Bab Al Matharah Gate

South of Bab al-Qattanintwopointsawayfromthe Western Wall.

LandmarkLocationrelativetoDome of therock: 
West Dome of theRock

-This Gate wasrenewedduringthereign of PrinceAlaa Al-Din Al-Basir in 666 AH - 1261 AD. -TheDepartment of Islamic Al Awqaf in Jerusalem restoredthe Al-Mutahragain in 1981, addedother Al-Mutahhrato it in 2010 with modern placesforablutions.

Reason of the name:
Called Bab al- Seqaia, bab al-Mat-harahor Al-Mutawada’a: Because it leadsto an antiseptic (theplace of ablutionthatleadsto it outsidethe Al Aqsa) and is located 20 metersawayFrom it.

Builder Name:
 Builtbythe Sultan Abu Bakr ibn Ayyubaftertheconstruction of Seqaia (al-Mat-harah).

Details of theshape:
-Theentrance of the Gate rectangularwith 3.5 metersheight, with a simplebuilding.
-Does not leadtooutside Al-Aqsa Mosque, nowaytothestreets of the Old City, but to Al-Mat-harahtwentymetersaway.
-AlongtheroadleadingtoAlmutaharra, Jerusalemitefamilieslive in historicbuildingssuch as Rabat Al Zamani, Ottomanschoolandotherbuildings.

Additional Information aboutthelandmark:
The Gate andthedanger of occupation:
Duetothelocation of Bab al-MutahhraclosesttotheDome of theRock (located in themiddle of Al-Aqsa Mosque Mubarak), it wasfacesmultipleZionistattacks, themostimportanttunnelopenedby a branch of thetunnelextendsalongthe western wall of al-Aqsa (theZionistscall it thetunnel name (Hashmonaim)). And thistunnelthesub-sectionextendsunder Bab al-Mat-harahuntil it reachesthefoundations of theDome of theRock (in theheart). Al-Aqsa Mosque andtheJewscall it: “Tunnel of theHoly of Holies” meantheTunnel of theSacredRock Consideredtheholiest spot theyhave. In addition, hundreds of thementerdailytoprayundertheyards of Al-Aqsa Mosque blessed.

An Overview of theLandmark:
Othernamesforthegateare Bab Al-Mutawada’aand Bab al- Siqaya. Itwasbuiltby Sultan Abu Bakr bin Ayyub, aftertheconstruction of Seqaia (al-Mat-harah). Itwasnamedafterthefactthat it leadstotheablution site that is 20 metersawayfrom it. Thegate is locatedsouth Al-Qataningate, after twopillars in the Western Wall, i.e. west of theDome of theRock. Theentrance of thegate is rectangularwith 3.5 meters’ height, with a simplebuilding. Thegatedoes not leadoutside of Al-Aqsa Mosque, orthestreets of the Old City, but totheablution site that is 20 meters away. AlongthisroadareJerusalemitefamilieswholive in historicbuildings, like Ar-Ribat Az-Zamani, theOttoman School, andotherbuildings. This Gate wasrestoredduringthereign of PrinceAlaa Al-Din Al-Basir in 666 AH - 1261 AD. TheDepartment of Islamic Al Awqaf in Jerusalem restoredthe Al-Mutahragain in 1981, addedother Al-Mutahhrato it in 2010 with modern placesforablutions.

The Gate andtheThreat of theOccupation:
Duetothelocation of Bab al-MutahhraclosesttotheDome of theRock (located in themiddle of Al-Aqsa Mosque Mubarak), it wasfacesmultipleZionistattacks, themostimportanttunnelopenedby a branch of thetunnelextendsalongthe western wall of al-Aqsa (theZionistscall it thetunnel name (Hashmonaim)). Thistunnelthesub-sectionextendsunder Bab al-Mat-harahuntil it reachesthefoundations of theDome of theRock (in theheart). Al-Aqsa Mosque andtheJewscall it: "Tunnel of theHoly of Holies" meantheTunnel of theSacredRock

Consideredtheholiest spot theyhave. In addition, hundreds of thementerdailytoprayundertheyards of Al-Aqsa Mosque blessed.




    Bab Al Asbat Gate

    In thenorth-eastcorner of themosque.

    LandmarkLocationrelativetoDome of therock: 
    East North Dome of theRock.

    Rebuilt at Ayyubidperiod in 610 AH-1213AD duringthe time of thegreatJesus.

    Reason of the name:
    Relativetothesons of Jacobpeace be uponhim, and has another name is the Gate (St. Mary) totheproximity of TheChurch of St. Hanna, whichaccordingtoChristianbeliefs - theplace of birth of Maryam Peace.

    Details of theshape:
    Theentrance is arched, with 4 m height.

    Additional Information aboutthelandmark:
    -Restatedwiththeconstruction of theminaret of thetribes of 778 AH_1367 AD.
    -Restored in therenovationscarriedoutforthe Al-Aqsa Mosque duringthedays of theOttoman Sultan Suleiman Al Qanoni 944-1538 AD.
    -Since theZionistoccupiersclosedtheMugrabi Gate in the Western Wall fortheMuslims, this Gate consideredthe main entrance of theprayers, especiallyfromoutside Jerusalem, becauseit’snearto Bab Al Asbatthatlocated inside theholycity; Busescomesfromoutsidethecityenteredtotheopenedyardsuitableforparkingnearthetwo Gates, There is also a stationfortheoccupationpolicenearthis Gate tocontrolwhopassesfromandto Al-Aqsa, as well as tocontrolallentrantstotheoldtownfromthatside.
    This Gate is theonlyentranceforambulancestothe Al-Aqsa Mosque in emergencycases, because it is thewidest Gates equaltotheground, wherewitnessedthedeparture of many of thewoundedandmartyrs, especiallyduringthethreemassacres of Al-Aqsa.

