The Grammar Dome

West of Al-Aqsa Mosque, opposite of thechaindoor.

LandmarkLocationrelativetoDome of therock:
Located in thesouthwestern tip of theDome’snave.

604 AH - 1207 AD - Ayyubidsperiod.

Reason of the name:
-Domeandgrammarschoolbecause it createdto be a schoolspecializing in LinguisticSciences, in additiontothe seven readings of theHolyQuran.
 -Named Al-Muathamiyaschool, accordingto Al-Mu’azim Issa, whomade it waqfforthestudentsfromtheownersHanafidoctrine.

Builder Name:
EstablishedbytheKingSharaf al-Din Abu al-Mansour Issa al-Ayyubi, byPrince Hossam Al-Din Abi Murad Qambaz.

Details of theshape:
-It is a two-storybuilding:
Thebasement is a 30-meter-long gallerythatused as an oilstoresometimes as TheChapel of Hanbala.
Theupperfloorconsists of threeinterconnectingrooms, wherethe western roomcontainsthe Grand Dome; theeasternroomcontainsanotherlowerdomefirst.
-It has a main entrance in itsnorthernfacadeandfeaturesitsmarblecolumns.
-Thedomeconsists of threeinterconnectedroomswhosegranddome is abovetheroom, whileanotherdome is lower, abovetheeasternchamberand has a main entrancelocated in itsnorthernfaçade.
-Thegrammaticaldomeduringthe British occupationconvertedto a library, andtoday it is theseat of theShari Court belongto Jordan.
-Nowcalledthe Office of theActingQadi AL Quda.
-Thevirtues of changingtheuse of thegrammaticaldomefrom an Arabiclanguageschoolto a court, it’sbecameprotectedfromthedangers of theoccupation, because it overseesthe Wall of Buraqfrom inside Al-Aqsa, also on Almagaribadoorandthechaindoor, so it is a hot spot whentheZionistattacks on the Al-Aqsa Mosque.
-TheZionistsstormed Al-Aqsa Mosque on thedate of 30-6-2000 AD, sotheystormedthegrammardome.
-ThedomeandtheGrammarschoolwerebuiltto be designatedforlinguisticsciences.

An Overview of theLandmark:
An-NahwiyyahDomeand School wasdesignatedforlinguisticsciences, in additiontothe seven recitations of theHolyQuran. Itwasnamed Al-Mu'athamiyaschool, after Al-Mu’azim Issa, whomade it waqfforthestudents in theHanafidoctrine. It’slocatedwest of Al-Aqsa Mosque, acrossthechaindoor, in thesouthwestern tip of theDome’snave. KingSharaf al-Din Abu al-Mansour Issa al-Ayyubi had it established. ItwasbuiltbyPrince Hossam Al-Din Abi Murad Qambaz, in 604 AH - 1207 AD.

It is a two-storybuilding. Thebasement is a 30-meter-long gallerythatwasused as an oilstoresometimes as theChapel of Hanbala. Theupperfloorconsists of threeinterconnectingrooms, wherethe western roomcontainsthe Grand Dome; theeasternroomcontainsanotherlowerdomefirst. It has a main entrance in itsnorthernfacadeandfeaturesitsmarblecolumns. Thedomeconsists of threeinterconnectedroomswhosegranddome is abovetheroom, whileanotherdome is lower, abovetheeasternchamberand has a main entrancelocated in itsnorthernfaçade.

Duringthe British occupation, it wasturnedinto a library. Today, it is theheadquarter of theShari'a Court affiliatedto Jordan. It’snowcalledthe Office of theActingChiefJustice.
one of theadvantages of changingtheuse of An-Nahwiyyahdomefrom an Arabiclanguageschoolto a court is that it becameprotectedfromthedangers of theoccupation, because it oversees Al-BuraqWall,  Al-Magharibah Gate, and As-Silsila Gate, so it is a hot spot whentheZionistsattackthe Al-Aqsa Mosque. TheZionistsstormed Al-Aqsa Mosque and An-NahwiyyahDome on the 30th of June,2000.
An-NahwiyyahDomeand School werebuiltto be designatedforlinguisticsciences, in additiontothe Seven Recitations of theHolyQur’an.




    Dome of the Rock

    Theheart of theHoly Mosque.

    72 AH / 691 AD in theUmayyadperiodunderthereign of kalipha Abdul Malik bin Marwan.

    Reason of the name:
    For it is presence abovetherock.

    Builder Name:
     BuiltbyRaja bin Haywa al-Bisani andhelpedhimYazid ibn Salam, one of thepeople of Jerusalem.

    Details of theshape:
    -TheDome of theRock is located in theheart of Al-Aqsa Mosque (in themiddlewith a slightdeviationtowards North) sothat it is based on a platethatrisesabout 4 meters fromthelevel of thecourtyard of themosque, thisplate is ascendedby 8 drawers, each of which is toppedby a barrageor -calledarches.

    -TheMuslimEngineer in thedesignandconstruction of thedomebuilt on threeengineeringdepartments, whichtranslatedwith three architecturalelementsthatresulted in theintersection of two equalsquares: thedomeWhichcoverstherockandsurrounds it, andtheinternalandexternalvaluationssurroundingthedomeresulted in betweenthem is an innerhall in the form of octagonalribswith a medallion in thecenter of therock, 

    -Later a uniqueIslamiclandmark, therockrisesfromthefloor of thebuildingabout a meterandhalf, andtherockrises in thecenter of thebuildingrounddomediameter of about 20 meters.

    -TheDome of theRockconsists of:
    -Circlesurroundingthedome: Based on 4 pillars coveredwithstreakingmarble, and on 12 columns surroundingtheRock, thedomeconsists of two internalandexternaldomeserected on a woodenframeabovetheneck of thedome.
    -Indooroctagonalopen: contains 8 pillars of stonetherearetwomarblecolumnsbetweeneachpillar is another 6 meterswide, toppedbysemicircularcontractsdecoratedwithgold-platedmosaics, connectedtoeachotherbydecorativewoodenbridges.
    -Externaloctagonalclosed: consists of 8 stonefacades, opened in 4 of them a doorandwasopened 4 windows in eachfront have a door, 5 windows in thefrontwithout a doortoadd 2  windows in thelowerhalf of thefacade (addedlate), width of about 4, coveredwithwhitemarbledtiles inside. 

    -Thewalls of thedomecoveredwithmarbleplates, Whichconsists of foursymmetricalpartsand be a beautiful form calledthe name (Al Shaqiqa), one of types of Islamic art, it is a verybeautifulgeometric form thatenrichesthemosquesfromtheuse of decorationsandshapesanimalandhumanrightsthatIslam has denied.

