al-Din Muhammad ibn Saif al-Din al-Qazaniyah, Baghdadiya, in a year 755 AH / 1354 AD andmadeWaqfbyfarmDaher Al Jamaland it seemsthatthearchitecturewas not completed, andthencompletedandmadeWaqfby Isfahan Shah, daughter of Prince Kazan Shah in 782 AH / 1380 AD. Has beenappointedJudge Hossam al-Din al-HanafiAak, 971 Hijri / 1563 AD, SheikhZinedineMahmoudShahab al din Ahmed al Diri, a readerand a teacher at theschoolandthepearltogetherfor a fee of oneOttoman.

    Theschool is dividedintotwoparts: (one is a dwellinghouse), theother is a burialplaceandfiveareburiedthereMujahideenforthesake of Allah from Jerusalem andoutside, includingMujahidPrinceMuhammad Ali al-Hindi (mercyGod), of India, in 1349 AH / 1930 AD, ThePresident of theKhaliphate Conference in Indiashowsthatinscription on utileabovethewindowoverlookingthemosque. He alsowrote in the form of circles on thewindow “TheServant of thetwogreatMosques Al-Aqsa Mosque and Al-Buraq “. Whowasknownfor his desperatedefense of thecause of Jerusalem, andPalestine Aqsa Mosque of financialandpoliticalsupportduringthe British occupation, TraveledtoLondontodefendthe Wall of Al-Buraqanddied in Londonwhileparticipating in a conferencetodefendtheholysites in Palestine, theHajAmin al-Husseini (may Allah havemercy on him), thePresident of theIslamicSupremeCouncil in Jerusalem, ItsburialnexttotheQataneen Gate closelylinkedtothe Western Al-Aqsa Gate.

    He alsoburiedMosesKazemPashaHusseini, chairman of theArabExecutiveCommittee in 1352 AH / 1934, andMujahid Abdul QadirHusseini (may Allah havemercy on him), thehero of the Battle of Qastal, whichinflictedtheZioniststhemostterribledefeat in general 1367 AH / 1948, and his son Faisal Husseini (official file of Jerusalem 1422 Hijri / 2001), And thetomb of Ahmed Hilmi AbdelBaqi (died 1383 Hijri / 1963) head of thegovernment of allPalestine (1376/1948), andthetomb of Abdul- Hamid Shomanfounder of theArab Bank (his death 1394 Hijri / 1974), andanothertomb of Sharif Abdel Hamid Ben Aoun (1383 Hijri / 1963).
    Note: – Cemeteriesarelocatedoutsidetheboundaries of the Al-Aqsa Mosque because it is not permissibletobury in mosques.

    An Overview of theLandmark:
    ItwasnamedafterKhattoun, thedaughter of Shams al-Din Kazan Baghdadiya, whomade it as waqf. It’slocated in the western corridor of Al-Aqsa Mosque between Bab Al-Hadid andQatanin Gate. Itwas  establishedbyAghlKhatoondaughterShams al-Din al-Kazaniyah, anditsconstructionwascompletedby Isfahan Shah, thedaughter of Prince Kazan Shah, in 782 AH / 1380 AD. Most of thisschool is locatedoutsidethe Al-Aqsa Mosque, andits main roomsoverlookthe Al-Aqsa Mosque withfivetombs.

    Thisschool is locatedsouth of Bab Al-Hadid nexttotheArgonneschool, which is severalroomsadjacenttothe western wall of Al-Aqsa Mosque, whoseeasternwindowsoverlookthecourtyard of theHoly House. ItwasmadeWaqfbyMrs. AgelKhatoon, thedaughter of Shams al-Din Muhammad ibn Saif al-Din al-Qazaniyah, Baghdadiya, in 755 AH / 1354 AD andmadeWaqf  byfarmDaher Al Jamaland it seemsthatthearchitecturewas not completed, andthencompletedandmadeWaqfby Isfahan Shah, daughter of Prince Kazan Shah in 782 AH / 1380 AD. Has beenappointedJudge Hossam al-Din al-HanafiAak, 971 Hijri / 1563 AD, SheikhZinedineMahmoudShahab al din Ahmed al-Diri, a readerand a teacher at theschoolandthepearltogetherfor a fee of oneOttoman. Theschool is dividedintotwoparts: (one is a dwellinghouse), theother is a burialplaceandfiveareburiedthereMujahideenforthesake of Allah from Jerusalem andoutside, includingMujahidPrinceMuhammad Ali al-Hindi (mercyGod), of India, in 1349 AH / 1930 AD. ThePresident of theKhaliphate Conference in Indiashowsthatinscription on utileabovethewindowoverlookingthemosque. He alsowrote in the form of circles on thewindow "TheServant of thetwogreatMosques Al-Aqsa Mosque and Al-Buraq ", whowasknownfor his desperatedefense of thecause of Jerusalem, andPalestine Aqsa Mosque of financialandpoliticalsupportduringthe British occupation, traveledtoLondontodefendthe Wall of Al-Buraqanddied in Londonwhileparticipating in a conferencetodefendtheholysites in Palestine, theHaj Amin al-Husseini (may Allah havemercy on him), thePresident of theIslamicSupremeCouncil in Jerusalem, ItsburialnexttotheQataneen Gate closelylinkedtothe Western Al-Aqsa Gate.