    An Overview of theLandmark:
    It’slocated  inthenorth-eastcorner of themosque,  east North Dome of theRock. It’s name relativetothesons of Jacobpeace be uponhim, and has another name is the Gate (St. Mary) totheproximity of TheChurch of St. Hanna, whichaccordingtoChristianbeliefs – theplace of birth of Maryam Peace.
    Itwasrebuilt at Ayyubidperiod in 610 AH-1213AD duringthe time of thegreatJesus, restatedwiththeconstruction of theminaret of thetribes of 778 AH_1367 AD, andrestored in therenovationscarriedoutforthe Al-Aqsa Mosque duringthedays of theOttoman Sultan Suleiman Al Qanoni 944-1538 AD.
    Since theZionistoccupiersclosedtheMugrabi Gate in the Western Wall fortheMuslims, this Gate consideredthe main entrance of theprayers, especiallyfromoutside Jerusalem, becauseit’snearto Bab Al Asbatthatlocated inside theholycity; Busescomesfromoutsidethecityenteredtotheopenedyardsuitableforparkingnearthetwo Gates, There is also a stationfortheoccupationpolicenearthis Gate tocontrolwhopassesfromandto Al-Aqsa, as well as tocontrolallentrantstotheoldtownfromthatside.
    This Gate is theonlyentranceforambulancestothe Al-Aqsa Mosque in emergencycases, because it is thewidest Gates equaltotheground, wherewitnessedthedeparture of many of thewoundedandmartyrs, especiallyduringthethreemassacres of Al-Aqsa.



    Hettah Gate

    Located in thenortherngalleryabout 120 m from Bab Al Asbat.

    LandmarkLocationrelativetoDome of therock:
    At thenorth of Dome of theRock.

    -Renewedthe Gate in 617 AH_1220 AD in thedays of theAyyubids. -Renewed at thedays of Ottomans in 989 AH-1581 AD. -Renewedby Hassan Agha in 1231 AH-1816 AD.

    Reason of the name:
    Namedforthememory of the verse (.. And enterthe Gate prostrateand say a plan toforgiveyouyoursinsandwewill

    Builder Name:
    Does not knownwhobuild it.

    Details of theshape:
    -This Gate is a simplebuilding, texturedworkmanship, rectangularentrance, andoverhead set of tiesThestone, onceusedtohangtheLamps.

    -Feelthe Gate verse inside themosquedescendsstairsandlimitstotherightandnorth of thetwoareastheyhavenichestoprayandtogetout of the Gate mustclimbseveraldegrees; the verse is subjecttobowing, andthenPrayerneedtwokneeling at thecombatants on top of themastaba.

    Additional Information aboutthelandmark:
    -Accordingtothebook of theHoly Jerusalem totheliving Al-Danif, theentrancetothemosque in theperiodtheOttomanwasacrossthe Gate of Hetta.

    -TheAyyubidrenewalshowstheiruse of someCrusaderstoneswithstoneseals In Latin.

    -Hetta Gate opensto an ArabIslamicneighborhood in Jerusalem called ” al Harat Al Sa’adia” which is one of threedorsonlythe Al-Aqsa Mosque allowstheoccupierstoopentheprayers of Al Maghreb, Al Eshaaand Al Fajer, unlikethe rest of the Gates areclosedduringtheseprayers.

    -Constantattacksbytheoccupiers, mostnotablypreventingworshipersfrompassingthrough it, especiallywhentheIsraelioccupationforcespreventtheentry of thoseundertheage of 40 yearstothe Aqsa. It is theonly Gate openduringFajrprayerfromthenorthside, andwheresuch a ban is in forceStartingfromthe time of theFajrprayer, largenumbers of Israelisoldiersarestationed at it tocarryout an orderprevention, therearemanyclasheswithdozens of youngworshipersbannedfromenteringthe Al AQSA.

    An Overview of theLandmark:
    Hitta Gate is located in theNortherngallery, about 120 metersawayfrom Al-Asbat Gate, north of theDome of theRock. Its name has comefromtheholy verse (58) of Surat Al-Baqara: “andenterthegatebowinghumblyand say: ‘relieve us of ourburdens’ (Hettatun). Wewill [then] forgiveyoursinsforyou, andWewillincreasethedoers of good [in goodnessandreward]”. From inside themosque, therearestairs. It is surrounded, fromtherightand lift sides, withtwoterracesthatincludenichesforpraying. Togooutfromthegate, manystairsneedto be climbed; which is a manifestation of the verse thatincludeshumbleness, andthenperforming a two-Rak’aprayerneartheniches. It is simple, well-built, with a rectangularentrance. It’stoppedby a set of stonehangers, thatwerepreviouslyusedtohanglamps.

    Thegatewasrestored in 1220 (617 A.H.), duringtheAyyubid time. ItappearsthattheyusedsomeCrusadestonesthat has theseals of somestonecutters. Then, it wasrestoredduringtheOttomanera, in 1581 (989 A.H.). finally, it wasrestoredby Hasan Agha in 1816 (1231 A.H.)
    Accordingto “Manasik Al-Quds Ash-Shareef” bookfor Yahya Ad-danaf, in theOttomanera, peopleusedtoenter Al-Aqsa Mosque throughHitta Gate.

    Thisgateopensto As-Sa’diyaQuarter, which is an ArabIslamicquarter in Jerusalem. It’sone of onlythreegates of Al-Aqsa Mosque thattheoccupiersallowto be openedfor Al-Maghrib, Al-I’sha’a, and Al-Fajrprayers. Unliketheothergatesthatareclosedduringtheseprayers.