    -Theouterpart of thedomepavedwithtwotypes of tiles, thelowerpart of whichtiledwithwhitemarbletiles, andtheuppersectionpavedwith al-Qashani, theroof of twoyardsalsocoveredfromtheexternaldecorationandeventhedomewithwoodenJamlonat, wrappedfrom inside withpanels of woodpainted, decoratedwithfiguresbeautiful, and on theoutsidewerelaminatedwithleadpanels.

    Dimensionsandmeasurements of DomeandDome of theRock:
    -Internaldomediameter: 20.44 m – Height: 9.8 m.
    -Full buildingdiameter: 52 m – Height: 35 m.
    Lengths of octagonalribsDome of theRock:
    -Riblength: 20.60 m – Ribheight: 9.5 m
    Dimensions of theSupervisedRock: (17.70 * 13.50).

    Cave: (Cave of the Al Arwah)
    -It is located at thebottom of thesupervisedrock, estimatedto be 3 metershigh, a naturalcavethat can accommodateforabout 40 person.
    -Theopening at the top of thecave has spread manyrumorsandmanyphrases, thefalseexamples of it, andthefactthat it wascausedbytheCrusaderoccupationaftertheyturnedthemosqueinto a churchandtheyturnedthecaveareainto an altarandcreatedtheslottoshedtheblood of theslaughteredsacrifices. As therearetwo mihrabs and a mastba .

    The mihrab datebacktotheAyyubidsperiodandcalledthe Mihrab of David, andtheother is calledMihrab  Sulaiman, returntotheearlyIslamicperiod, andthemosque is located in thecornernorth, theKhidirMistabawithdimension of (2 * 1.5).

    -Is theWideareasurroundingtheDome of theRock, calledthe “Al Dukan” in the Al-Abbasi period, and “Al-Dakka” in theFatimidera.
    -Thenave is surroundedby a handrail of greendottedmarble, removed in theAyyubidsperiod, this is becausethegreatKing Issa orderedtheexpansion of thebowelfromthewestside 18 meters, so as toprovidespacefortheconstruction of grammarschool, andthework of tankstocollectwaterfromthesaucertothenewcuttersunderthesaucer, andthecurrentshape of thedishfixedfromthe Mamlukperiod.

    Additional Information abouttheLandmark:
    Designed on preciseandconsistentgeometricfoundationsthatdemonstratethecreativity of themindIslamicengineering, Egypt’sabscess has beenrequiredfor seven yearstobuildthisbuilding, as mosthistoriansstatedthattheconstructionbegan in 66 AH / 685 AD andended in 72 AH / 705 AD, theotherpart of thehistorians say that it beganconstruction in 72 AH because of theoccupation of theCalipha  hiswarwith Abdullah bin Zubair.

    Whylavishspending on theDome of theRock?
    Spending on buildingtheDome of theRockwiththisextravagance; a demonstration of thegreatness of Islamiccivilization, beforethegreatcivilizationsthenthePersiansandthe Romans, especiallyaftertheentry of thoseinhabitantsthecountry in Islam has beenaccustomedtoseeingthebrilliance of thetwocivilizations, Itwasalsoequivalent
    Pleaseincreaseby 100 thousanddinars aftertheyfinishedbuildingthedome.

     What is thepurpose of buildingtheDome of theRock?
    Thebuilding of theDome of theRockdatesbacktothreetheories:
    1 - In commemoration of theincident of Isra and Maraj.
    2 -Show thegreatness of Islam, andmake it an Islamiccity.
    3- Ordertoconvertthepilgrimagetothe Al Aqsa (as claimedbythe Yacoubi) – a Shiai an extremistwastryingtodistorttheimage of the Umayyads towinthesatisfaction of theAbbasids.

    -Theinteriordomedecoratedwithgildedfrescoesandmagnificentfrescoes, and an openingthereare 16 windowsforlightingandventilation.

     WhytheDome of theRockbuiltoctagonalribs?
    Severaltheoriessuggestedforbuildingthedome as such:
    1- Religiousreasons
    Because of thefamoussayingthattherock is thelowerthrone of Godmake, thebuildingeightribsresembledthethrone of God in heaven.
    2 – Architecturalreasons
    So as toexploitthespace as much as possibleandtoshowtheoriginalIslamicarchitecture.

    Dome of theRock in theAbbasidperiod: {750-970m.}
    TheAbbasidscaredfortheDome of theRockand Al-Aqsa Mosque and Jerusalem as much as theycould, they had manyrestorationworks in Al-Aqsa Mosque, as illustratedby a number of inscriptionsandtheAbbasidCalipha  al-Ma’mun established a fils called Jerusalem thisevent is thefirst of itskind in thehistory of Jerusalem andwasdocumented in 217 AH.

     Dome of theRock in theFatimidperiod: {970-1099.}
    Thedomewasseverelydamagedby an earthquakethat hit Al-Aqsa Mosque, Alhakem be amrellahkhalifastartedtherestorationworkandcompletedby his son Al-Zaher le’ezazdenellah, wherethedomerebuiltandshotdeadinstead of copperdoctrine (Umayyadorigin) andincludedtherestoration of thedomeanddecorations, windows in thedomeneck And manythings in thebuilding.

     Dome of theRock in theCrusaderera: {1099-1187m.}
    Duringthecrusaderoccupation, theDome of theRockconvertedinto a churchandplacedabovetherock an altar, madethecave a placefortheshedding of theblood of offerings, andplaced a crucifixovertherock of gold.

    Afterthecrusaderoccupation of 15 years, thekings of theFranja (Westerners) rockedthemarblewithfear as thepriestsweretradingthemandcuttingpieces of therockandselling it forpilgrimsandvisitorswithgold, as fortheiron fence, whichremoved in 1965 fromabouttherockdates, backtotheUmayyadperiodand not tothecrusaders.

     Dome of theRock in the Ayyubids period: {1187-1250 m.}
    -After Salah al-Din al-Ayyubi opened al-Aqsa Mosque, he cleanedandremovedalltheCrusadermonuments of themosque, returnedthe
    Dome of theRocktowhat it waswithrosesome of therestorationwork, and put 21 verses of Taha. In 1198 he didkingOthman bin Salah al
    Din put a woodenbarrieraroundtherocktoprotect it.
    -The Ayyubids continuedtotakecare of theDome of theRockafterSaladin, andtheirmost cleanedRockwiththeirhandsandwash it withrosewaterconstantly.

