Al Shaalan WaterwayTerrace
LandmarkLocation: BehindShaalanspring
LandmarkLocationrelativetoDome of therock: North West Dome of theRock
1061/1651 AD in theOttomanera
Reason of the name:
Becausetheyarebehindthespring of Shaalan
Builder Name: TheOttomans
Details of theshape:
– Becausetheyarebehindthespring of Shaalan.
– BehindShaalanspring.
– North West Dome of theRock.
– 1061/1651 AD in theOttomanera.
– It has a stoneniche.
-Thestone mihrab wasbuilt in 1061 AH / 1651 AD based on theorders of theprince of Jerusalem ProvinceYousefBashatheOttoman.
– Al- Shaalanspringterrace is locatedbehind Al-Shaalanspringandthat’s how it earnedthis name, it is tothenorth- west of theDome of theRock. Itwasbuilt in theOttomanera
andbuiltitsstoneniche on ordersfromtheOttomanMinisterandPrince Yusuf Basha, whowasthehead Jerusalem provincethat time.
Qait Bay Spring Terrace
LandmarkLocation: West of Al-Aqsa mosqueandtheDome of theRock, southeast of Al-Mathara and Al-Qataneengates.
LandmarkLocationrelativetoDome of therock: West of theDome of theRock.
LandmarkHistory:Around 887 AH 1482 AD, duringthemamlukera.
Reason of thename:NamedafterQait Bay spring, which is located in itsnorthwestside.
Builder Name: SheriffSaif Al-Din Inal
Details of theshape :
-It has a stone mihrab; niche.
-In itsnortherncornerliesQait bay spring.
An Overview of theLandmark:
It is located on the western side of Al-Aqsa Mosque, south-east of Bab al-Mutahraand Bab al-Qattanin. Itwasbuilt in theMamlukera, around 887 AH / 1482 AD bytheSheriffSaif al-Din Inal, with a beautifulstone mihrab; niche. In itsnortherncornerliesQait bay andthat’s how it gotits name.
Qubbat Mousa Terrace
LandmarkLocation: Itslocatedsouthwest of Al-Aqsa mosque, east of Bab Al-Silasila
LandmarkLocationrelativetoDome of therock: SouthwestQubbat Al-Sakhra( Dome of theRock ).
674 AH 1275 AD.
Reason of the name:
Builder Name: TheAyyubidsandtheMamluks.
Details of theshape:
-It has a stone mihrab, which is a highwall, builtspecificallytohighlightthe mihrab, andanother mihrab in thenorthernwall of thedomebuilding can be seenfromtheoutside.
-Theniche of thedomeextendsoutward. It is visible on thisterrace,QubbatMousawasbuiltabove it.
An Overview of theLandmark:
QubbatMousa (TheDome of Moses), alsonamedthe House of theHolyQuran, is locatedeast of Bab Al-Silasila. ItwasbuiltduringtheAyyubidorMamlukera, in 674 AH / 1275 AD.
TheDome of Moseswasbuiltabove it, andthat’s how it gotits name. It has a mihrab from a highwallbuiltspecificallytohighlightthe mihrab, andanother mihrab in thenorthernwall of thedomebuilding can be seenfromtheoutside. Theniche of thedomeextendsoutward. It is visible on thisterrace.
Funerals Terrace
LandmarkLocation: South of Al-Aqsa Mosque, locatednorth of thefunerarymosquethat is in thenortherngallery of Al-Qibli Mosque, and in thenorth-easterncorner of Al-Qibli Mosque.
LandmarkLocationrelativetoDome of therock: South of theDome of theRock.
Reason of the name:
Itgotits name out of Jerusalem people’shabittogather in it waitingfortheprayer.
Builder Name: Theottomans
Details of theshape:
-An openterracewithnoshadeexcept in theabsence of the sun, with an ironniche
An Overview of theLandmark:
Thisterrace is locatedsouth of theDome of theRock, north of thefunerarychapelthat is in thenortherngallery of Al-Qibli Mosque, in thenorth-easterncorner of Al-QibliMosque .It is an openterracewithnoshadeexceptwhenthe sun is down. It has a simpleironniche,thepeople of Jerusalem usedtostandtherewaitingforprayingtothedead, andthat’s how it gotits name.