    Thisgate is frequentlysubjecttotheoccupation’sattacks. Some of themostprominentforms of aggression is thattheypreventworshippersfrompassingthrough it, especiallywhentheoccupation’sforcesdeclarethatnooneundertheage of shallenterthemosque. Since it’stheonlyopengateduring Al-Fajrprayer on thenorthernside, andsothepreventiontakeseffectstarting Al-Fajr time, enormousnumbers of thesoldiersarestationed in front of it, toimplementthepreventionorder. Therefore, a lot of clashesbetweenthesoldiersandtens of youngworshipperswhoarepreventedfromentering Al-Aqsa mosque.



    Atem (King Faysal) Gate

    Far 30 meters fromthewest of Bab al-Hetta in thenorth.

    LandmarkLocationrelativetoDome of therock:
    At the North of Dome of theRock.

    Renewedthe Gate withtherenovation of thegallery in theAyyubidperiod, specificallytothereign of King Issa theyear 610 AH - 1213 AD.

    Reason of the name:
    -The Gate of thehonor of theprophets in thehonor of theprophetsnexttohim in thatera. -Calledthe Gate of King Faisal bin Hussein bin Ali, theKing of Iraq, whichenteredthe Al-Aqsa Mosque in 1352 AH-1933, calledbytheSupremeIslamicCouncil of this name, in memory of his donationtothearchitecture Al Aqsa Mosque. -Thepeople of Jerusalem knowhimbythe Gate of Darknessbecauseitsentrancefromtheoutside is dark.

    Details of theshape:
    -Theentrance is rectangularwith 4 metersheight.
    -An old Gate thatshowsthe size of thestonesandthepattern of constructionmentionedbythehistorian of Jerusalem in 379 AH – 990 M in the name of the Gates of theHashemitewhere it had threeentrances.

    An Overview of theLandmark:
    Al-A’tm Gate has a rectangularentrancewith a height of 4 meters. It’swest of thenorthernHittagate, 30 meters away. Thegate is north of theDome of theRock. ItwasrestoredduringtheAyyubid time, whenrestoringthegallery, specificallyduringthe time of King Issa in 1213 (610 QA.H.).
    It has had manynames, eachone of them has a reason.

    ItwascalledSharaf Al-Anbiya’a Gate, afterSharaf Al-Anbiya’aQuarterthatwasrightnextto it. Also, it wascalled Ad-Dawoodiyya Gate in theMamlukera, after Ad-Dawoodiyya School thatwasestablished in 1295 (694 A.H.). thisschool is north of thegatefromthe inside. It’sknownforthepeople of Jerusalem as Al’Atmgate, becausetheouterside of it is dark. WhenKing Faisal bin Hussein bin Ali, theking of Iraq at that time, he wasinvitedtoenter Al-Aqsa Mosque through it in 1933 (1352 A.H). TheSupremeIslamicCouncilcalled it so, tocommemorate his donationtotherestoration of Al-Aqsa Mosque.
    It's an oldgate, andthat’s is clearfromthe size of itsstonesanditsarchitecturalstyle. In 990 (379 A.H.), a Jerusalemitehistoriancalled it “the Gates of theHashemites”, since it had 3 entrances.



    Bab Al Ghwanma Gate

    Located on thenorthwestcornerabove a rockyhill, thefirst Gate on thewestside of the North.

    LandmarkLocationrelativetoDome of therock:
    NorthwestDome of theRock.

    -This Gate wasrepaired in theMamlukperiod, specifically in 707 AH-1307 days of Sultan Muhammad Ben Qalawunduringtheconstruction of the western gallery of themosque. -ItwasrestoredbytheIslamicEndowmentsDepartmentbecause of theburning of thesettlers in 1998.

    Reason of the name:
    Othernames: (Bab al-Khalil, Bab Bani Ghanem, Bab al-Walid) -Relatedthesons of Ghanemwhocamewiththeliberation of righteousnessandestablishedtheirneighborhoodnearthe Gate andinheritedthesheikh of Al-Aqsa Mosque andtheirgrandfatherwasGhanim bin Ali, thefirsttotakethesheikh of theHaramAl -Maqdisiorderedby Salah al - Din al - Ayyubi. -Calledthe Gate of Hebron (perhapsthis name relativetoKhalilIbrahim (peace be uponhim) of the Gate Honoronly). -Known as the Gate of Al Waleedrelativetothenewborn bin Abdul Malik

    Builder Name:
    It is reportedthatthecaliph al-Walid ibn Abd al-Malik put an endtothenorthernmosque at thisplace.

    Details of theshape:
    -The Gate is relativelysmall, itsentrance is rectangular.
    -Nexttothis Gate endsthe western tunnelthatrunsalongthe western wall of themosque Al-Aqsa, andtunnelexcavationsledtocollapses in thecorridor of the Gate fromtheoutside in general 1416 H – 1996 M.

    Jewishbeliefsregardingthe Gate:
    -SomeJewshaveparticularbeliefsabout Bab al-Guanamah, andthismayexplainthemanyattacksthathaveoccurredtheywereexpose.
    -On 11/4/1982, enteredtheZionistsoldier Harry Goldman, andcarriedout an armedoperation in theDome of TheRock (located in themiddle of Al-Aqsa Mosque); Killing twoPalestiniansandinjuringmorethan 60 others.

    -In June 1998, a JewishsettlerburnedhimandwasimmediatelyrepairedbytheIslamic Al AwqafDepartment in Jerusalem, which is part of theJordanianMinistry of Awqaf, and is responsibleformanagingtheinternalaffairs of al-Aqsa Mubarak, forfear of opening a gapfortheextremiststo break intothemaximum.

    An Overview of theLandmark:
    It’s a small Gate, with a rectangularentrance, nexttothis Gate endsthe western tunnelthatrunsalongthe western wall of the Al-Aqsa Mosque. Tunnelexcavationsledtocollapses in thecorridor of the Gate fromtheoutside in general 1416 H – 1996 M. It is located on thenorthwestcornerabove a rockyhill, thefirst Gate on thewestside of thenorth, northwest of theDome of theRock.