    – TheDome of theRock in the Mamluk Period: {1250-1517.}
    -Thesultans of thisperioddid not hesitatetotakecare of theDome of theRock.
    -In 1270 AD,Sultan Zahir Baybars renewedthemosaicdecorations in thecityexternalappreciation.
    -In 1318, Sultan al-Nasir Muhammad Nasir ibn Qalawunrenovatedanddecoratedthedomefrom inside andfromoutside, andthenave of theDome of theRock.

    – Dome of theRock in theOttomanera: {1517-1917.}
    -TheOttomanstookcare of Al-Aqsa Mosque anditsbuildingsfor 400 years, anddid not giveup in that.
    -Duringthereign of Sultan Suleiman, the Al Qanoni in theperiodbetween 1537-1552 AD he changedtheUmayyadmosaicscoveredwithpanels, andglasswindowsinstalled, whichgavethem a lusterown.

    -In 1720: thethird Sultan Ahmadrenewedthe Kashani andglasswindows, Consumedabouttwothirds of thetaxes of Jaffaand Tripoli.
    -In 1817 AD: thesecond Sultan Mahmoudchangedtheoutermarble of thedomeandperformedwiththerenovation of locallymadecrustaceans.
    -In 1853: a hugeprojectinitiatedtorenovatetheinternalwoodenroofandchangingworn-outclothes.
    -In 1875 AD: This done duringthereign of Sultan Abdul Aziz, andcompletedtherestorationtheroofandchangingtheworn-outtiles, andrenewedthe verse “Yasein” Aroundtheouterwalls.
    -Restoration of 1876: Duringthereign of second Sultan Abdul Hamid, andbeganthisreconstructionbrushesluxurycarpets. 

    Dome of theRockandtheSupremeIslamicCouncil: {1922-1948.}
    Aftertheoccurrence of Al-Aqsa Mosque underthe British occupation, thecouncilassumedresponsibility, it protectedtheDome of theRockandmadeplansforthereconstruction of thedomeandthechanging of thetiles but thePalestinianrevolutionsandwarspreventedthecompletion of thesereconstructionsandtheCouncilonlymakeonlysomeadjustments.

    Dome of theRockandtheCovenant of Jordan: {1967-to now.}
    -Al-Aqsa Mosque ReconstructionCommitteetookovertherestorationwork at thisstage. Thereconstruction at thisstage is sonecessarythattheprayerhall of theDome of theRock in a deplorablestate, as it wasaffected in the 1948 War. TheZioniststhrewsomebombs on Al-Aqsa Mosque, one of which hit theDome of theRockandcauseddamage.

    -Al-Aqsa Mosque ReconstructionCommitteereplacedtheleadplatescoatedthedomereplacedwith a yellowcolored metal thatlaterremoved, finallytheyrebuiltthedomefrom a paintedcoppersheetwithgold.

    Whattypes of decorationsused in theDome of the Rock?
    1- Themosaicdecoration:
    -Theyaresmallsquares of stainedglass, used in a domebuildingRock, andtheembodiment of theIslamicfaiththroughthedesigns of mosaics.
    -Emphasiswere put on mosaics on formsthat do not contradictIslamplantshapesorbeautifulgeometricdrawings, some of which had greatmeaning, when he focusedtheMuslim artist todrawtheTajByzantinefromwithinthedecorations in thedome, here he wantedtorecallingthevictory of theislamicstateoverthegreatByzantinestate, it focusesandshowsthegreatness of Islam.

    2-Wood decoration:
    Thesemotifsfoundbetweenthepillarsand in the
    woodenbarrieraroundtherockthat he ordered Aziz Othman bin Salah al-Din tobuild. “Art of wooddecoration” Known as art Arabesque.
    3-Glass decoration:
    Thesemotifsdesigned on differentplants, floralforms, andgeometricshapesandcomebacktheUmayyadperiod, thedecorations in theDome of theRock, areprototypesfordecoration on glass.

    4- Marbledecoration:
    Used in theDome of theRockforitsdurabilityandhardness, andwasusedextensivelymost of thebuilding, wesee it in thecolumnsandtheircrownsandstonestucco, as it is, most of themarble in thedome is theoriginalUmawied .

    5-Alqashnia decoration:
    It is a colorfulpotterypaintedwith a layer of glass, andrecentlycalledthetiles of theChinesetiles. Used in thebuilding of theDome of theRock, and it shows as manyverses as possible; Quranicversessuch as (SurahYassinandpart of the Surat Al Isra), usedforthefirst time in Dome of theRock, in thereign of Ottoman Sultan Suleimanthe Al Qanoni, colorthebluedominatedthe rest of thecolorsandthebuildinggainedcontactwiththesky’sglow, believethatthecoloredtilesusedby Sultan Suleiman in theconstruction of thedomeweremanufactured in thecity Jerusalem, where it foundsomeovensforcooking Kashani in Al-Aqsa Mosque near a dometherock.

    An Overview of theLandmark:
    -TheDome of theRock is one of themostimportantIslamicarchitecturalmonuments in theworld, andgreatreligioussanctity in thehearts of Muslimsandmanypeople, is theoldestandmostbeautiful model in Islamicarchitecture, drewtheattentionandinterest of researchersandallpeopletowhat it excelled of theharmonybetweenitselementsandarchitecturalstructures, considered a verse in the art of engineeringarchitectural, and is themostbeautifulandadmiredwonders of theworld.

    -Muslimshaveshownparticularinterest in themoverthelongIslamichistory, especiallyafterthenaturaldisastersthat had a significantimpact on Al-Aqsa Mosque fromearthquakes, storms, rain, etc., as nosuccessororMuslim Sultan waslaterestoration, preservationanddefense.

    -Thedomebuiltduringthereign of theUmayyadCalipha  Abdal-Malik ibn Marwan, and he superviseditsconstructionRaja ibn HaywaandYazid ibn Salam, built in theheart of Al-Aqsa Mosque particular. Itbuiltwithveryhighprecisionanditsdimensionsare:

    -Dimensionsandmeasurements of DomeandDome of theRock
    – Internaldomediameter: 20.44 m – Height: 9.8 m
    – Qatar Full building: 52 m – Height: 35 m
    – Riblength: 20.60 m – Ribheight: 9.5 m
    – Dimensions of therocksupervisor (17.70 * 13.50)

    -Thewalls of theDome of theRockwerepavedwithmarbletablets, whichconsists of fourpartssymmetricaland form a beautifulcalledthe name (Al Shaqiqa), one of Islamic art typesused in morethanoneplaceandmorethanonetype.

    -TheDome of theRockcontains 14 mihrabs, andthe main onesarelocated in thedirection of the Qibla, also it have 52 windows  and a largenumber of blackmarbletiles is estimated at 99 tiles, as it is it contains 24 archdecoratedwithmosaicsconnectedthecolumnswitheachother.