    Al-Aqsa Mosque and Al-Buraq ". Whowasknownfor his desperatedefense of thecause of Jerusalem, andPalestine Aqsa Mosque of financialandpoliticalsupportduringthe British occupation, traveledtoLondontodefendthe Wall of Al-Buraqanddied in Londonwhileparticipating in a conferencetodefendtheholysites in Palestine, theHajAmin al-Husseini (may Allah havemercy on him), thePresident of theIslamicSupremeCouncil in Jerusalem, itsburialnexttotheQataneen Gate closelylinkedtothe Western Al-Aqsa Gate. Also, MosesKazemPashaHusseini, chairman of theArabExecutiveCommitteewasburied in it, in 1352 AH / 1934, andMujahid Abdul QadirHusseini (may Allah havemercy on him), thehero of the Battle of Qastal, whichinflictedtheZioniststhemostterribledefeat in general 1367 AH / 1948, and his son Faisal Husseini (official file of Jerusalem 1422 Hijri / 2001), andthetomb of Ahmed Hilmi AbdelBaqi (died 1383 Hijri / 1963) head of thegovernment of allPalestine (1376/1948), andthetomb of Abdul-Hamid Shomanfounder of theArab Bank (his deathwas in 1394 Hijri / 1974), andanothertomb of Sharif Abdel Hamid Ben Aoun (1383 Hijri / 1963).

    Note: -Cemeteriesarelocatedoutsidetheboundaries of the Al-Aqsa Mosque because it is not permissibletobury in mosques.



    The Manjakiyah School

    LandmarkLocation: Location of theschoolforthemosque, north of the Bab Al Nazir abovethe western gallery.

    LandmarkHistory:EstablishedbyPrinceSaif al-Din Munjik al-Nasiri in 1982, (AH 763 / AD 1361) in theMamlukperiod.

    Reason of thename:NamedafterPrinceSaif al-Din Manjak, whomade it as waqf.

    Builder Name: PrinceSaif al-Din Munjik al-Nasiri (DeputySham).

    Details of theshape:
    -Itconsists of twofloorsthatascendtothem in Stairs, in thelowerfloorthere is a largeIwan, in whichtwolargewindowsoverlookthemosque, theirstonesareredandwhite, andthebuilding is toppedby a dome on a neck a pistol in eachside, includingtwonets.

    Additional Information aboutthelandmark:
    -Itusedtheheadquarters of theIslamicWaqfDepartment in Jerusalem, which is responsibleformanagingtheaffairs of themosque Aqsa Mosque duringthe British occupationtotheirflat.
    -Dozens of judgesandeldersstudy in thisschool, including: –
    1) DuringtheMamlukperiod: thejudge of themagistratesShams al-Din Muhammad ibn Jamal al-Din al-Haldi al-Hanafistudied, he died in Jerusalem in 837 AH / 1423 AD.
    2) In theOttomanperiod: MawlanaKamal al-Din tookovertheschool’ssheikhand her teachers at therecommendation of a judge Jerusalem Sharaf al din. Withtheacquittal of Sultan Suleiman al Qanoni.
    In additiontomanyscholarsandelders.

    An Overview of theLandmark:
    It’slocatednorth of Bab An-Nathirah, abovethewestengallery. ItwasestablishedbytheMamlukPrinceSeif Ad-Din Manjak An-Nassiri, in 1361 (763 A.H.). Itconsists of twofloorsthat can be reachedusingstairs. Thelowerfloor is a largeIwan, in whichtwolargewindowsoverlookthemosque, theirstonesareredandwhite, andthebuilding is toppedby a dome on a neck a pistol in eachside, includingtwonets. Itwasused as theheadquarters of theIslamicWaqfDepartment in Jerusalem, which is responsibleformanagingtheaffairs of themosque Aqsa Mosque duringthe British occupationtotheirflat. Dozens of judgesandeldershavestudied in thisschool, including:

    1) DuringtheMamlukperiod: thejudge of themagistratesShams al-Din Muhammad ibn Jamal al-Din al-Haldi al-Hanafistudied, he died in Jerusalem in 837 AH / 1423 AD.

    2) In theOttomanperiod: MawlanaKamal al-Din tookovertheschool'ssheikhand her teachers at therecommendation of a judge Jerusalem Sharaf al din. Withtheacquittal of Sultan Suleiman al Qanoni.



    Al Muhadithia School

    LandmarkLocation: Located in the western corner of theminaret of the Gate of Guanma.

    LandmarkHistory:Established in 762 AH.

    Reason of thename:Namedafter Al MuhadithEzzedine al-Ardabili.

    Builder Name: Izz al-Din Abu Mohammed Abdul Aziz Al-Ajmi al-Ardbili.

    Details of theshape:
    -Theschoolconsists of twofloors; eachfloorconsists of fiverooms, and in thebasementthere is a mosquewith an area of ​​10 meters x 5 meters.

    Additional Information aboutthelandmark:
    Theschooloverviewsthe Al-Aqsa Mosque and has a staircaseleadingto it but it closed. Where it converted in a periodto a militarybarracks.

    An Overview of theLandmark:
    BuiltbyIzz al-Din Abu Muhammad Abdul Aziz al-Ajmi al-Ardabili in 762 AH located in thecorner West of theMinaret of the Gate of Guanma.  Consists of two floors, one of theparts of theageschool. Eachfloor has fiverooms anditsfloorLower Mosque. With an area of ​​10 meters x 5 meters.
    Theschooloverseesthe Al-Aqsa Mosque and has a staircaseleadingto it, but it closedwhere it convertedintofromperiodtomilitarybarracks.



    Al Omarya School

    LandmarkLocation: Located in thenortherncorridor of Al-Aqsa Mosque, closeto Bab Al-Gwanmaandextendingtothe Al Asardia School. Itborderedtothesouthbythe Al-Aqsa Mosque andtothenorthbythe general roadcalled Al-Aqsa TheMujahideenortheold Saraya andthe Al Allamnow. Fromthewestleadstothe Al-Aqsa Mosque Known as the Gate of thetribes of Gwanamah, andfromtheeastHakoura of the Royal School.