    (Bab al-Khalil, Bab Bani Ghanem, Bab al-Walid), Relatedthesons of Ghanemwhocamewiththeliberation of righteousnessandestablishedtheirneighborhoodnearthe Gate andinheritedthesheikh of Al-Aqsa Mosque andtheirgrandfatherwasGhanim bin Ali, thefirsttotakethesheikh of theHaramAl – Maqdisiorderedby Salah al – Din al – Ayyubi. Calledthe Gate of Hebron (perhapsthis name relativetoKhalilIbrahim (peace be uponhim) of the Gate Honoronly). Known as the Gate of Al Waleedrelativetothenewborn bin Abdul Malik.

    This Gate wasrepaired in theMamlukperiod, specifically in 707 AH-1307 days of Sultan Muhammad Ben Qalawunduringtheconstruction of the western gallery of themosque. ItwasrestoredbytheIslamicEndowmentsDepartmentbecause of theburning of thesettlers in 1998.

    Jewishbeliefsregardingthe Gate:
    SomeJewshaveparticularbeliefsabout Bab al-Guanamah, andthismayexplainthemanyattacksthathaveoccurredtheywereexpose. On 11/4/1982, enteredtheZionistsoldier Harry Goldman, andcarriedout an armedoperation in theDome of TheRock (located in themiddle of Al-Aqsa Mosque); Killing twoPalestiniansandinjuringmorethan 60 others.
    In June 1998, a JewishsettlerburnedhimandwasimmediatelyrepairedbytheIslamic Al AwqafDepartment in Jerusalem, which is part of theJordanianMinistryof Awqaf, and is responsibleformanagingtheinternalaffairs of al-Aqsa Mubarak, forfear of opening a gapfortheextremiststo break intothemaximum.



    Bab Al Nazer Gate

    On thewestside.

    LandmarkLocationrelativetoDome of therock:
    At the West of Dome of theRock.

    Old Gate, renewed in time of King Issa of Bani Ayoub in the 600.

    Reason of the name:
    Othernames: (Bab Mikael, Bab al-Imbar, Bab al-Rabat al-Mansouri, Bab al-Majlis, Bab Al Nazer). -Bab al-Nazer: because he sits in it toconsidertheinterestsandmeaning of thesight is thehead of themosques Aqsa andBrahimi, andburiedoutsidethemostfamoussight of themosque Ala al-Din al-Basir, whowaswatching in the time of Al Thaher Baybars and Mansur Qalawun. -Bab Al-Rabat Al-Mansouri: attributedto Al-Mansouri Gate nexttothe Gate. -The Gate of confinement: because it wasconvertedinto a prison in theOttomanperiodandthenbecame a residencefortheAfricancommunitywho in thelateOttomanperiod, theirancestorsbecameknown as theguardians of themosque. -Gate of theCouncil: Where is locatedabovetheschoolAlmnjkiawhichwastheseat of theSupremeIslamicCouncil, in theera of British occupation, beforebecomingtheheadquarters of theIslamic Al AwqafDepartment in Jerusalem now. -Bab Alaeddin Al Busairi: The name of Bab al-Din al-Busairiwastakentothevicinity of Al-Din al-Busairi, which is locatedoutside it in whichtheMamlukPrince Alaeddin Al-Busairi (mayGodhavemercy on him).

    Details of theshape:
    Largerectangular Gate with 4.5 m height.

    Additional Information aboutthelandmark:
    -Thesecond Gate of the western fence of Al-Aqsa Mosque on thenorthsideafterthe Gate of theGuanma.
    -It is one of thethree Gates thattheoccupationallowstoopenduringthe Al Fajerand Al Eshaaprayers: Bab Hetta, Bab al-Nazerand Bab Salis.

    Bab al-Nazer in the modern era:
    -Bab al-Naderattendedthefirstfuneral of one of themartyrs of thethird al-Aqsa massacre (Al-Aqsa Intifada) topray on, in Al-Aqsa Mosque on 29/9/2000 AD,
    themartyr (Osama Jeddah) / 20 year-oldresident of theneighborhood of theAfricancommunityoutside it (thedescendants of theAfricanMujahideenwhocametoliberate Jerusalem fromtheCrusaders, andlivednearthe Aqsa at this Gate).
    -The Gate alsoexposedtoseveralattemptsbytheZionistoccupierstoclose it aftermanyclasheswiththewarmpeopleaand Jerusalem in general.

    An Overview of theLandmark:
    An-Nazer Gate has manynames, including “Michael”, “Al-Habs”, “Ar-Ribat Al-Mansouri”, “Al-Majlis”, and “An-Nazer”. It’s a bigrectangulargate, with a height of 4.5 meters. It’sthesecondgate in the Western wall of Al-Aqsa Mosque northwards, after Al-Ghawanmagate. It’sone of threegatesthattheoccupationallowsto be openduring Al-Fajrand Al-Isha’aprayers. ThesethreegatesareHitta, An-Nazer, and As-Silsila. It’s an oldgatethatwasrestoredduringthe time of King Issa.