Al Kaas Terrace
LandmarkLocation: South of Al-Aqsa Mosque, andspecificallyeast of Al-Kaasspring in front of Al-Qibli Mosque.
LandmarkLocationrelativetoDome of therock: South of theDome of theRock.
In theOttomanera.
Reason of the name:
Gotits name because it is near Al-kaasspring
Builder Name: TheOttomans
Details of theshape:
-It has a simpleironnichethatshowstheQiblaand is a barrierbetweenworshipersandpedestrians.
-Twogreatserpentsgrow, whichkeepthemfromtheheat.
An Overview of theLandmark:
Al-kaasspringterrace, is a terrace in thesouth of Al-Aqsa Mosque in front of Al-Qibli Mosque. Itwasbuilt in theOttomanera. Itcontains a simpleironnichethatshowstheQiblaand a barrierbetweentheworshipers, andtherearetwogreatcypresstreesthatgiveshadetotheterraceanditsvisitorsandprotectthemfromextremeheat.
Pine Terrace–Shahidat Al Ribat
LandmarkLocation: It is locatedsouthwest of Al-Aqsa Mosque, west of Al-Qibli Mosque, justnorth of Yusuf'sDomeAghatribal.
LandmarkLocationrelativetoDome of therock: South westQubbat Al-Sakhra (Dome of theRock ).
Reason of the name:
-It is calledthepineterraceduetotheabundance of surroundingpinetreesthatcasttheirshadows on them.
-It is calledthepineterrace in commemoration of thelives of thewomen of theoccupiedNegev.
Builder Name: TheOttomans.
Details of theshape:
It has a mihrab; nichethat is surroundedby a wall.
Additional Information aboutthelandmark:
ItwasrecentlydubbedShahidat Al-Rabat, tocommemoratethelives of thewomen of theoccupiedNegevwhowerekilled in a trafficaccident in theirreturnfrom Al Aqsa Mosque.
An Overview of theLandmark:
Thepineterrace is locatedtothewest of AL-QibliPrayerHall, north of Yusuf Agha Al-QibliDome. It is namedafterthepineterrace, duetothelargenumber of surroundingpinetrees, which in turnhavebeenpaintedduringtheOttomantimes. It has distinctivemihrabslocated inside a wallsurroundedbypinetrees. Today, it is known as themausoleum of Abu Bakr al-Siddiq, may Allah be pleasedwithhim, and it wasrecentlycalledShahidat Al-Rabat, tocommemoratethelives of theoccupiedNegevwomenwhowerekilled in a trafficaccident in theirreturnfrom Al-Aqsa Mosque.
Ablution Spring Terrace
LandmarkLocation: Acrossthemosquewith a simpledeviationtothewest.
LandmarkLocationrelativetoDome of therock: South of theDome of theRock.
Reason of the name:
Namedbecause it breaksthroughthespring of wudoo’ (ablution).
Builder Name: TheOttomans.
Details of theshape:
-It has a simpleironniche.
-Itwasrenovated in the 20th century as it penetratedthespring of ablution. It is a largeterrace. In themiddle, however, is a wideplaceforablution.
-Thereare pines andpinetrees in thecorners, whichcast a shadowoverthem, andthere is oliveoil as well.
An Overview of theLandmark:
Ablution Spring Terrace (thedoubleterrace) is locatednorth of the main hallway of thetribalmosque, andsouth of theDome of theRock. Ittookits name fromthespring in itsmiddle. Itwasbuilt in theOttomanperiodandwasrenovated in the 20th century where it was
penetratedby a waterwayforablution, andthere is an ablutionfacility in themiddle of thiswideterrace. Therearealsopinetrees, cypresstreesandolivetrees. It has a simpleironniche.
Ali Basha Terrace
LandmarkLocation: It is locatedwest of Al-Aqsa mosque, andeast of Al-Nathirgate, between Al-Qataneenand Al-Hadid gates.