    LandmarkLocationrelativetoDome of therock: North West Dome of theRock.


    Reason of thename:Namedafteritsliberator, thesecondKhalifaOmar ibn al-KHattab.

    Details of theshape:
    -It’s a rectangularbuildingfromtheeasttothewestwith a length of 95 meters andwidth of 55 meters, Thisrectangleconsists of severalbuildingsanddifferenthistoricalperiods, and it consists of thefollowing: –
    1) Thegroundfloor, which is an oldbuildingsandhighwaterchannelsadjacenttothenature of therock on whichthesebuildingserected.
    2) Thefirstfloor is thecorridors, thirty-tworooms, and twoYards.
    3) Thesecondfloor is 25 rooms and 2 yards.
    4) Thethirdfloor is eightrooms andtheschoolsurface.
    Therefore, theschool is estimated at about 8 Itincludesthefollowing threeschools (Muhaddithiya, JoulehandSabibiyya).

    Additional Information aboutthelandmark:
    -Locatedabovetherockyhillhighnorth of themosquebetweenthenorthernyardandtheminaret of Guanyma. Castlebuiltthedays of the Romans (Antonia) In theIslamicera; manyschoolsestablished, such as theJahiliyya .
    And laterbecame a homeforthedeputyMamluk of the Jerusalem State, and in theOttomanera

    -Itbecametheseat of theOttomanPasha Saraya. Because of itsstrategiclocationoverlooking, (a minaretknownGhawanmahminaret of Saraya as well).
    Then, in the 20th century, it becamethehome of the modern kindergarten, thenoccupiedbythe British armystrategicand in theJordanianeraturnedintotheageschoolandstill.

    -Itoverlooksthenorthwesternboundary of the Al-Aqsa Mosque andconsideredpart of it.
    -It is a schoolhistoricalandlargearea of ​​4 acres, consisting of threeformerMamlukschools: Modernity, nebulae, andcollegiality, as well as a number of differentroomsandanglesthatwereexisting in earliertimes. Thelasttwoschools had usedtheresidence of Jerusalem’sdeputiesand a seat of governmentOttoman, then a schoolcalled “Kindergarten of Knowledge”, thenheadquarters of the British occupationpolice, andthentaken Mujahideen is theheadquarters of holyjihad, thentheheadquarters of theJordaniancommander of Jerusalem, andthen a school.

    -Since theZionistsoccupied Jerusalem and Al-Aqsa Mosque in 1967, theytookovertheentireschool And placed at thedisposal of the Jerusalem Municipality of Zionism, as thegatewaytotheso-calledtunnelwasopened “Hashmonaim” whichextendsalongthe western fence of the Al-Aqsa Mosque, startingfromthe Wall of Al-Buraq WhichwasopenedbytheZionists in 1996 – fromunderthegatecompletely, andtheschoolbecame a centertoturnthistunneltotheeast, wherethere is anothertunnelextendsfromunderneathtotheparking in thedoor of thetribes. It is alsobelievedthatthere is a thirdtunnelunderthe Al Omarya School linkedtothedomedDome of theRock (Located in theheart of theblessed Al-Aqsa Mosque), andfearedtouse it tocontroltherock Especially as theJewsclaimto be “holy of holies”. In theirallegedstructure.
    In addition, theIsraelipoliceuseparts of the Al Omarya School tomonitorwhat is going on Aqsa mosque, andsometimestotargetworshipersandshootthemespecially in timesthedisturbances, at a time whenZionistattemptsbeingmadetobuild a synagoguetheretoo, Was put withintheframework of planstoestablishtemporaryJewishplaces of worshipwithinthe Aqsa Mosque, itsnearvicinity as a preludetoestablishing ” Al Hikal”  Allegedly at his expense.

    -Itwasnamedaftertheage of thesecond Al Kaliph Umar ibn al-KHetta b (may Allah be pleasedwithhim) when he came in someaccounts he entered al-Aqsa fromthenorthsideaftertheSahabahcamped in Sahil Al Sahera (Bab Al Sahera).
    It is estimatedtohave an area of ​​about 8 Acres andincludesthethreeschools of Hadith, JoulehandSobibiyeh.

    An Overview of theLandmark:
    Located in thenortherncorridor of Al-Aqsa Mosque, closeto Bab Al-Gwanmaandextendingtothe  AlAsardiaschool. Itborderedtothesouthbythe Al-Aqsa Mosque andtothenorthbythe general roadcalled Al-Aqsa TheMujahideenortheold Saraya andthe Al Allamnow. Fromthewestleadstothe Al-Aqsa Mosque Known as the Gate of thetribes of Gwanamah, andfromtheeastHakoura of the Royal School.
    Located  in the North West Dome of theRockandbuilt IslamicCovenant.
    It is a rectangularbuildingfromtheeasttothewestwith a length of 95 meters andwidth of 55 meters, Thisrectangleconsists of severalbuildingsanddifferenthistoricalperiods, and it consists of thefollowing: –
    1) Thegroundfloor, which is an oldbuildingsandhighwaterchannelsadjacenttothenature of therock on whichthesebuildingswereerected.
    2) Thefirstfloor is thecorridorsand thirtytworooms and twospaces.
    3) Thesecondfloor is 25 rooms and twospaces.
    4) Thethirdfloor is 8 rooms andtheschoolsurface. Therefore, theschool is estimated at about 8.