    -TheDome of theRockaffectedbyallhistoricalperiods since itsconstructionandeverypassingperiod,  causedmanythings of restoration, repair, modificationandvandalism as well, in a periodtheCrusaderandIsraelioccupation is theworstperiod, in theIslamicperiod,  themostprosperousperiod, whichtransformed it andmade it takeitscurrent form, andnowrepresentsthecoveredspacesurroundingthesacredrock is a prayerhalldedicatedtowomenprayersFriday,( Eid, Fridayprayand Taraweeh).

    -TheZionistswereparticularlyinterested in therock, theyseektoestablishtheirtemplealleged in theplace of therock, mademultipleattacks on them in variousways, frombombingtheiraircraftduringtheaggression of 1948, andthedesecration of therocksupervisedbyraisingtheirflagabove it forsome time and a lot of attacksthatnegativelyaffecttheDome of theRock, as it is duringthe 1980 AD, severalattemptsweremadetoblow it upwithexplosiveshighlydestructivetoJewishextremists, a Jewishsoldiernamed Harry Goldman, he brokeinto it in 1982 andfired at theworshipersindiscriminatelycausing in themartyrdom of twoandinjuringfourworshipers.

    -In addition, excavationsandZionisttunnelscontinuearoundandbelowthe Aqsa Mosque, some of themintowhat is undertheDome of theRock, but thoughttohaveestablishedJewishchurches, thisseriousassaultsaffectedtheDome of theRockwithallthegreatmarblesurroundingthedome inside, itsmosaicdecorationsfrom inside andoutsidesufferfromcrackingandcorrosionandfalling,  thissituationthreatenedby an increaseduetotheblockadeimposedbytheauthorities, theZionistoccupation of the Aqsa Mosque andpreventedMuslimsfromdoinganyrestorationworkforany of itsparts, includingtheDome of theRock.



    Dome of the Cradle of Jesus (Mahd Issa)

    Located at themiddle of a staircaselocated in thesouth-eastcorner of theMarwanichapelleadingtotheroof of thechapel.

    LandmarkLocationrelativetoDome of therock: Southeastthedome. 

     Itwasrenovated in theOttomanera, in 1315/1898 AD.

    Reason of the name:
    Tocommemoratethebirth of ProphetJesus, peace be uponhim.

    Builder Name:
     Some say it wasbuiltduringtheOttomanera; others say it wasthetheUmayyaderaandothers say it wasbuiltduringtheFatimidperiod.

    Details of theshape:
    -It’s a smalldomecarriedbyfourcolumns, bellow it a stonebasincalledthe “cradle of Jesus”. Itwasprobablythere in theAbbasidortheFatimideras, in front of it is a stoneniche. It is saidthatJesusChristthe son of Mary, peaceandblessings of Allah be uponthem, slept in thisplacewhen he was a youngchild, andthis is somethingunprovenuntilnowand not believedbytheChristians, as theydid not givetheplaceanyattentionbeforetheIslamicconquest.
    -Memorialbuilding inside Al-Aqsa Mosque.
    -Researchersconfirmthatthe mihrab orthecradle of Jesus is originallythecompartment of theKhalifah, and is a room of a largehousefortifiedwithwalls of elements of themosquenearthe mihrab.
    -TheFatimid’smadethis mihrab andthiscabinforworship, andtheycalled it themosque of thecradle of Jesus.
    -Itwasbuiltmostly in theFatimidperiod, tocommemoratethebirth of theProphetJesusPeace, theoldestmention of the site returnstothetraveler Nasir Khusraw in (413 AH / 1047 AD).
    -It’s a rectangularroom, 7.4 m × 4.4 m, belowthelevel of themosque in about 6 meters. Can be descendedtoby a staircase, andenteredthrough a smallgateabovethesurface of theMarwanichapel. TheentrancewastheonlyonefortheMarwanichapelbeforeitsrestorationandtheopening of additionalgates.
    -Inside theroom is a groundniche, 1.6 × 1 m, calledthecradle of Issa, abovethemihrab there is an ornatedomeandthreeniches in Al_QibliareaAyyubid, MamlukandOttomaneras.

    An Overview of theLandmark:
    Itwasbuilttocommemoratethe birth of ProphetJesus; peace be uponhim. It’slocated at themiddle of a staircase, in thesoutheasterncorner of Al-MarwaniPrayerHallleadingtoitsroof. It’ssoutheasttheDome of theRock. Some say it wasbuiltduringtheOttomanera; others say it was in theUmayyadera, andothers say it wasbuiltduringtheFatimidperiod. Itwasrenovated in theOttomanera, in 1315/1898 AD.

    It’s a smalldomecarried on fourpillars. Below it is a stonebasincalledMahd Issa. Itwasprobablythere in theAbbasidortheFatimideras, in front of it is a stoneniche. It is saidthatJesusChristthe son of Mary, peaceandblessings of Allah be uponthem, slept in thisplacewhen he was a youngchild, andthis is somethingunprovenuntilnowand not believedbytheChristians, as theydid not givetheplaceanyattentionbeforetheIslamicconquest.

    It’s a memorialbuilding inside Al-Aqsa Mosque. Researchersconfirmthatthe mihrab orMahd Issa is originallythecompartment of theCaliph, and is a room of a largehousefortifiedwithwalls of elements of themosquenearthe mihrab. TheFatimid’smadethis mihrab andthiscabinforworship, andtheycalled it Mahd Issa mosque. Itwasbuiltmostly in theFatimidperiod, tocommemoratethebirth of theProphetJesus. Theoldestmentioning of the site wasforthetraveler Nasir Khusraw, in (413 AH / 1047 AD).

    It’s a rectangularroom, 7.4 m × 4.4 m, belowthelevel of themosque in about 6 meters. Can be descendedtoby a staircase, andenteredthrough a smallgateabovethesurface of theMarwanichapel. TheentrancewastheonlyonefortheMarwanichapelbeforeitsrestorationandtheopening of additionalgates. Inside theroom is a groundniche, 1.6 × 1 m, calledthecradle of Issa, abovethe mihrab there is an ornatedomeandthreeniches in thetribalareaAyyubid, MamlukandOttomaneras.



    The Balance Dome

     Locatedsouth of theDomebowel of theRock, adjacenttothesouthernBarage.

    LandmarkLocationrelativetoDome of therock:
    SouthernDome of theRock.

    BuiltbyBurhanuddinPlace of a wooden platform put by Salah al-Din, year (790 Hijri-1388 AD).