    It has othernames. Itwascalled Bab al-Nazerbecause he sits in it toconsidertheinterestsandmeaning of thesight is thehead of themosques Aqsa andBrahimi, andburiedoutsidethemostfamoussight of themosque Ala al-Din al-Basir, whowaswatching in the time of Al Thaher Baybars and Mansur Qalawun. Also, it wascalled Bab Al-Rabat Al-Mansouri; after Al-Mansouri Gate nexttothe Gate. Moreover, it wascalledthe Gate of confinement (Al-Habs). Thisnamingcamefromthefactthat it wasturnedinto a prison in theOttomanperiodandthenbecame a residencefortheAfricancommunitywho in thelateOttomanperiod, theirancestorsbecameknown as theguardians of themosque. Another name for An-Nazer Gate is Al-Majlis (theCouncil), since it is locatedabovetheschoolAlmnjkiawhichwastheseat of theSupremeIslamicCouncil, in theera of British occupation, beforebecomingtheheadquarters of theIslamic Al AwqafDepartment in Jerusalem now. People alsocalled it Bab Alaeddin Al Busairi. Thisnamingwastakentothevicinity of Al-Din al-Busairi, which is locatedoutside it in whichtheMamlukPrince Alaeddin Al-Busairi (mayGodhavemercy on him).

    Bab al-Nazer  in the modern era:
    Bab al-Naderattendedthefirstfuneral of one of themartyrs of thethird al-Aqsa massacre (Al-Aqsa Intifada) topray on, in Al-Aqsa Mosque on 29/9/2000 AD,
    themartyr (Osama Jeddah) / 20 year-oldresident of theneighborhood of theAfricancommunityoutside it (thedescendants of theAfricanMujahideenwhocametoliberate Jerusalem fromtheCrusaders, andlivednearthe Aqsa at this Gate).
    -The Gate alsoexposedtoseveralattemptsbytheZionistoccupierstoclose it aftermanyclasheswiththewarmpeopleand Jerusalem in general.



    Bab Al Hadid (Iron) Gate

     On the western side, specifically in the western corridor of Al-
    Aqsa Mosque, betweenmy Gate Nazer andQattanin.

    LandmarkLocationrelativetoDome of therock: 
    West Dome of theRock.

    Reason of the name:
    Other name: (Bab Dar UmmKhaled) -Causesforits name: Does not knowwhy it is calledtheIron Gate, somesaysthatthereason is thattheMamlukPrinceArjunKamaliwasrenewandthatthemeaning of Argun in Turkishiron is a wrongstatement has nooriginand has saidthissayingtheMaqdesehistorianAref al-Aref, 1973 AD ,andthis had beenpuplished in thebooks of themosqueguides Al Aqsa withoutinvestigationorscrutiny. Proofthatthesaying is wrong: Arjun al-Kamalisettled in Jerusalem until his death (758 AH-1357 AD) andburied in his school of theArgonnebygluingtheiron Gate fromoutside. Beforesettling in Jerusalem, he visitedthetraveler'scityIbnFadlUmari (745AH- 1345 AD) anddescribedthe Gate anddescribedthemention of theiron Gate, that is, the Gate wascalledTheiron Gate before Argun. -Cause of naming it Bab Dar Om Khalid name: It can be assumedthatthe name of the Gate in theearlyIslamicperiod Bab Bab Dar UmmKhalidbyIbn al-Faqih 290 H-903 M andMaqdisi al-Bishari.

    Details of theshape:
    -A simplebuildingwithoutdecorations, climbingseveraldegreesfromoutside.
    -Theentrancerectangularandlength is about 3 meters and twometers wideandthewidth of the Gate contract as a rest Contracts of the western gallery.

    Additional Information aboutthelandmark:
    -Featuresadjacenttothe Gate:
    Fromthesouthside of theiron Gate, attachedtotheArgonneschool.
    Fromthenorthernside is attachedto a link called “Ribat al-Kurd”, nexttothewall of theblessed Al-Aqsa Mosque.

    Jewsandthe Gate:
    Claimingthatthewall of the Rabat containslargestonesdatingbacktotheera of theirallegedtemple, andnarrowingthesettlersandtheZionistsoldierswhocome on thiswall on theentrancestothe Al Aqsa of the Gate Iron, whichthreatensthefate of Bab Al Magharbanexttothewall of Al-Buraq (which is calledtheZionists on it the name of the “Wailing Wall”), which has beenclosedtoMuslims since theoccupiersseizedthewall.

    An Overview of theLandmark:
    It’s a simplebuildingwithoutdecorations, can be reachedbyclimbingseveralstairsoutside. Theentrance is rectangularand it is about 3 meters longandtwometerswideandthewidth of the Gate pillars is thesame of the rest of thepillars in the western gallery. It is righttothewest of the Western Gallery of Al-Aqsa Mosque, between An-Nathirand Al-Qataningates, west of theDome of theRock.

    Nobodyknowswhy it is calledtheIron Gate, some say thatthereason is thattheMamlukPrinceArjunKamalirenewed it andthatthemeaning of theword “Argon” in Turkish is iron. This is not true, as theJerusalemitehistorin, A’rif Al-A’arifsaid in 1973, andthis had beenpuplished in thebooks of themosqueguides Al Aqsa withoutinvestigationorscrutiny.

    An Evidence on thatthissaying is wrong:
    Arjun al-Kamalisettled in Jerusalem until his death (758 AH-1357 AD) andburied in his school of theArgonnebygluingtheiron Gate fromoutside. Beforesettling in Jerusalem, he visitedthetraveler'scityIbnFadlUmari (745AH- 1345 AD) anddescribedthe Gate anddescribedthemention of theiron Gate, that is, the Gate wascalledTheiron Gate before Argon.

    Calling it the Gate of Dar Um Khalid:
    It can be assumedthatthe name of the Gate is in theearlyIslamicperiod. Bab Bab Dar UmmKhalidbyIbn al-Faqih 290 H-903 M andMaqdisi al-Bishari.

    LandmarksNexttothe Gate:
    Fromthesouthside of theIron Gate, rightnexttothe Argon school. On itsnorthern is a Ribat called "Ribat al-Kurd", nexttothewall of theblessed Aqsa Mosque.