    Itincludesthefollowingthreeschools (Muhaddithiya, JoulehandSabibiyya).
    It is locatedabovetherockyhillhighnorth of themosquebetweenthenorthernyardandtheminaret of Guanyma. Castlewasbuiltthedays of the Romans (Antonia) In theIslamicera, manyschoolswereestablished, such as theJahiliyya And laterbecame a homeforthedeputy of theMamluk Jerusalem State, and in theOttomanera Itbecametheseat of theOttomanPasha Saraya. Because of itsstrategiclocationoverlooking (a minaretwasknownGhawanmahminaret of Saraya as well).
    Then, in the 20th century, it becamethehome of the modern kindergarten, thenoccupiedbythe British armystrategicand in theJordanianeraturnedintotheageschoolandstill.



    Al Sabibiye School

    LandmarkHistory:Itwasestablishedbythe son of thedeputy of the Al Salibiyacastle (Banias) Prince Ala al din bin Ali bin Mohammed, at 800 Hijri.

    Reason of thename:Namedafterone of thecastleslocatedbetweenBaniasandTibnin.

    Builder Name: BuiltbyPrince Ala Al din bin Ali bin Mohammed.

    Additional Information aboutthelandmark:
    -Itwasestablishedbythe son of thedeputy of the Al Salibiyacastle (Banias) Prince Ala al din bin Ali bin Mohammed, at 800 Hijri.
    -Itrepresentstheeasternpart of theoldschoolandincludesthehallandthebuildingsbelow it, andextendstowardsthemosque Aqsa Mosque in whattodaycalledthe Royal Suite (upperfloor).
    -Al Salibiya School occupiestheeasternpart of the Al Omarya School, whichwasestablishedbythedeputyprinceThecastle of al-Salibiya al-Din ibn Ali ibn Muhammad in 800 AH, located in thenorthernyard Al-Aqsa Mosque, has another name, which is theNaseebia School. Itseasternpart is thehallandthebuildingsbelow it, whichextendtowardsthe far in theso-calledtoday Royal part (upperfloor), whichrenewed in the British erabytheSupremeIslamicCouncil, Whilethehallandthebuildingsbelow it remainedintact since theMamlukera, andtherewas a role A greatintellectualandculturalfieldandstoppedbymanystopsand in thelateMamlukeraItused a housefortheprosecution, and in theearlyTurkishperiod, it used a housefortheruler in the name of the Saraya andthentheOttomanarmy.
    At the time of the British Mandate, ShaykhMuhammad Al-Salehrented it fromtheAwqafandused it as a schooltoteachchildren on behalf of Kindergarten andremained in thiscaseuntil 1938.

    Thenseizedbythe British andturned it into a policestationuntil 1948. Thenbecametheheadquarters of theArabSalvationArmy. Thentheheadquarters of theJordaniancommander of Jerusalem. Thentheheadquarters of severaladministrativedepartments at thebeginning of theJordanianera. In 1952, a schoolrestored.

    An Overview of theLandmark:
    ItwasbuiltbyPrince Ala Al din bin Ali bin Mohammed. Itrepresentstheeasternpart of theoldschoolandincludesthehallandthebuildingsbelow it, andextendstowardsthemosque Aqsa Mosque in whattodaycalledthe Royal Suite (upperfloor). As-Sabibiyya School occupiestheeasternpart of the Al Omarya School. Aladin bin Ali ibn Muhammad, thedeputyleader of As-Sabibiyyacastleestablished it in 800 AH, located in thenorthernyard of Al-Aqsa Mosque, has another name, which is theNaseebia School.

    Itseasternpart is thehallandthebuildingsbelow it, whichextendtowardsthe far in theso-calledtoday Royal part (upperfloor), whichrenewed in the British erabytheSupremeIslamicCouncil, whilethehallandthebuildingsbelow it remainedintact since theMamlukera, andtherewas a role A greatintellectualandculturalfieldandstoppedbymanystopsand in thelateMamlukeraItused a housefortheprosecution, and in theearlyTurkishperiod, it used a housefortheruler in the name of the Saraya andthentheOttomanarmy. At the time of the British Mandate, ShaykhMuhammad Al-Salehrented it fromtheAwqafandused it as a schooltoteachchildren on behalf of Kindergarten andremained in thiscaseuntil 1938.

    Then, it wasseizedbythe British andturned it into a policestationuntil 1948. Afterwards, it becametheheadquarters of theArabSalvationArmy. Thentheheadquarters of theJordaniancommander of Jerusalem. Then, theheadquarters of severaladministrativedepartments at thebeginning of theJordanianera. In 1952, it wentbacktobeing a school.



    Al Alasa’rdia School

    LandmarkLocation: It is thelastschoollocated inside thenortherngallery of the Al-Aqsa Mosque on therighthandsidethe East. Afterthe Royal School is borderedbytherockyhillwest (abovewhich is the Al Omarya School)

    LandmarkHistory:ItwasmadewaqfbyMajd al-Din al-Asradi in 770 AH / 1368 AD, and he was a merchantwhoknew his name.

    Reason of thename:NamedafterMajid al-Din al-Alasardi, alsocalledKhanaqahbecause it had rooms of mysticism

    Builder Name: Majd al-Din Abdul Ghani al-Asradi.

    Additional Information aboutthelandmark:
    -It is thelastschoollocated inside thenortherngallery of the Al-Aqsa Mosque on therighthandsidethe East. Afterthe Royal School is borderedbytherockyhillwest (abovewhich is the Al Omarya School)
    -Characterizedbythebeauty of itsinteriorandexteriordecorationandcoloredstones, and in itsqiblifacade is a prominent mihrab outsidethewall.
    -It is a spacioustwo-storeybuildingwith an open-shapedsquare-shapeddish, surroundedby a number of saucerthesmallcellwiththeentrances is heldwiththreedomesabove it fromitseasternsidesandthecentraland western, and has a largemosqueoverlookingthebrawlbeautifulruins on thesquares of Al-Aqsa Mosque.
    -And theSupremeIslamicCouncilunderthe British occupation of therestoration, andthenestablished a house Al-Aqsa Mosque written in 1345/1927 AD, before it convertedto a residentialhouseforA’lAlBitarcurrently.