LandmarkLocationrelativetoDome of therock: West of Dome of therock.
1047 AH 1637 AD, in theOttomanera.
Reason of the name:
Namedafteritsbuilder, theOttomanruler of Jerusalem, Ali Basha.
Builder Name: TheOttomanruler of Jerusalem, Ali Basha.
Details of theshape :
-It has a stone Mihrab; niche, withexquisitecoloredstones, in contrasttoitswhiteandredstone.
An Overview of theLandmark:
Ali Bashaterrace is namedafteritsbuilder, theOttomanruler of Jerusalem, Ali Basha, and it is alsocalled Ali Basha mihrab; niche. It is located in west of Al-Aqsa mosque, east of Al-Nathirgate, between Al-Qataneenand Al-Hadid gates. Itwasbuilt in 1047 AH a637 AD. It has a stone mihrab; niche, withexquisitecoloredstone, in contrasttoitswhiteandredstone.
Bab Al Hadid Terrace
LandmarkLocation: In front of Bab AL-Hadid.
LandmarkLocationrelativetoDome of therock: West of theDome of theRockwith a simpledeviationtothenorth.
Reason of the name:
It is nearto Bab AL-Hadid.
Builder Name: TheOttomans
Details of theshape:
Simple ironniche.
An Overview of theLandmark:
Bab AL-Hadid Terrace is locatedacoss Bab Al-Hadid on the western side of Al-Aqsa Mosque,built in theOttomanperiodwith a simpleiron mihrab. And gainedits name because it is neartobab Al-Hadid.
Al Buraq Terrace
LandmarkLocation: South-west of Al-Aqsa Mosque, east of Al-Buraq Mosque, andacross Al-Mgharbeh Gate.
LandmarkLocationrelativetoDome of therock: Southwest of theDome of theRock, Qubbat Al-Sakhra.
Reason of the name:
It is near of Al-Buraqmosque.
Builder Name: TheOttomans.
Details of theshape :
It has a stone mihrab; niche.
An Overview of theLandmark:
Al-Buraqmosqueterrace( Abu Baker terrace ). Itgotits name because of itsclosenessto Al-Buraqmosque, since it is at theeastern. side of it, across Al-Mgharbahgate, andsouthwest of theDome of theRock. ItwasconstructedduringtheOttomanera, and has a beautifulstone mihrab; niche
Al Zahiri Terrace
Landmark Location: It’slocated in thenorthwest of Al-Aqsa mosque in front of Bab Al-Ghawanmeh.
LandmarkLocationrelativetoDome of therock: NorthwestQubbat Al-Sakhra (dome of therock).
He had it built in 793 AH 1391 AD, aroundtheMamlukera.
Reason of the name:
It’snamedafterthebuilder of it anditsnicheandthehead of thetwoholymosques; PrinceBalwai Al-Thahiri.
Builder Name: PrinceBalwai Al-Thahiri.
Details of theshape :
It is a wideterrace, with a beautifulstone Mihrab “niche”.
Additional Information aboutthelandmark:
DuringtheMamlukera, theterracewasusedtoholdtheJudicialCouncil, as stated in theMamlukdocuments.
An Overview of theLandmark:
It’s a wideterrace, with a beautifulstone Mihrab “niche”terracesand is locatedtothenorthwest of Al-Aqsa mosqueandQubbat Al-Sakhra( dome of therock ), and in front of Bab Al-Ghawanmeh., Itwasbuiltnearly in 793 AH 1391 AD, on theorder of thehead of thetwoholymosques, PrinceBalawai Al-Thahiri. DuringtheMamlukera, theterracewasusedtoholdtheJudicialCouncil, as stated in theMamlukdocumemts.
Sabra and Shatila Terrace
LandmarkLocation: It is locatedeast of thecorner of theRock’ssoutheasternnave.
LandmarkLocationrelativetoDome of therock: Southeast of theDome of theRock.
1402 H / 1982.
Reason of the name:
Because it wasbuilttohonorthemartyrs of Sabra andShatilamassacrethattookplace in Lebanon.