    Reason of the name:
    Its name “ TheBalanceDome” camefromthefactthatit’sattachedtotheSouthernarches, thearchesthatareknown as theBalances. -NamedTribe of Burhan al-Din: becausethefact of the form of a platform andabovethedomecalled as nsme of itsbuilderChiefJusticeBurhanuddin bin jama’a, thedomeknown as Tribe of Burhan al-Din.

    Builder Name:
    TheChiefJusticeBurhanuddin Ben Joma’a.

    Details of theshape:
    -Theminaretbuilding is made of marblefrom an entrance in abovethecontractrests on twosmallcolumns of marble, andascendsfrom it to a fewdegreesleadsto a stonebench (seat) preparedto sit Khatib, and on top of thatdome, adome nice small basil rests on beautifulmarblecolumns, underthefrieze board there is a smallandbeautiful mihrab in thewest, whilethere is another mihrab on theeastside, engraving inside the Western arch body carryingtheSouthernbarrage.
    –Since it is in the form of a pulpit, a dome, it is known as the “Burhan al-Din Tribune”, aftertheChiefJusticeBurhanuddin ibn Juma’a, which is located in 790-1388 AD, andtheyaretheproperty of themamluk.
    -Thepulpitwasrenewedduringthereign of thesecondOttoman
    Sultan Abdul Majeed bin Mahmoud, in a year 1259 AH – 1843 AD. Also, it wentunder a restorationprocess in late 2000, by a group of Italianstudents, throughtheDepartment of IslamicEndowments.
    -in theplace of thispulpit, therewasanotherlovelywoodenpulpit, put bySaladin. Then, it wasrebuiltfromthestone in thegeometricstylethatthemamlukpulpitsarefamousfor, withtheirengravingsandbeauty. Throughouttheages, it has become an architecturalmasterpiecethatshineswithbeautyandmagnificence.
    -Thispulpit is calledbysomepeople “SummerPulpit”, becauseit’s in an openyard, used in summeronlywhentheweather is appropriate, to
    givelessonsandlectures. ItwasusedforspeechandDua’a in IslamicEids, as well as fortheprayers of ascites, whichareheld in thesquares of Al-Aqsa Mosque, as there is nopulpit in thesquares of theothermosque.

    An Overview of theLandmark:
    Itwasnamed Al-MeezanDomebecause of itslocationrightnexttotheSouthernarchesknown as Al-MeezanArches. Thebuildingresembles a pulpit; soit’salsocalled Burhan Ad-Din Pulpit, aftertheChiefJustice Burhan Ad-Din bin Jama’ah, whobuilt a marblepulpit in theplace of thewoodenonethatSaladin had put. ThispulpitwasusedduringEidprayersandtheprayerstoinvoke Allah forrain, in Al-Aqsa courts. It is surroundedby twoniches.



    Dome of Yusuf

    It is in the South, andbounded on theeastby Burhan Adin Pulpit, and on thewestbytheGrammarDome. LandmarkLocationrelativetoDome of therock: South of theDome of theRock’snave.

     It is datedbacktotheOttomantimes, wheretheOttomangovernorgavetheorders of that in 1681 AD/ 1902 AH, in honor of Salah Adin.

    Reason of the name:
    Named as a memorialto Yusuf bin Ayyub, known as Al-Nassir Salah Adin Al-Ayyubi.

    Builder Name:
     Al-Haj Ali built it, on theorder of Yusuf Agha, and he dedicateditsbuildingto Yusuf Ayyub, known as Salah Adin.

    Details of theshape:
    -It is a semi-openbuilding; since itssouthernside is closedbythesouthernwall of theDome of theRock’snave. On thiswall, there is an inscription, inside thedome, andabove it is a mihrab.
    -Thebuildingresembles a smallprayerhall, andabove it is a domebuilt on 4 pillars. Thedome is toppedby a crescent in theOttomanstyle. -Itsdimensionsare 3.5×2.8 meters. Itsbaseconsists of two marblepillars.
    - It is widely, but wrongly, knownthatthedomewasnamedafterProphet Yusuf (Joseph) peace be uponhim. There is an Ayyubidsinscription Al-Nassir Salah Adin Yusuf bin Ayyub has put it in thewall of Jerusalem city at thisdomethatshowsthat it waslikelybuilttopreservethisinscription, afterrebuildingthewallbytheOttomans, hence; theintended “Yusuf” is thefirst name of Sultan Salah Adin.
    -ItwastargetedbytheZionistoccupation’smachineand it is thecaseforallparts of Al-Aqsa Mosque. Whenevertheoccupationforcesstormthecourtyard of thesacredRock in theheart of Al-Aqsa mosque, theyarestationed at theDome of Yusuf, tocontrolthesquares in front of Al-Qibli Mosque.
    - ItseemsthattheOttomans, whenthey re-builttheshatteredwall of Jerusalem, found a paintingbelongingtotheAyyubidsreferringtotheconstruction of thewallandthetrench. So Yusuf Aghaordered a memorialdometo be erected in honor of theliberation of Salah al-Din of Jerusalem. On thefrontexterior of thedome, therearetwosmallinscriptions, one in Arabicandtheother is in theOttomanlanguage.
    -It is noteworthythatHajj Ali builtthisdomebyorder of Yusuf Aghaanddedicated it to Yusuf ibn Ayyub (Salah al-Din).

    An Overview of theLandmark:
    - Itwasnamed as a memorialto Yusuf bin Ayyub, known as Al-Nassir Salah Adin Al-Ayyubi. It is in thesouth, andbounded on theeastby Burhan Adin Pulpit, and on thewestbytheGrammarDome. It’ssouth of theRock’snave, that is in themiddle of Al-Aqsa Mosque. It is noteworthythatHajj Ali builtthisdomebyorder of Yusuf Aghaanddedicated it to Yusuf ibn Ayyub (Salah al-Din). ItsbuildingdatesbacktotheOttomantimes, wheretheOttomangovernorgavetheorders of that in 1681 AD/ 1902 AH, in honor of Salah Adin.
    - It is a semi-openbuilding; since itssouthernside is closedbythesouthernwall of theDome of theRock’snave. On thiswall, there is an inscription, inside thedome, andabove it is a mihrab. Thebuildingresembles a smallprayerhall, andabove it is a domebuilt on 4 pillars. Thedome is toppedby a crescent in theOttomanstyle. Itsdimensionsare 3.5×2.8 meters. Itsbaseconsists of twomarblepillars.