    An Overview of theLandmark:
    TheschoolwasnamedafterMajd al-Din al-Alasardi in 1368 (770 A.H.). hewascalledKhawaja, because he was a richmerchant.  Itwascharacterizedbythebeauty of itsinteriorandexteriordecorationandcoloredstones, and in itsqiblifacade is a prominent mihrab outsidethewall. It is a spacioustwo-storeybuildingandwascalledKhanaqahbecause it had rooms of mysticism. Duringthe time of the British Occupation, theSupremeIslamicCouncilrestored it andthenestablished Al-Aqsa Mosque Bookstore in 1345/1927 AD, before it wasturnedinto a residentialhouse.



    Al Malkiyya Schoo

    LandmarkLocation: Located in thenortherncorridor of Al-Aqsa Mosque, east of thePersianschool.

    LandmarkLocationrelativetoDome of therock: North Dome of theRock.

    LandmarkHistory:Itwasopenedduringthereign of theMamluk Sultan MuhammadQalawun (741 AH / 1340 AD) bythehajiPrinceandJokendar, afterfouryears of itsbuilding.

    Reason of thename:NamedafterthehajiPrinceandJokendar, Malk.

    Builder Name: ThehajiPrinceandJokendar, Malk.

    Additional Information aboutthelandmark:
    -Itwasopenedduringthereign of theMamluk Sultan MuhammadQalawun (741 AH / 1340 AD) bythehajiPrinceandJokendar, afterfouryears of itsbuilding.
    -Thefacadewasbuilt in the nice style (likeoverlap of redandwhitestones), in additiontothe presence of pinches, themagnificentstonecircles, andthere is alsoinscription on thefront of theschooldatingtobuild it abovethegallery on thesides of theinscriptionthere is a gokandar logo engraved in marble, a stickthesquare is usedtostriketheball.
    -CreatedbyPrinceHaj Al-Jokandar (whowasresponsiblefortheballandstick-jockeygame) to Sultan Muhammad ibn Qalawun).
    -Thisschool is locatedbetweentwoschools (thePersianschool in theeastand Al Asardia School west).
    -Is a two-storyhousewheretheA’l Al-Khatibfamily has smallrooms on the top floortosuittherehome.
    Thisschoolincludesmost of thedistinctivearchitecturalelements of theMamlukperiodespeciallytheexchangethecolors of thestonesarebuiltout.
    In theschool, there is thetomb of thewife of theJokendar.

    An Overview of theLandmark:

    ItwasnamedafterPrince Al-Haj Malik Al-Jokandar.

    It’slocated in thenortherngallery of Al-Aqsa Mosque; east of Al-Farisiyya School. Itwasestablished in the time of theMamluk Sultan MohammedQalawoun, in 1340 (741 A.H.). afterfouryears of buildingthementionedschool, it wasbuiltby Al-Hak Al-Malik Al-Jokandar. Thefacadewasbuilt in the nice style (likeoverlap of redandwhitestones), in additiontothe presence of pinches, themagnificentstonecircles, andthere is alsoinscription on thefront of theschooldatingtobuild it abovethegallery on thesides of theinscriptionthere is Al-Jokandar logo engraved in marble, a curvedstickthat is usedtostriketheball. ItwasestablishedbyPrince Al-Haj Malik Al-Jokandar, whowasresponsiblefortheBallandStick Game, in front of Sultan Mohammed bin Qalawoun. Thisschool is locatedbetweentwoschools (thePersianschool in theeastand Al Asardia School west. It is a two-storyhousewheretheA’l Al-Khatibfamily has smallrooms on the top floortosuittheirhome.

    Thisschoolincludesmost of thedistinctivearchitecturalelements of theMamlukperiodespeciallytheexchangethecolors of thestonesarebuiltout.

    Currently, it’sinhabitedbytheDajanifamilyandrentedbytheIslamicEndowmentsDepartment. In theschool, there is thetomb of thewife of theJokendar.



    The Persian School

    LandmarkLocation: Locatedtothewest of thedoor of honor of theprophets (Bab Sharaf al anbia) andborderedbythe Al Ameniaschool of the East andthe Royal ( almalakia) of the West.

    Landmark History:755 Hijri / 1353 m

    Reason of thename:ItwasnamedthePersianPrince al-Bakki bin Amir Qutlu Malik bin Abdullah

    Builder Name: BuiltbythePersianPrince al-Bakki bin Amir Qutlu Malik bin Abdullah

    Additional Information aboutthelandmark:
    -Thefacade of theschool is simpletobuild, devoid of decorations.
    -Al AmeniaandPersianschoolsoverlaptherooms on the top floor, a number of members of the Al-Diri family (Al-Khalidi) wereknowntoteachthereandhavebecome a home a portion of Tulkarmland, confiscatedforspending on theschool in 755 AH / 1354 AD.

    An Overview of theLandmark:
    Itwasnamedaftertheonewhomade it Waqf; thePersianPrince Al-Bakki bin AmeerQatlu Malik bin Abdulla. It’stothewest of thedoor of honor of theprophets (Bab Sharaf al anbia) andborderedbythe Al Ameniaschool of the East andthe Royal ( almalakia) of the West. itwasbuilt in 1353 (755 A.H.). Thefacade of theschool is simpletobuild, devoid of decorations. Al AmeniaandPersianschoolsoverlaptherooms on the top floor, a number of members of the Al-Diri family (Al-Khalidi) wereknowntoteachthereandhavebecome a homea .portion of Tulkarmland, confiscatedforspending on theschool in 755 Hijri / 1353 AD


    Al Amenia School

    LandmarkLocation: In thealatemdoor, in thenorthern fence of the Al-Aqsa Mosque (adjacenttothedoor of Atem / King Faisal of the West).