Details of theshape:
-It has a simpleironniche.
-Itwastransformedinto a memorialtothesouls of themartyrs of theLebanese Sabra andShatilamassacres, whichtheytookplace in history in 17-09-1982 AD .
-In itssouthwesterncorner, there is a shortcylindricalmarblecolumnwiththe verse: ” whoever is killedunjustly – wehavegiven his heirauthority” from Surat al-Isra’a, and on its western wallthe name of theterraceandthehistory of themassacreareengraved.
An Overview of theLandmark:
The Sabra andShatilaTerrace is a modern buildingbuilt in the twentiethcentury in 1402 AH / 1982, and is locatedsoutheast of Al-Aqsa Mosque. Itwasbuilt in honor of themartyrs of themassacre of Sabra andShatilathattookplace in Lebanon, andthat’s how it gotits name. Itwastransformedinto a monumenthonoringthesouls of theLebanesemartyrs. In itssouthwesterncorner, a shortcylindricalmarblecolumnholds a signsaying: ”whoever is killedunjustly – wehavegiven his heirauthority”. The name of theterraceandthehistory of themassacrewereengraved on itswall.
Eastern Moroccans Mosque Terrace
Landmark Location: South-west of Al-Aqsa Mosque, east of theMoroccans Mosque usedtoday as an Islamicmuseum.
LandmarkLocationrelativetoDome of therock: SouthwestDome of theRock.
Reason of the name:
Because of itslocationnearthe Mosque of Moroccans.
Additional Information aboutthelandmark:
Vast, withmanyexhibits, likeitsoldcolumns, bases, andcrownsthatweretakenfrom Al-Aqsa mosque’sbuildingsafterthesuccessiverenovationsandrenewals of itsbuildings; specifically, in thelatethirties of thetwentiethcentury.
An Overview of theLandmark:
Themosque of theMughrabi Mosque is locatedsouthwest of Al-Aqsa Mosque, east of Al-Maghraby Mosque, which is usedtoday as an Islamicmuseum. Itgotits name because it is neartotheMoroccans Mosque. It is a largeterracewithmanyexhibits, likeitsoldcolumns, bases, andcrowns, whichweretakenfromthebuildings of Al-Aqsa Mosque afterrenovationsandrenewals.
Al Fakhrya Corner Terrace
LandmarkLocation: It is locatedsouthwest of theDome of theRock, in front of Al-mgharbehgate, alongsidethe North of Al- Maghrabah Mosque; which is closed.
LandmarkLocationrelativetoDome of therock: SouthwesttheDome of theRock.
Builder Name: Al-mamaleek
Details of theshape:
-It is a smallterracethatwasdividedinto twoparts. Betweenthem, there is a passageleadstothemosque’sgate. It has a peculiarstone mihrab; niche.
-Theeasternside of it leadstotheeasterncaveterrace.
An Overview of theLandmark:
Al-FakhryahCornerTerrace is consideredto be one of thesmallestterraces of AL-Aqsa mosque. It is located in thesouthwest of Al-Aqsa mosque in front of Al-Mgharbehgate. Itwasconstructed in theMamlukera. It is a smallterracethatwasdividedinto twoparts.
Betweenthem, there is a passageleadstothemosque’sgate. It has a peculiarstone mihrab; niche.
Sulieman Spring Terrace
LandmarkLocation: It is located at thenorthernside of AL-Aqsa mosque, betweenSuliemanspringandthe North Gallery; southeast of King Faisal gate.
LandmarkLocationrelativetoDome of therock: North of Qubbat Al-Sakhra (Dome of theRock).
During AL-QanouniOttomanera, 943 AH 1536 AD.
Reason of the name:
NamedafterSulieman AL-Qanouni.
Builder Name: Thebuildingwasrenovated in the time of Sulieman Al-Qanouni.
Details of theshape:
A visible mihrab is located on itssouthernside, werethespring of Suliemanlies on theotherside.