    Jewsandthe Gate:
    It is claimedthatthewall of Ar-Ribat containslargestonesdatingbacktotheera of theirallegedtemple, andnarrowingthesettlersandtheZionistsoldierswhocome on thiswall on theentrancestothe Al Aqsa of the Gate Iron, whichthreatensthefate of Bab Al Magharbanexttothewall of Al-Buraq (which is calledtheZionists on it the name of the "Wailing Wall"), which has beenclosedtoMuslims since theoccupiersseizedthewall.



    Bab Al Qattanin Gate

     Themiddle of the western wallbetweentheirongatetothenorthandthe Gate of thedisinfectanttothesouth.

    LandmarkLocationrelativetoDome of therock:
     West Dome of theRock.

    Renewed in 737 AH -1336 AD

    Reason of the name:
    (thenew Gate, Bab al-Qaysariyameansthe market andthe market is meantQattanin). -It is calledtheQataneen market, which is locatedoutside, where it wasthemostimportantmarkets of thecity in time Mamluks.

    Details of theshape:
    -Attendshimtodegrees of the market Qtanin.
    -Gate-mountedarchesbuilt of stones in white, blackandredcolorsand at the top of thedome Gate a beautifulhalf-shaped, withexquisitedaisieshangingfrom it.
    -There is a written bar (much of it faded).
    -Thewoodengate of the Gate has copperribbonsengravedwiththe name of Sultan MohammedandPrinceTnkz.

    Additional Information aboutthelandmark:
    -TheSupremeIslamicCouncilrestored it aftertheearthquake in 1345 AH- 1927 AD, where it hit the western wallwasbadlydamaged, andtheengineersremovedthebuildingsbuiltabovethe Gate of reverence Beautyandavoidcollapse.

    Landmarkadjacenttothe Gate:
    -Tothenorth of thissection, theschool is locatedorthesoil is cotton.
    -Tothesouth of Bab al-Qattanin, there is a temporal link.

    Gate at the moment:
    TheQatanin Gate is located in a sensitiveareathattheJewsseektocontrol, wheretheyhaveestablishedoutpostsforthesettlerswhoaretryingtoterrorizeMuslimstoleavethisplace, andthe market is nearbyQataninone Theremainingevidence of thearrogance of theoccupation, afterthefailure of his attemptstodestroythemarket andoccupation, turnedtoimposingheavytaxes on traders, forcingmost of themtoclose his shopandcarry his goods on a cart in front of himtosellthem.

    An Overview of theLandmark:
    Othernames: (thenew Gate, Bab al-Qaysariyameansthe market andthe market meanQattanin market). ItcalledtheQataneen market, which is locatedoutside, where it wasthemostimportantmarkets of thecity in time Mamelukes. Themiddle of the western wallbetweentheIron Gate tothenorthandAlmutaharra Gate in south. Present at the West of theDome of theRock. It is noteworthythatPrinceTnkzNasserirenewedthis Gate byorder of Sultan Mohammed bin Qalawun.
     Renewed in 737 AH -1336 AD. Attends it bydegreesfromthe market Qattanin.
    Gate-mountedarchesbuilt of stones in white, blackandredcolorsand at the top of thedome Gate a beautifulhalf-shaped, withexquisitedaisieshangingfrom it.
    There is a written bar (much of it faded). Thewoodengate of the Gate has copperribbonsengravedwiththe name of Sultan MohammedandPrinceTnkz.
     TheSupremeIslamicCouncilrestored it aftertheearthquake in 1345 AH- 1927 AD, where it hit the western wallwasbadlydamaged, andtheengineersremovedthebuildingsbuiltabovethe Gate of reverencebeautyandavoidcollapse.

    Landmarkadjacenttothe Gate:
    TheschoolorKhatooniesoil is located at thenorth of this Gate.
    Tothesouth of Bab al-Qattanin, there is Alrebatazzamani.

    Gate now:
    TheQattanin Gate is located in a sensitiveareathattheJewsseektocontrol, wheretheyhaveestablishedoutpostsforthesettlerswhoaretryingtoterrorizeMuslimstoleavethisplace, andthe market is nearbyQattaninone of theremainingevidence of thearrogance of theoccupation, afterthefailure of his attemptstodestroythe market andoccupation, turnedtoimposingheavytaxes on traders, forcingmost of themtoclosetheshopandcarry his goods on a wogantosellgoods.


    Bab Al Matharah Gate

    South of Bab al-Qattanintwopointsawayfromthe Western Wall.

    LandmarkLocationrelativetoDome of therock: 
    West Dome of theRock

    -This Gate wasrenewedduringthereign of PrinceAlaa Al-Din Al-Basir in 666 AH - 1261 AD. -TheDepartment of Islamic Al Awqaf in Jerusalem restoredthe Al-Mutahragain in 1981, addedother Al-Mutahhrato it in 2010 with modern placesforablutions.

    Reason of the name:
    Called Bab al- Seqaia, bab al-Mat-harahor Al-Mutawada’a: Because it leadsto an antiseptic (theplace of ablutionthatleadsto it outsidethe Al Aqsa) and is located 20 metersawayFrom it.

    Builder Name:
     Builtbythe Sultan Abu Bakr ibn Ayyubaftertheconstruction of Seqaia (al-Mat-harah).

    Details of theshape:
    -Theentrance of the Gate rectangularwith 3.5 metersheight, with a simplebuilding.
    -Does not leadtooutside Al-Aqsa Mosque, nowaytothestreets of the Old City, but to Al-Mat-harahtwentymetersaway.
    -AlongtheroadleadingtoAlmutaharra, Jerusalemitefamilieslive in historicbuildingssuch as Rabat Al Zamani, Ottomanschoolandotherbuildings.