    LandmarkLocationrelativetoDome of therock: North Dome of theRock on the top floorabovethedoor of Al Sharaf.

    LandmarkHistory:Itwasfoundedby Amin al-Din (730 AH / 1329 AD), but it underwent a period of reconstruction in theOttomanperiod.

    Reason of the name: NamedafteritsbuilderAmin al ddin Abdullah.

    Builder Name: Ameen al din Abdullah bin Ghanem.

    Details of theshape:
    -Themostbeautifulschoolsoverlookingthesquares of Al-Aqsa Mosque, theschoolconsists of twofloorsupstairsabovetheAlSharafprophetsdoor, wherethebeautifulschoolIwan, withthreelargewindowsabovethedoorDirectlyandfromthere a wonderfulview of theDome of theRock, thegroundfloor is at thelevel of thegallerythetomb of Diaa Al din Hikari.

    Additional Information aboutthelandmark:
    -Thisschoollocatedeast of thePersian (al Faresia) school, andcalled Dar Imamfortheresidence of SheikhImam, it is locatedwest of Bab al- Atm / King Faisal in thenorthernwall of Al-Aqsa Mosque andborderedbytheeasttheroad inside tothedoor of King Faisal.
    -FromthenorthbytheMujahideen, andfromthewestbytheschoolFarsi, andsouth of the Al-Aqsa Mosque, Minister Amin al din Abdullah, whoestablished it one of theofficials of theNasseritearmyQalawunandknown as theAmeen AL Malik.
    -Itwasrestored in theeraOttoman, andtheirnames Dar Imamwhere he studiedtheancestors of thefamily of Imamandtook a housetolive.
    -Theoccupiersmade it a semi-enclosedplaceandcloseditsdoorsduringtheclosingperiods Aqsa Mosque, despitetherecentattemptstoopen it as a headquartersforDa’wahandspreadingIslam, afterbeingboughtbySheikhMohammedAsaadImam. Thegroundfloorincludesthetomb of Dia al din Hakarifromtheprinces of Salah al-Din, otherthanthegraves of thosewhotookthesheikh of theschool of his descendants (thefamily of Imam Jerusalem).
    -Amin al din was a Copticandbecame a Muslimwhoheldimportantpositionsduringthereign of theMamluk Sultan Muhammad Ben Qalawun, includingtheMinister of Stateanditsleader, but todaytheschoolhouse.

    An Overview of theLandmark:
    ItwasNamedaccordingtoitsbuildersAmin al din Abdullah. It’slocated in theAlatemdoor in thenorthern fence of the Al-Aqsa Mosque (adjacenttothedoor of Atem / King Faisal of the West), North Dome of theRock on the top floorabovethedoor of Al Sharaf. ItwasfoundedbyAmin al-Din (730 AH / 1329 AD), but it underwent a period of reconstruction in theOttomanperiod.
    Themostbeautifulschoolsoverlookingthesquares of Al-Aqsa Mosque, theschoolconsists of twofloorsupstairsabovethedoor of the Al Sharaf of theprophets, wherethebeautifulschoolIwan, withthreelargewindowsabovethedoorDirectlyandfromthere a wonderfulview of theDome of theRock. Thegroundfloor is at thelevel of thegallerythetomb of Diaa Al din Hikari.
    Thisschoollocatedeast of thePersian( alFaresia) school, andcalled Dar Imamfortheresidence of SheikhImam.
    It is locatedwest of Bab al-Atm / King Faisal in thenorthernwall of Al- Aqsa Mosque andborderedbytheeasttheroad inside tothedoor of King Faisal, fromthenorthbytheMujahideen, andfromthewestbytheschoolFarsi, andsouth of the Al-Aqsa Mosque. MinisterAmin al din Abdullah, whoestablished it one of theofficials of theNasseritearmyQalawunandknown as theAmeen AL Malik. Itrestored in theOttomanera, andtheirnames Dar Imamwhere he studiedtheancestors of thefamily of Imamandtook a housetolive, theoccupiersmadethem a semi-enclosedplaceandclosetheirdoorsduringtheclosingperiods Aqsa Mosque, This is despitetherecentattemptstoopen it as a headquartersforDa’wahandspreadingIslam, afterbeingboughtbySheikhMohammedAsaadImam. Thegroundfloorincludesthetomb of Dia al din Hakarifromtheprinces of Salah al-Din, otherthanthegraves of thosewhotookthesheikh of theschool of his descendants (thefamily of Imam Jerusalem). Amin al din was a Copticandbecame a Muslimwhoheldimportantpositionsduringthereign of theMamluk Sultan Muhammad Ben Qalawun, includingtheMinister of Stateanditsleader, but todaytheschoolhouse.



    Al Bastia School

    LandmarkLocation: LocatedabovetheschoolsandRiyadh Al Aqsa Islamiclocatedwithinthenortherncorridor of the Al-Aqsa Mosque betweenthegates of Hettaand Atem (King Faisal).

    LandmarkHistory: Mujir al-Din al-Hanbalimentionsthatthefirst of thefounders of Shaykh al-Islam is Shams al-Din Muhammad al-HarawiShaykhandthejudge of theShaafa' is andtheCustodian of theTwoHolyMosques in theMamlukera, but he could not he completed it until he passedawaybeforeitsarchitecture. Thejudge, Zayd al-Din Abd al-Basit Sunnah, ruled it (834 AH / 1426 AD).