Additional Information aboutthelandmark:
It is saidthat Sultan Suleiman Al-Qanouniwastheonewhobuiltthisterrace.
An Overview of theLandmark:
Suliemanspringterrace is locatedsoutheast of King Faisal Gate, that is tothenorth of theDome of theRock. ItwasbuiltduringtheOttomanera, in 943 AH / 1536 AD, andwasrenovatedduringthereign of Sultan Sulaiman al-Mu'ani, whogavemuchattentiontobuildingwaterways, andthat’s how theterracegotits name. Itsniche is visible in thesouthernside, acrossthespring of Sulieman.
Ala’a Al Din Al Basairi Terrace
LandmarkLocation: North-west of Al-Aqsa Mosque, across AL-Nathirgate, a slightdeviationtothesouth.
LandmarkLocationrelativetoDome of therock: North West Dome of theRock.
In theMamlukperiod in theyear 800 AH / 1397 AD.
Reason of the name:
Al-Basairi / Al-Busairi; namedafteritsbuilderAla’a Al-Din Al-Basiri, thebeholder of the Al-Aqsa Mosque. Jarkas: Because of thedistinctive mihrab JarkasthatNazarethbuilt
Builder Name: Ala’a al-Din al-Basir, thehead of Al-Aqsa Mosque.
Details of theshape:
-It has a stonenichethatwasaddedfromJarkas of Nazareth.
-Its mihrab is characterizedbytwolovelylittlemarbles.
An Overview of theLandmark:
Ala’a al-Din- Al-Busairi is locatedacross Al-Nathirgatewith a slightdeviationtothesouth, North-west of theDome of theRock, and is namedafterthebuilder of Al-Aqsa Mosque Al-BusairiReligion. Itwasbuilt in theOttomanperiod in theyear 800 AH / 1397 AD and has a beautifulstone mihrab thatwasaddedbyJarkasNaciri. Whatdistinguishes it from rest of theniches is that it has twouniquemarblecolumnsTheterrae has othernamessuch as theJarkasterrace.
Al-Asa’rdya School Terrace
LandmarkLocation: Northwest of Al-Aqsa Mosque, west of theDome of Sulieman.
LandmarkLocationrelativetoDome of therock: North West totheDome of theRock.
Thetwentiethcentury in thelateOttomanera.
Reason of the name:
It is neartothe Al-Asardya School.
Builder Name: TheOttomans.
Details of theshape:
-It has a stoneniche.
-Locatedsouthwest of Al-Asa’rdyaschool.
An Overview of theLandmark:
Theschool’s western terrace is locatedwest of Suleiman’sdome, northwest of Al-Aqsa Mosque. TheDome of theRock is tothesouthwest of Al-Asa’rdya School, whichwasbuilt in thetwentiethcentury in thelateOttomanera, with a stone mihrab.
Al Tankzya School Terrace
LandmarkLocation: South-west of Al-Aqsa Mosque, easttoAlTankzyaschool.
LandmarkLocationrelativetoDome of therock: SouthwesttotheDome of theRock.
Modern construction.
Reason of the name:
Because it is neartoAlTankzyaschool.
Details of theshape:
-Small andlow.
-A modern terrace, where a talltreewasgrown but cutlater.
An Overview of theLandmark:
AlTankzyaschoolterrace is locatedtotheeast of AlTankzyaschool. It is a smalllow modern buildinglocatedwest of theDome of theRock.
Al Budairy Spring Terrace
LandmarkLocation: North-west of Al-Aqsa Mosque, between Bab Al-Hadid and Bab Al-Nathir.
LandmarkLocationrelativetoDome of therock: Northwest of theRock.
Ottoman time.
Reason of the name:
-Badirspringterrace :namedafterthespringattachedto it. -Al-Badiri: namedafter Mustafa Agha'sspring (Al-Budairy) in itscorner North
Builder Name: TheOttomans.
Details of theshape:
-It has a stoneniche.
-In itsnortherncorner is thespring of Mustafa Agha (Al-Badirispring).