    Additional Information aboutthelandmark:
    The Gate andthedanger of occupation:
    Duetothelocation of Bab al-MutahhraclosesttotheDome of theRock (located in themiddle of Al-Aqsa Mosque Mubarak), it wasfacesmultipleZionistattacks, themostimportanttunnelopenedby a branch of thetunnelextendsalongthe western wall of al-Aqsa (theZionistscall it thetunnel name (Hashmonaim)). And thistunnelthesub-sectionextendsunder Bab al-Mat-harahuntil it reachesthefoundations of theDome of theRock (in theheart). Al-Aqsa Mosque andtheJewscall it: “Tunnel of theHoly of Holies” meantheTunnel of theSacredRock Consideredtheholiest spot theyhave. In addition, hundreds of thementerdailytoprayundertheyards of Al-Aqsa Mosque blessed.

    An Overview of theLandmark:
    Othernamesforthegateare Bab Al-Mutawada’aand Bab al- Siqaya. Itwasbuiltby Sultan Abu Bakr bin Ayyub, aftertheconstruction of Seqaia (al-Mat-harah). Itwasnamedafterthefactthat it leadstotheablution site that is 20 metersawayfrom it. Thegate is locatedsouth Al-Qataningate, after twopillars in the Western Wall, i.e. west of theDome of theRock. Theentrance of thegate is rectangularwith 3.5 meters’ height, with a simplebuilding. Thegatedoes not leadoutside of Al-Aqsa Mosque, orthestreets of the Old City, but totheablution site that is 20 meters away. AlongthisroadareJerusalemitefamilieswholive in historicbuildings, like Ar-Ribat Az-Zamani, theOttoman School, andotherbuildings. This Gate wasrestoredduringthereign of PrinceAlaa Al-Din Al-Basir in 666 AH - 1261 AD. TheDepartment of Islamic Al Awqaf in Jerusalem restoredthe Al-Mutahragain in 1981, addedother Al-Mutahhrato it in 2010 with modern placesforablutions.

    The Gate andtheThreat of theOccupation:
    Duetothelocation of Bab al-MutahhraclosesttotheDome of theRock (located in themiddle of Al-Aqsa Mosque Mubarak), it wasfacesmultipleZionistattacks, themostimportanttunnelopenedby a branch of thetunnelextendsalongthe western wall of al-Aqsa (theZionistscall it thetunnel name (Hashmonaim)). Thistunnelthesub-sectionextendsunder Bab al-Mat-harahuntil it reachesthefoundations of theDome of theRock (in theheart). Al-Aqsa Mosque andtheJewscall it: "Tunnel of theHoly of Holies" meantheTunnel of theSacredRock

    Consideredtheholiest spot theyhave. In addition, hundreds of thementerdailytoprayundertheyards of Al-Aqsa Mosque blessed.



    Bab Al Selselah and Sakinah Gate

    Landmark Location:
    Located in the western corridor between the school Ashrafieh north and the school of disguise south under the minaret of the chain and its proximity to the north is a closed Gate called the Gate of tranquility or peace.

    Landmark History:

    -Some Western historians claim that the current section of the building of the Crusaders because of the existence the Crusader statues on its outer wall, but with a closer look at these remains indicate that the Ayyubids reused it, in the terms of asymmetry and congruence between the statue. -It renewed in the Ayyubids period before 595 AH-1199 AD during the reign of King Issa.

    Reason of the name:

    Called Bab Dawood: Because there is a road directly to Jerusalem castle, which Muslims have known as the mihrab of David, despite built long after prophet David peace be upon him.

    Details of the shape:

    -The rectangular Gate with height of 4.5 m and is one of the three Gates that open to worshipers in Fajr prayer and Al Ishaa since 1967.
    -The Gate is located on Umm al-Banat Bridge, which was built over the Wadi al-Tawahin line, one of the most famous valleys of the town old and below this bridge is the entrance of the tunnel, which runs along the western wall of Al-Aqsa Mosque, Note that the tunnel is old before the Israeli occupation, which worked on its expansion and digging new tunnels branching out. Moreover, used it to brainwash visitors with regard to the alleged structure.
    -There is a small opening for one person if closed.
    -Has two entranceways: the first is northern gate called Al Sakena, which is closed, just opened for necessity, the second south called the Chain Gate, it always is open.
    -To the right of the inside of this Gate from the outside is the entrance to the school disguised by the occupation In 1969 and turned it into a police station.
    -It is one of the three Gates of the blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque, which opens only to worshipers to perform my prayer Al Ishaa and Fajer in Al-Aqsa Mosque since the Zionist occupation in 1967.

    The Gate and the danger of occupation:

    Like the other Gates of the Western Wall of the Al-Aqsa Mosque, it feared that excavations would affect Al selsela Gate.
    Moreover, the Zionist tunnels built under it, most notably the tunnel “Hashmonaim”; Which runs along the length of the fence, It is also is at risk of being closed by the occupation authorities, such as iron and al Qatanin Gates, especially that became the closest Gate to Muslims to the tribal mosque (the main prayer in the Al-Aqsa Mosque Al-Mubarak) after the occupiers closed the Magareba Gate and made it a non-Muslim minority, Closest to the wall of the occupied Buraq (which they call the Wailing Wall).

    An Overview of the Landmark:
    Other names for the gate are Dawood and Al-Jameel. It’s a rectangular gate with a height of 4.5 m, and is one of the three gates that have been opened during the time of Fajr Isha’a prayers since 1967. It is on Umm al-Banat Bridge, which was built over Wadi al-Tawahin line, one of the most famous valleys of the Old Town and below this bridge is the entrance of the tunnel, which runs along the western wall of Al-Aqsa Mosque. Note that the tunnel is there before the Israeli occupation, which worked on its expansion and digging new tunnels branching out.