    Reason of the name: NamedafterJudgeZin al dine AbdelBasset Ben KhalilDamashqi, whoconsidered it as Waqf.

    Builder Name: Zin al dine AbdelBasset Ben KhalilDamashqi.

    Additional Information aboutthelandmark:
    -Mujir al-Din al-Hanbalimentionsthatthefirst of thefounders of Shaykh al-Islam is Shams al-Din Muhammad al-HarawiShaykhandthejudge of theShaafa’ is andtheCustodian of theTwoHolyMosques in theMamlukera, but he could not he completed it until he passedawaybeforeitsarchitecture. Thejudge, Zayd al-Din Abd al-Basit Sunnah, ruled it (834 AH / 1426 AD).
    -Locatedabovethenortherncorridortothewest of Hettadoor, wasitsoriginalentrancevia a stairwayfrom inside Al-Aqsa Mosque, but thestairsaredemolishedandthedoorclosed.
    -JudgeAbdelBassetwasarrestedforitsarchitectureand a dignifiedendowment in the Sur Bahir village, wherethewheattransportedfromthevillagetospend on studentsandteachers, andcarried his name, it was a greatschoolfamousthroughouttheMuslimworld, wheremanycameoutscientistsstudiedandpreservedmany modern narrators, doctors, astronomersandmathematicians, eitherToday, it consists of twosections (a communitysection of the Al-Jar
    allahcommunity), and a sectionthatusestheschoolheadquarterswhich is locatedoutside Al-Aqsa andwhichtodayserves as a schoolforthedisabled.
    -Theschoolhoused ten orphanedchildren on a permanentbasis, andwasturnedinto a residencefortheJerusalemitefamilies.

    An Overview of theLandmark:
    ItwasnamedafterJudgeZinalddineAbdelBasset Ben KhalilDamashqi, whoconsidered it as Waqf. It is locatedabovetheschoolsandRiyadh Al Aqsa Islamic. It’slocatedwithinthenortherncorridor of the Al-Aqsa Mosque betweenthegates of Hettaand Atma (King Faisal). Mujir al-Din al-Hanbalimentionsthatthefirst of thefounders of Shaykh al-Islam is Shams al-Din Muhammad al-HarawiShaykhandthejudge of theShaafa' is andtheCustodian of theTwoHolyMosques in theMamlukera, but he could not he completed it until he passedawaybeforeitsarchitecture. Thejudge, Zayd al-Din Abd al-Basit Sunnah, ruled it (834 AH / 1426 AD). It’slocatedabovethenortherncorridortothewest of Hettadoorwasitsoriginalentrancevia a stairwayfrom inside Al-Aqsa Mosque, but thestairsdemolishedandthedoorclosed.
    JudgeAbdelBassetwasarrestedforitsarchitectureand a dignifiedendowment in thevillage of Sur Bahir, wherethewheatwastransportedfromthevillagetospend on studentsandteachers, andcarried his name.
    Itwas a greatschoolfamousthroughouttheMuslimworld, wheremanycameoutscientistsstudiedandpreservedmany modern narrators, doctors, astronomersandmathematicians, eitherToday, it consists of twosections (a communitysection of the Al-Jarallahcommunity), and a sectionthatusestheschoolheadquarterswhich is locatedoutside Al-Aqsa andwhichtodayserves as a schoolforthedisabled. Theschoolhoused ten orphanedchildren on a permanentbasis, andwasturnedinto a residencefortheJerusalemitefamilies.



    Al Aqsa Schools and Kindergartens

    LandmarkLocation: Located in thenortherncorridor of Al-Aqsa Mosque between Bab Hettaand Al-Atm / King Faisal.

    LandmarkHistory: CreatedbyPrinceDwadar in 695 AH / 1295 AD.

    Reason of the name: NamedafterbuilderPrince Alam Al DeinSinjar Al Dwadar.

    Builder Name: Alam Al DeinSinjar Al Dwadar.

    Additional Information aboutthelandmark:
    Thisschool is calledAldwadariaschool, afteritsbuilderPrinceDwadar, andcarriedthisthe name untilmid-twentiethcentury, where it wascalled Al-Aqsa Islamic Schools andKindergartens, in theearlyeighties.

    An Overview of theLandmark:
    It’slocated in thenortherngallery of Al-Aqsa Mosque, betweenHittaand Al-Al’Atmgates. Bigpart of it wasincluded in Ad-Dwadariyya, whichwasnamedafteritsbuilderandtheonewhomade it Waqf, Prince Alam Ad-Din Sinjar Ad-Dwadar, in 1295 (695 A.H.). In theearlyeighties, it wasturnedinto Al-Aqsa Schools andKindergartens



    Al Karemia School

    LandmarkLocation: Locatedtotheright of externalside of thedoor of Hetta .

    LandmarkHistory: Itwasestablished in AH 718 / AD 1318, duringthereign of Sultan MuhammadIbnQalawun.

    Reason of the name: Namedafterthe Companion Karim al - Din bin MuallemHibat alla.

    Builder Name: Karim al - Din bin Muallem.

    Additional Information aboutthelandmark:
    -Consists of a number of rooms of different size wereusedforteachingandaccommodationforteachersandseekers of science.
    -Locatedtotheright of externalside of thedoor of Hetta, andestablishedbythe Companion Karim al-Din bin MuallemHebatallah.
    In AH 718 / AD 1318, duringthereign of theMamluk Sultan Muhammad ibn Qalawun, theowner of thetitlelaunched.
    In theMamlukera. Karimuddinreceivedmanyofficialjobs, thoughhe’s a QopticChristian, thenIslamandbuiltmanymosquesandschools in LevantandEgypt. Part of theschoolwasturnedinto Al Mutahara, which is thepart of thegroundthatoverlooks Al-Aqsa Squaretwentiethcentury. Theupperfloorwasturnedinto a residenceforthefamilies of Jerusalem.