An Overview of theLandmark:
In theOttomanera, Badir Spring terracewasbuilt in a distinctivestone mihrab And wasbuiltnorthwest of Al-Aqsa Mosque, between Bab al-Nazer and Bab Al Hadid, it gainedthis name because it is verycloseto Al-Badiriwaterway, which is located in itsnortherncorner, it is alsonamed as al-Badirimausoleum, because it is closetothe Al- Badrispring (Mustafa Aghaspring)
The Great Eastern Terrace
LandmarkLocation: East of Al-Aqsa Mosque, locatedeast of the Sabra andShatilaterraces.
LandmarkLocationrelativetoDome of therock: East totheDome of theRock
Details of theshape:
-It has a simpleironniche.
-Tothesouth of it is theSoutheasternterrace, andtotheeast is Al-Aqsa Mosque’swall. Theterrace has a lowironrailingthatrunssouthandheadsnorth.
An Overview of theLandmark:
TheEastern Great terrace, locatedsoutheast of theDome of theRock, east of the Sabra andShatilaterraces, wasbuilt in the 20th century with a simpleironniche,theterracecontains a lowironrailthatsurroundsthesouthernsidealongthewaytothenorth.
Eastern Olive Terrace
LandmarkLocation: East of Al Aqsa Mosque.
LandmarkLocationrelativetoDome of therock: East of theDome of theRock.
Built in the twentiethcentury.
Reason of the name:
Gotits name because of itsolivetrees.
Details of theshape:
It has a stoneniche.
An Overview of theLandmark:
TheEasternOliveTerrace is located in theeasternpart of Al-Aqsa Mosque, surroundedbydozens of olivetrees. This is calledthe “OliveTerrace”. Itwasbuilt in the 20th century andcontains a simplestoneniche
Al Karak Terrace
LandmarkLocation: Located in thesoutheastcorner of Qubbat Al-Sakhra, “TheDome of theRock”.
LandmarkLocationrelativetoDome of therock: SoutheastQubbat Al-sakhra, “Dome of theRock”
Itwasbuilt in the time of flooringthecourtyard of Qubbat Al-sakhra, in 1845 AD, duringtheMamlukperiod
Reason of the name:
Itgotits name because, as somehistoriansmention, theobserver can seethecastle of Karak from it. Actually, weknownowthatthis is not accurate, but we can say that it is located on thewaythatleadstothecastle, and is 4 days’ marchto it.
Builder Name: Al-Mamaleek
Details of theshape:
-It has a stone mihrab; niche.
Additional Information aboutthelandmark:
-Itusedto be a placeforcalling a prayer.
– In 872 AH / 1468 CE, Ghars al-Din bin Shaheen Al-Thahirimentioned it, saying: “and in Al-Quds al-Sharif, there is a terracethatview Al-Karak castle, and it is 4 days’ marchto it.”
An Overview of theLandmark:
Al-Karak terracewasconstructedduringtheMamlukera, at the time of flooringthecourtyard of Qubbat Al-sakhra,in 1845 AD. It’slocated in thesoutheastcorner of Qubbat Al-Sakhra, “TheDome of theRock”. It has a stone mihrab; niche. Somehistoriansclaimthattheobserver can seethecastle of Karak, andthat’s how it gotits name, though in thisageweknowthis is not accurate, but we can say that it is located on thewayleadingtothecity. Itusedto be a placeforcallingtheprayer. In 872 AH / 1468 CE, Ghars al-Din bin Shaheen Al-Thahirimentioned it, saying: “and in Al-Quds al-Sharif, there is a terracethatview Al-Karak castle, and it is 4 days’ marchto it.”
Al Tumar Terrace
LandmarkLocation: Totheeast of thestaircase of thesouthwesterntrial.
LandmarkLocationrelativetoDome of therock: Southeast of theDome of theRock.
Reason of the name:
Namedafterthe Tumar Domethatoncewastherenextto it but thendisappeared.
Builder Name: OttomansorMamluks.
Details of theshape:
-It has a simpleironniche.