    - It is widely, but wrongly, knownthatthedomewasnamedafterProphet Yusuf (Joseph) peace be uponhim. There is an Ayyubidsinscription Al-Nassir Salah Adin Yusuf bin Ayyub has put it in thewall of Jerusalem city at thisdomethatshowsthat it waslikelybuilttopreservethisinscription, afterrebuildingthewallbytheOttomans, hence; theintended “Yusuf” is thefirst name of Sultan Salah Adin.

    - ItwastargetedbytheZionistoccupation’smachineand it is thecaseforallparts of Al-Aqsa Mosque. Whenevertheoccupationforcesstormthecourtyard of thesacredRock in theheart of Al-Aqsa mosque, theyarestationed at theDome of Yusuf, tocontrolthesquares in front of Al-Qibli Mosque.

    -ItseemsthattheOttomans, whenthey re-builttheshatteredwall of Jerusalem, found a paintingbelongingtotheAyyubidsreferringtotheconstruction of thewallandthetrench. So Yusuf Aghaordered a memorialdometo be erected in honor of theliberation of Salah al-Din of Jerusalem. On thefrontexterior of thedome, therearetwosmallinscriptions, one in Arabicandtheother is in theOttomanlanguage. It is noteworthythatHajj Ali builtthisdomebyorder of Yusuf Aghaanddedicated it to Yusuf ibn Ayyub (Salah al-Din).



    Dome of Yusuf Agha

    On the western side of Al-Aqsa Mosque, acrosstheIslamicMuseum (Moroccans Mosque).

    LandmarkLocationrelativetoDome of therock:
    West of theDome of theRock.

     1902 AH - 1681 AD.

    Reason of the name:
     NamedafteritsbuildertheOttomangovernor Yusuf.

    Builder Name:
     TheOttomangovernor Yusuf.

    Details of theshape:
    -A semi-opensquarebuilding, henceitssouthernside is closedwith a mihrab.
    -Jerusalem’sgovernor, Yusuf Agha, had it builtduringthereign of theOttoman Sultan Mohammed IV, as shown in thetwoinscriptions on itsexterior.

    An Overview of theDome:
    ItwasnamedaftertheOttomangovernor, Yusuf. It is on the western side of Al-Aqsa Mosque andtheDome of theRock, acrosstheIslamicMuseum (Moroccans Mosque). Jerusalem’sgovernor, Yusuf Agha, had it built in 1681 AD/ 1902 AH.



    Dome of Moses

    TheDome of Moses is located on theMosaterrace, in themiddle of western squares of Al-Aqsa Mosque Al-Mubarak, betweentheChainDoorwest, andtheGrammarDome East.

    LandmarkLocationrelativetoDome of therock:
     In thenortheast of theDome of theRock.

    647 AH - 1249 AD.

    Reason of the name: NamedaftertheprophetMoses, peaceandblessings be uponhim.

    Builder Name:
    ThegoodkingNajm al din Ayoub.

    Details of theshape:
    -It is a largesquareroom; sixmeters longand Six meterswide. It has sixwindows, toppedby a dome, and has a cantileveroutside, andnorthernentrance, andtheterracesurroundedbyanother mihrab of a highwall.
    -Previouslycalledthedome of thetree, after a hugepalmtreethatwasnextto it, alsocalledthewidedome.
    -Today, it is used as a houseformemorizingtheHolyQuran, where it wasthefirsthouse of theHolyQuran in Palestine, andstillgroupsgraduatefrom it afterlearningTajweedtypes.

    An Overview of theLandmark:
    ItwasnamedafterProphetMoses, peaceandblessings be uponhim. TheDome of Moses is located on Mosesterrace, in themiddle of the western squares of Al-Aqsa Mosque Al-Mubarak, between As-Silsila Gate west, and An-NahwiyyahDomeeast. It’snortheast of theDome of theRock. ThegoodkingNajm al din Ayoubbi had it built, in 647 AH - 1249 AD.
    It is a largesquareroom; sixmeterslongandsixmeterswide. It has sixwindows, toppedby a dome, and has a cantileveroutside, andnorthernentrance, andtheterracesurroundedbyanother mihrab of a highwall.

    In thepast, it wascalledtheDome of theTree; after a hugepalmtreethatwasnextto it. Also, it wascalledtheWideDome.
    Today, it is used as a houseformemorizingtheHolyQuran, where it wasthefirsthouse of theHolyQuran in Palestine, andstillgroupsgraduatefrom it afterlearningTajweedtypes.



    The Grammar Dome

    West of Al-Aqsa Mosque, opposite of thechaindoor.

    LandmarkLocationrelativetoDome of therock:
    Located in thesouthwestern tip of theDome’snave.

    604 AH - 1207 AD - Ayyubidsperiod.

    Reason of the name:
    -Domeandgrammarschoolbecause it createdto be a schoolspecializing in LinguisticSciences, in additiontothe seven readings of theHolyQuran.
     -Named Al-Muathamiyaschool, accordingto Al-Mu’azim Issa, whomade it waqfforthestudentsfromtheownersHanafidoctrine.

    Builder Name:
    EstablishedbytheKingSharaf al-Din Abu al-Mansour Issa al-Ayyubi, byPrince Hossam Al-Din Abi Murad Qambaz.

    Details of theshape:
    -It is a two-storybuilding:
    Thebasement is a 30-meter-long gallerythatused as an oilstoresometimes as TheChapel of Hanbala.
    Theupperfloorconsists of threeinterconnectingrooms, wherethe western roomcontainsthe Grand Dome; theeasternroomcontainsanotherlowerdomefirst.
    -It has a main entrance in itsnorthernfacadeandfeaturesitsmarblecolumns.
    -Thedomeconsists of threeinterconnectedroomswhosegranddome is abovetheroom, whileanotherdome is lower, abovetheeasternchamberand has a main entrancelocated in itsnorthernfaçade.
    -Thegrammaticaldomeduringthe British occupationconvertedto a library, andtoday it is theseat of theShari Court belongto Jordan.
    -Nowcalledthe Office of theActingQadi AL Quda.
    -Thevirtues of changingtheuse of thegrammaticaldomefrom an Arabiclanguageschoolto a court, it’sbecameprotectedfromthedangers of theoccupation, because it overseesthe Wall of Buraqfrom inside Al-Aqsa, also on Almagaribadoorandthechaindoor, so it is a hot spot whentheZionistattacks on the Al-Aqsa Mosque.
    -TheZionistsstormed Al-Aqsa Mosque on thedate of 30-6-2000 AD, sotheystormedthegrammardome.
    -ThedomeandtheGrammarschoolwerebuiltto be designatedforlinguisticsciences.