    An Overview of theLandmark:
    Itwasestablished in AH 718 / AD 1318, duringthereign of Sultan MuhammadIbnQalawun, andwasnamedafterhim. Itconsists of a number of rooms of different size wereusedforteachingandaccommodationforteachersandseekers of science. It is locatedtotheright of externalside of thedoor of Hetta, andestablishedbythe Companion Karim al-Din bin MuallemHebatallah. In AH 718 / AD 1318, duringthereign of theMamluk Sultan Muhammad ibn Qalawun, theowner of thetitlelaunched. In theMamlukera. Karimuddinreceivedmanyofficialjobs, thoughhe’s a QopticChristian, thenIslamandbuiltmanymosquesandschools in LevantandEgypt. Part of theschoolwasturnedinto Al Mutahara, which is thepart of thegroundthatoverlooks Al-Aqsa Squaretwentiethcentury. Theupperfloorwasturnedinto a residenceforthefamilies of Jerusalem.



    Al Ghadrya School

    LandmarkLocation: Locatedbetweenthedoor of theAlasbatand Bab Hetta (inside thenortherngallery of Al-Aqsa Mosque) betweentheminaret of Bab alasbatandbabHetta ).

    LandmarkLocationrelativetoDome of therock: Locatednorth of theDome of theRockbetweentheminaret of thedoor of thetribesandMatharatthedoor of Hetta .

    LandmarkHistory: BuiltbyKhatun, thewife of Prince Nasir al-Din Delgadir (836/1433), PrinceNasser al-Din Muhammad bin Delgadirmade it waqf, andcarried his name duringtheMamlukera in the time of theMamluk Sultan of Persia.

    Reason of the name: NamedafterPrinceNasser Al-Din Mohammed bin Delgader.

    Builder Name: Egypt, Khatunwife of PrinceNasser Aldin Mohammed bin Delgader.

    Additional Information aboutthelandmark:
    -BuiltbyKhatun, thewife of Prince Nasir al-Din Delgadir (836/1433), PrinceNasser al-Din Muhammad bin Delgadirmade it waqf, andcarried his name duringtheMamlukera in the time of theMamluk Sultan of Persia.
    -It is characterizedbyitsfacade inside the Al-Aqsa Mosque anditsentrancedecoratedwithwhiteandredstones.
    -Over time, theroof of theschoolfellandtheIslamicWaqfDepartmentrealizedthattheschoolneedsto be renovated, but theoccupationauthoritiespreventedthemfromfinishingtherenovationprocess, so it is stillwithout a roof.
    -ThisschoolservedtheTurksliving in Jerusalem (accordingtoWaqf) andwasfundedbyKhanGhadria in the market of Qattanin.

    An Overview of theLandmark:
    In the name of PrinceNasser Al-Din Mohammed bin Delgader, Locatedbetweenthedoor of theAlasbatand Bab Hetta (inside thenortherngallery of Al-Aqsa Mosque) betweentheminaret of Bab Thetribesandmataharathedoor of Hetta ). Locatednorth of theDome of theRockbetweentheminaret of thedoor of thetribesandMataharathedoor of Hetta. BuiltbyKhatun, thewife of Prince Nasir al-Din Delgadir (836/1433),
    PrinceNasser al-Din Muhammad bin Delgadirmade it waqf, andcarried his name duringtheMamlukera in the time of theMamluk Sultan of Persia.
    It is characterizedbyitsfacade inside the Al-Aqsa Mosque anditsentrancedecoratedwithwhiteandredstones.
    Over time, theroof of theschoolfellandtheIslamicWaqfDepartmentrealizedthattheschoolneedsto be renovated, but theoccupationauthoritiespreventedthemfromfinishingtherenovationprocess, so it is stillwithout a roof. ThisschoolservedtheTurksliving in Jerusalem (accordingtoWaqf) andwasfundedbyKhanGhadria in the market of Qattanin.



    Al–Aqsa Secondary Sharia School

    LandmarkLocation: It is located in thenortherncorridor of Al-Aqsa Mosque betweentheAlasbatdooranditsminaret.

    LandmarkHistory: Established in theearly 1980s.

    Reason of the name: Itwasknown as “Al – Aqsa SecondarySharia School” becausewhenestablished, it wasjust a secondaryschool.

    Additional Information aboutthelandmark:
    Today, it is a preparatoryandsecondaryschoolformalestudents in theShariabranch, in whichtheforensicsciencesarebeingtaught.

    An Overview of theLandmark:
    Itwasknown as “Al – Aqsa SecondarySharia School” becausewhenestablished, it wasjust a secondaryscool. It’slocated in thenortherncorridor of the Al-Aqsa Mosque betweenthe Gate of theAlasbatdooranditsminaret, Today, it is considered a preparatoryandsecondaryschoolformalestudents in theShariabranch, in whichtheforensicsciencesarebeingtaught.



    Al Khatania School

    TheKhutaniyyahLodgewasestablishedbySaladin in 587 AH (1191 AD) forShaykhJalaluddinAhmad bin Muhammadash-Shashi, a piousandrighteous man. Ash-Shashiwasthefirstmantoteach in thelodge, but it is namedafterone of his successors, Sheikh al-Khutani. It is a lodgeandschoolwhichplayed a large role in intellectualmovements in Jerusalem, includingmanyesteemedscholarsamongstitsteachers. It has experiencedmanychangesandadditions of newroomsandtoilets, but some of theoriginalpartremains in the form of columnsandwindows.