-Itseemsthatthecopierswhousedthe Tumar calligraphyusedto sit in thedomeadjacentto it, andthis is probably how it gotits name. it is a vastterracethat has a verygreattreegrowingsprouting at thenorth-eastedgeandprovidinggoodshade.
An Overview of theLandmark:
Theterrace is east of thestaircase of thesouthwesterntrail, andsoutheast of theDome of theRock. ItwasbuilteitherduringtheOttomanorMamluktimes. itwasnamedaftetheDome of Tomar, whichwasoncewastherenextto it but thendisappeared. Itseemsthatthecopierswhousedthe Tumar calligraphyusedto sit in thedomeadjacenttoit,andthis is probably how it gotits name. it is a vastterracethat has a verygreattreegrowingsprouting at thenorth-eastedgeandprovidinggoodshade.
The Terrace of Flowers
LandmarkLocation: Southwest Al-Aqsa mosque
LandmarkLocationrelativetoDome of therock: Itslocatedtothesouth of theDome of theRock.
Reason of the name:
Theterracegotits name because of theflowersthatwerenear it.
Builder Name: TheOttomans.
Details of theshape:
-It has a simpleironmihrab;;niche.
-There is a ground-basedniche; mihrab, near it.
An Overview of theLandmark:
TheflowerterracewasbuiltduringtheOttomanperiodandgotits name because of theflowersthatwerenear it. It is locatedtothesouthwest of theDome of theRock, in thenorthwestcorner of Al-Qibli Mosque. It has a simpleironnicheand a ground-basedniche; mihrab.
Bab Al Qatanin Terrace
LandmarkLocation: West of Al-Aqsa Mosque, acrosstheQatanin Gate ( Bab Al-Qatanin ).
LandmarkLocationrelativetoDome of therock: West Dome of theRock.
Reason of the name:
Thenearestterracesto Bab Al-Qatanin.
Builder Name: TheOttomans.
Details of theshape:
It has an ironniche.
An Overview of theLandmark:
Bab Al-Qataninterrace is of theclosestterracestoAlQataningate, andthat’s how it gotits name, it is locatedwest of theDome of theRockacrossAlQataningate, andwasbuilt in theOttomaneraand has an iron mihrab
Al Marwani Gates’ Staircase Terrace
LandmarkLocation: It is tothesoutheastcorner of Al-Aqsa Mosque andeast of Al-Qibli Mosque.
LandmarkLocationrelativetoDome of therock: SoutheastDome of theRock.
Reason of the name:
Gotits name because of itslocationnearthestairwellgates of Al- Marwanimosque.
Details of theshape:
-It has a simpleironniche.
An Overview of theLandmark:
Thismausoleumacquiredits name based on itsdistinctivelocation in front of thestairs of Al- Marwanimosque, located in thesouth-easterncorner of Al-Aqsa Mosque. It is a modern buildingthatwasbuilt in the 20th century, with a simpleiron mihrab; niche.
Sehrej Urwa Terrace
LandmarkLocation: It is locatedbetweenthesouthernandcentral western trialsandadjacenttotheRock’snave, south of themedicalclinicandtheKingIsa’s tank towardsthesouthwesternstaircase of thetrial
LandmarkLocationrelativetoDome of therock: SouthwesttheDome of theRock.
Reason of the name:
ItsLocatedbetweenthesouthernarchesandcentral western arches.
Builder Name: AyyubidorMamluks.
Details of theshape:
-It has a coloredstone mihrab.
–Three olivetrees sprout in theterrace.
An Overview of theLandmark:
West of theRock’snaveandadjacentto it, andsouth of themedicalclinictowardsthestaircase of thesouthwesterntrial, west of theDome of theRockbetweenthesouthwesternandcentraltrials. Beingbetweenthe twotrials is whatgave it its name. Thereare threeolivetrees thatgrow in it, with a coloredstoneniche
The Mud (Ahmed Alkolori) Terrace
LandmarkLocation: It is locatedbetweentheDome of MosesandQasimBashaspring, west of the western Qantara.
LandmarkLocationrelativetoDome of therock: SouthwestDome of theRock.