    Moreover, used it to brainwash visitors with regard to the alleged structure. It has two entrances; the north is called Bab As-Sakeenah, and is locked and is opened only when necessary, and the south which is called Bab As-Silsila, and is open. There is a small opening for one person if this entrance is closed. It’s one of 3 gates of Al-Aqsa Mosque that have been open for the worshippers during the time of Fajr and I’sha’a prayers since the Zionist Occupation in 1967.

    It was called Dawood Gate because there is a road that connects it directly with Al-Quds Castle that Muslims called Mihrab Dawood, although it was built way after the time of Prophet Dawood (David). It’s located in the Western Gallery between Al-Ashrafiyyah School north and At-Tankiziya School south, under As-Silsila Minaret. Next to it, from the north, is a closed gate that is called Bab As-Sakeenah or As-Salam. Some historians claim that the current gate has been built by the Crusaders, because of the Crusade statues on its external wall. After a hard look to the remnants of them, it’s obvious that the Ayyubids reused them, because of the asymmetric shapes of the statues. The gate was restored in the Ayyubid era, in 1199 (595 A.H.), during the time of King Issa the Great. Behind the gate is the entrance of At-Tankiziyya School that was confiscated by the occupation in 1969 and turned into a police station.

    The Gate and the Threat of the Occupation:
    Like the other Gates of the Western Wall of the Al-Aqsa Mosque, it feared that excavations would affect Al selsela Gate 
    Moreover, the Zionist tunnels built under it, most notably the tunnel "Hashmonaim"; Which runs along the length of the fence, It is also is at risk of being closed by the occupation authorities, such as iron and al Qatanin Gates, especially that became the closest Gate to Muslims to the tribal mosque (the main prayer in the Al-Aqsa Mosque Al-Mubarak) after the occupiers closed the Magareba Gate and made it a non-Muslim minority, Closest to the wall of the occupied Buraq (which they call the Wailing Wall).


    Bab Almaghariba Gate

    Thelast Gates of themosquefromthewest.

    LandmarkLocationrelativetoDome of therock:
     SouthwestDome of theRock.

    RebuiltduringtheMamelukeperiodunderthereign of Sultan al-Nasir Muhammad ibn Qalawun in 713AH-1313 AD duringtherenovation of thegalleryfromthe Gate of thechaintothe Gate of theMoroccans.

    Reason of the name:
    -CalledbabAlmagaribaattributedtoAlmagaribamosque of located at south of it andAlmagaribaneighborhood, whichwasleadingwheretheywereremovedbytheoccupationforces in 1967 andconvertedtothe arena of prayerfortheJews it wascalledtheWailingSquare. -It is noteworthythattheMoroccanMuslimswerefamousfortheirextremestrugglewithSalahaddinso he didbyhousingthem on the western side of themosque in orderto re-Islamizethecity, andthen his best son Ali stoppedNeighborhood of theMoroccancommunityandestablished a schoolknown as the al Alafdaliaschool, but demolishedwiththeneighborhood.

    Builder Name:
     This Gate builtaftertheestablishment of theMoroccanneighborhoodwiththeliberation of Al-Salahi, where it dispensedwith Bab al-Buraq, whichclosed.

    Details of theshape:

    Additional Information aboutthelandmark:
    -The Gate andthedanger of occupation:
    TheoccupationauthoritiesseizedthekeytothissectionandpreventedMuslimsfromenteringthrough it while it is opentoforeigntourists, JewishsettlersandtheIsraelioccupationpolicetostormthemosqueandattackthem of theAlmoravids.
    -Outsidethe Gate of theMoroccanoccupationauthoritiesdemolishedthehill of Moroccans in 2012 in preparationfortheconstruction of a bridge of cementorironfacilitatesIsraeliincursionsandfacilitatestheentry of mechanismstoimplementdemolitionplans Mosque andbuildingthetempleplace of the Aqsa Mosque, Godforbid.

    An Overview of theLandmark:
    It’sthenearestopengateto Al-Qibli Mosque.
    Thelast Gates of themosquefromthewest, southwestDome of theRock. It’sthenearestopengateto Al-Qibli Mosque. Thisgatewasbuiltwitharchedentrance, afterestablishing Al-MagharibaQuarterwithSaladin’sliberation of thecity. Theydidwithout Al-Buraq Gate andclosed it. Itwasreconstructed in theMamlukera, duringthe time of Sultan An-Nasir bin Qalawoun, in 1313 (713 A.H.), whilerestoringthegallerybetween As-Silsilaand Al-Magharibagates.

    Bab AlmagaribawasnamedafterAlmagaribamosque, locatedsouth of it andAlmagaribaQuarter, whichwasleadingwheretheywereremovedbytheoccupationforces in 1967 andconvertedtothe arena of prayerfortheJews it wascalledtheWailingSquare. It is noteworthythattheMoroccanMuslimswerefamousforbeingextremelystrongsoldiersfightingwithSalahaddin, so he madethemreside in the western side of themosque in orderto re-Islamizethecity, andthen his son Al-Afdal Ali madethequarter as WaqffortheMoroccancommunityandestablished a schoolknown as the al Alafdaliaschool, but demolishedwiththequarter.

    The Gate andtheThreat of theOccupation:
    TheoccupationauthoritiesseizedthekeytothissectionandpreventedMuslimsfromenteringthrough it while it is opentoforeigntourists, JewishsettlersandtheIsraelioccupationpolicetostormthemosqueandattackthem of theMurabiteen. Outsidethe Gate of theMoroccanoccupationauthoritiesdemolishedthehill of Moroccans in 2012 in preparationfortheconstruction of a bridge of cementorironfacilitatesIsraeliincursionsandfacilitatestheentry of mechanismstoimplementdemolitionplans Mosque andbuildingthetempleplace of the Aqsa Mosque, Godforbid.