    An Overview of theLandmark:
    An-NahwiyyahDomeand School wasdesignatedforlinguisticsciences, in additiontothe seven recitations of theHolyQuran. Itwasnamed Al-Mu'athamiyaschool, after Al-Mu’azim Issa, whomade it waqfforthestudents in theHanafidoctrine. It’slocatedwest of Al-Aqsa Mosque, acrossthechaindoor, in thesouthwestern tip of theDome’snave. KingSharaf al-Din Abu al-Mansour Issa al-Ayyubi had it established. ItwasbuiltbyPrince Hossam Al-Din Abi Murad Qambaz, in 604 AH - 1207 AD.

    It is a two-storybuilding. Thebasement is a 30-meter-long gallerythatwasused as an oilstoresometimes as theChapel of Hanbala. Theupperfloorconsists of threeinterconnectingrooms, wherethe western roomcontainsthe Grand Dome; theeasternroomcontainsanotherlowerdomefirst. It has a main entrance in itsnorthernfacadeandfeaturesitsmarblecolumns. Thedomeconsists of threeinterconnectedroomswhosegranddome is abovetheroom, whileanotherdome is lower, abovetheeasternchamberand has a main entrancelocated in itsnorthernfaçade.

    Duringthe British occupation, it wasturnedinto a library. Today, it is theheadquarter of theShari'a Court affiliatedto Jordan. It’snowcalledthe Office of theActingChiefJustice.
    one of theadvantages of changingtheuse of An-Nahwiyyahdomefrom an Arabiclanguageschoolto a court is that it becameprotectedfromthedangers of theoccupation, because it oversees Al-BuraqWall,  Al-Magharibah Gate, and As-Silsila Gate, so it is a hot spot whentheZionistsattackthe Al-Aqsa Mosque. TheZionistsstormed Al-Aqsa Mosque and An-NahwiyyahDome on the 30th of June,2000.
    An-NahwiyyahDomeand School werebuiltto be designatedforlinguisticsciences, in additiontothe Seven Recitations of theHolyQur’an.



    The Dome of Sheikh Al-Khalili

    Located in theRock’snave, northwest of theDome of theRocklocated in themiddle of Al-Aqsa Mosque.

    LandmarkLocationrelativetoDome of therock:
    Northwest of theDome of theRock.

    Established in theOttomanera in (1112 AH / 1700 AD).

    Reason of the name:
    Othernames: (Thedome of theBekhBekh) (Thechapel of Al Kheder) (Mosque of theProphet).
     -Namedafterthe Sufi SheikhMohammed Al-Khalili, whousedtoleadtheprayers as an Imam, andworship Allah in it.

    Builder Name:
    Governor of Ottoman Jerusalem MohammedBeck.

    Details of theshape:
    -A squarebuilding on four Staff, toppedby a shallowdomewithOttomanstyle, its four facadeshaveeightrectangularwindows in each two windowsinterface.
    -In theeasternfacade of thebuilding a smalldoortoppedwithinscriptionbearingthe name anddate of thebuilding.
    -Inside thedome is a mihrab decoratedwithmosaicsfrom a royalcalcareousstonewith a shallowstonegarden, andbeneaththebuilding of –Thedome of theKhalilithere is a buildingbelow, called a cave of spirits, reachedthrough a stonestaircasecutfromtherock, thislightfilledventilatedcavern is not used.
    -Today is the Office of theCommitteeforthereconstruction of Al Aqsa Mosque.
    -And alsothecorner of Muhammadiyah, theinscription is a combination of severalpoeticversesabove an entranceDomeOne of theversesindicatesthedate of thedomeconstructionaccordingtotheSentences:  Muhammad has his date" "Wesaid, enter it safely
    TheOttomaneraknownforitshistoryusingwordsandpoetry, which is knownCalculatethesentences (AbjadHughes) wherethealphabet is equaltoaleph 1, andBa 2 and Kaf 20, thenThesum of thesentencenumbers& quotthenthesum of thesentencenumbers is "date, andwesaid, enter it safely" (equals 1112 Hijri / 1700 AD).
    -ThedomewascreatedbytheOttomangovernor of Jerusalem, Muhammad Bek, andused as a schoolthenstudied in whichtheShaafajudge in Jerusalem, SheikhMuhammad al-Khalili, thenmade as waqffor his propertyspending in 1139 AH / 1726 AD, soitsnamed as his name.
    -ItseemsthatMuhammadBeckordered a wellto be dug in therockandthenbuilt his domeabove it. we can seetheeffects of thewell, thenafterabandoningthewellfortoolong, it dried, and a mihrab replaced it inside theroomandserved as a basementfortheSufis.
    -Withtheabandonment of Al Khedercornerandusing it as a store, itwasrenamedtheBekhBekh”.
    -Thedome is usedtoday as theoffice of theCommittee of Al-Aqsa Mosque Renovation.

    An Overview of theLandmark:
    Ash-Sheikh Al-KhaliliDome (Al-MohammediyyahDome).
    Othernamesfor it arethedome of theBekhBekh, thechapel of Al Khader, Mosque of theProphet. Itwasnamedafterthe Sufi SheikhMohammed Al-Khalili, whousedtoleadtheprayers as an Imam, andworship Allah. It’slocated in theRock’snave, northwest of theDome of theRock, in themiddle of Al-Aqsa Mosque. ItwasbuiltbytheOttomangovernor of Jerusalem MohammedBeck. Itwasestablished in theOttomanera in (1112 AH / 1700 AD). It’s a squarebuilding on fourStaff, toppedby a shallowdomewithOttomanstyle, itsfourfacadeshaveeightrectangularwindows in eachtwowindowsinterface. In theeasternfacade of thebuilding a smalldoortoppedwithinscriptionbearingthe name anddate of thebuilding. Inside thedome is a mihrab decoratedwithmosaicsfrom a royalcalcareousstonewith a shallowstonegarden, andbeneaththebuilding of thedome of theKhalilithere is a buildingbelow, called a cave of spirits, reachedthrough a stonestaircasecutfromtherock, thislight-filledventilatedcavern is not used. Today is the Office of theCommitteeforthereconstruction of Al Aqsa Mosque. Also, thecorner of Muhammadiyah, theinscription is a combination of severalpoeticversesabove an entranceDomeOne of theversesindicatesthedate of thedome'sconstructionaccordingtotheSentences:
    Muhammad has his date" "Wesaid, enter it safely."

    Thosewoknow how to do somecalculationswillfindthatthesentences (AbjadHughes) wherethealphabet is equaltoalephequals 1, andBa 2 and Kaf 20. Thesum of thepoints of thesentence&quotethenthesum of thesentencenumbers is "date, andwesaid, enter it safely" (equals 1112 Hijri / 1700 AD).