In theOttoman-Mamlukera, in 1174 AH / 1760 AD.
Reason of the name:
Itwasnamedafterthemausoleum of Ahmed Qulary, in relationtotheorder of thereconstruction of its mihrab, Ahmed Qulalari.
Builder Name: TheOttomans.
Details of theshape:
It has a stone mihrab withgoodconstructionandscenery, the mihrab wasrestoredby a militaryorderfromtheOttoman Ahmed Qolary in 1173 AH / 1760 AD, as theOttomaninscriptionabovethe mihrab.
An Overview of theLandmark:
Themudterrace is locatedsouthwest of Al Aqsa Mosque andtheDome of theRock, betweentheDome of MosesandQasimBashaspring. ThisbuildingwasbuiltbetweentheOttomanandMamluktimes, and in 1760 it wasordered. TheOttomanmilitary Ahmed Qolaryibuilt a stone mihrab andbecause of thatsome
peoplecall it Ahmed Qoularyterrace.
Zakat Committee Terrace
LandmarkLocation: West of Al-Aqsa Mosque, andadjacenttothe western wall of theRock’snavefromtheoutside.
LandmarkLocationrelativetoDome of therock: West Dome of theRock.
Reason of the name:
It is neartothelocalZakatCommittee.
Details of theshape:
It has a longitudinalnarrowshape.
An Overview of theLandmark:
It is locatedsouth of thelocalzakatcommitteeand is adjacenttothe western wall of theRock’snave, which is a long, narrow-shapedterrace. Itgotits name because it is neartothelocalzakatcommittee.
Al Ghazali Terrace
LandmarkLocation: It is directlytothesouth of AlTawbaandAlRahmagates, andeast of Al-Aqsa Mosque.
LandmarkLocationrelativetoDome of therock: East of theDome of theRock.
Reason of the name:
Itwasnamedbecause it wasbuilt in honor of Imam Al-Ghazali, whostudied in theNasiriteschoolabove Bab Al-Rahma, where he wrotepart of his book “RevivingtheSciences of Religion”.
Details of theshape:
It has a stoneniche.
An Overview of theLandmark:
Al-Ghazaliterracewasbuilt in the 20th century in honor of ImamGhazali, whostudied in theNasiriteschoolabove Bab al-Rahma, where he wrotepart of his book “RevivingtheSciences of Religion”. It is directlytothesouth of AlTawbaandAlRahmagates, east of Al-Aqsa Mosque, andtheDome of theRock, andcontains a stone mihrab.
Islam Bey Terrace
LandmarkLocation: West of Al-Aqsa Mosque north of theZakatCommittee.
LandmarkLocationrelativetoDome of therock: West of theDome of theRock.
Reason of the name:
NamedafteritslocationnexttoIslam Bey Building.
Builder Name: TheOttomans.
Details of theshape:
It has a stoneniche.
An Overview of theLandmark:
It is on thewest of Al-Aqsa Mosque andnorth of theZakatCommittee. Itwasbuilt in theOttomanera, and has a stone mihrab, which is namedafter it.
Al Shaalan WaterwayTerrace
LandmarkLocation: BehindShaalanspring
LandmarkLocationrelativetoDome of therock: North West Dome of theRock
1061/1651 AD in theOttomanera
Reason of the name:
Becausetheyarebehindthespring of Shaalan
Builder Name: TheOttomans
Details of theshape:
– Becausetheyarebehindthespring of Shaalan.
– BehindShaalanspring.
– North West Dome of theRock.
– 1061/1651 AD in theOttomanera.
– It has a stoneniche.
-Thestone mihrab wasbuilt in 1061 AH / 1651 AD based on theorders of theprince of Jerusalem ProvinceYousefBashatheOttoman.
– Al- Shaalanspringterrace is locatedbehind Al-Shaalanspringandthat’s how it earnedthis name, it is tothenorth- west of theDome of theRock. Itwasbuilt in theOttomanera
andbuiltitsstoneniche on ordersfromtheOttomanMinisterandPrince Yusuf Basha, whowasthehead Jerusalem provincethat time.