    Note: ItseemsthatMuhammadBeckordered a wellto be dug in therockandthenbuilt his domeabove it. we can seetheeffects of thewell, thenafterabandoningthewellfortoolong, it dried, and a mihrab replaced it inside theroomandserved as a basementfortheSufis. Withtheabandonment of Al KhaderCornerandusing it as a store, it wasrenamed as the "BekhBekh”.Thedome is usedtoday as theoffice of theCommittee of Al-Aqsa Mosque Renovation.



    Al Kheder Dome

    In thecenter of Al-Aqsa Mosque.

    LandmarkLocationrelativetoDome of therock:
     In thenortheast of theDome of theRock.

    TenthHijri century - 16th century.

    Reason of the name:
     Namedaftertheplacewhere al Kheder, who is a virtuousworshipperandbeliever, prayed.

    Builder Name:
     At Ottomanera.

    Details of theshape:
    -Small size, mounted on six marblecolumns, six stoneblocksabove, with a red mihrab in thedirection of theQibla.
    -There is some Old Sayingsthatthedate of theoriginalconstruction of thedomedatesbacktotheMuklukperiod.
    -Thedomewasnamed in relationtotheplacewhere he prayedandwherethe Al Kheder fit Peace.
    -In thenorth-east of theDome of theRock.
    -Built in Ottomanera in the tenth centuryHijri – 16th century.
    -A smalldome on sixmarblepillars, toppedbysixpointedstoneblocks, and inside a redmacheteshapedlike a nichetowardstheQibla.
    -Therearesomesayingtheoriginalconstruction of thedomedatesbacktotheMamlukperiod. Belowthedome is a vaultknown as Maqam
    Al Kheder, but there is noevidence of theauthenticity of thematter.

    An Overview of theLandmark:
    It’snamedaftertheplacewhere al Khader, who is a virtuousworshipperandbeliever, prayed. It’sright in themiddle of Al-Aqsa Mosque, northeast of theDome of theRock. Thedomewasbuilt in theOttomanera, specifically in the16th century, that is the 10th Hijricentury.
    It’s a smalldome on six marblepillars, toppedby six pointedstoneblocks, and inside a redmacheteshapedlike a nichetowardstheQibla. Therearesomesayingtheoriginalconstruction of thedomedatesbacktotheMamlukperiod. Belowthedome is a vaultknown as Maqam.



    Dome of the Spirits

    In thecenter of Al-Aqsa Mosque.

    LandmarkLocationrelativetoDome of therock:
    In front of theDome of theRock.

    LandmarkHistory: ThetenthcenturyAH - AD 16th century.

    Reason of the name:
    -Therearedifferentassumptions on thereason of its name, andsomepeoplesaidthatits name camefromthefactthatit’sclosetotheSpiritsCave.
     -Otherssaidthat it wasnamedaccordingtothehadithsthatmentionedthevirtue of theRock in Jerusalem; that it is theland of theoppressedandthemessengerthatthesouls of theworshipersaregathered at Doomsday.

    Builder Name:
     In theOttomanera.

    Details of theshape:
    -Open-sided, consisting of eightmarblecolumns on whichtobaseeightpointedcontracts, abovewhich a largedome, and at thebases of thecolumnsonestonebarrier, andends in theshape of a niche in thedirection of Qibla.
    -SomeOrientalistsandJewsclaimthattheRock is the site of theallegedHolySolomon’s Temple.

    An Overview of theLandmark:
    Therearedifferentassumptions on thereason of its name, andsomepeoplesaidthatits name camefromthefactthatit’sclosetotheSpiritsCave. Otherssaidthat it wasnamedaccordingtothehadithsthatmentionedthevirtue of theRock in Jerusalem; that it is theland of theoppressedandthemessengerthatthesouls of theworshipersaregathered at Doomsday. It’sright in themiddle of Al-Aqsa Mosque, in front of theDome of theRock. Itwasbuilt in theOttomanera, specifically in the16th century, that is the 10th Hijri century.

    It’sopen-sided, consisting of eightmarblecolumns on whichtobaseeightpointedcontracts, abovewhich a largedome, and at thebases of thecolumnsonestonebarrier, andends in theshape of a niche in thedirection of Qibla. SomeOrientalistsandJewsclaimthattheRock is the site of theallegedHolySolomon’s Temple.



    Dome of Suleiman

    Locatednorth of themosque, nearthedoor of theprophetsSharaf.

    Built in Umayyadera -Date of renovation: 600 AH - 1203 AD.

    Reason of the name:
    NamedafterSuleiman bin Abdul Malik.

    Builder Name:
     Itbuilt in theUmayyaderaandrebuilt in theAyyubidsperiod.

    Details of theshape
    -Building an octagonand a dome is above, mounted on twenty-fourmarblecolumns, with a chapel in south, andhave an openeddoor in northernfacade.
    -It is believedthatitsoctagonalbuildingwasbuilttomaintain a clearandvisiblepart of theDome of theRock in Jerusalem.
    -It is believedthatitsconstructionanditspresent form weremade in theAyyubidsperiod, especially as it correspondstoMeirajdomethatbuiltbyAyyubidsandrestored in theOttomanperiod.
    -Thedomewasusedforworship, meditationandsolitude, thenbecame a placeforkeepingpapersandrecordsfortheSharia Court andtheblessed Al-Aqsa Mosque, thenrepairedthrough a ministryAwqafandusedtheheadquarters of theDepartment of preachers, now, thebuildingneedsRestoration.

    An Overview of theLandmark:
    It is north of themosque, nearSharaf Al-Anbiya’a Gate. Itwasbuilt in theUmayyadera, andthenrebuilt in theAyyubidera, in 1203 (600 A.H.).
    It’s an octagonbuildingwith a domeabove it. It’smounted on twenty-fourmarblecolumns, with a chapel in south, andhave an openeddoor in northernfacade.  it is believedthatitsoctagonalbuildingwasbuilttomaintain a clearandvisiblepart of theDome of theRock in Jerusalem. It is believedthatitsconstructionanditspresent form weremade in theAyyubidsperiod, especially as it correspondstoMi’rajDomethatbuiltbyAyyubidsandrestored in theOttomanperiod.

    Thedomewasusedforworshipping, meditation, andsolitude. Then, it became a placeforkeepingpapersandrecordsfortheSharia Court andtheblessed Al-Aqsa Mosque, thenrepairedthrough a ministryAwqafandusedtheheadquarters of theDepartment of preachers, now, thebuildingneedsrestoration. Somescholars say that it datesbacktothe time of ProphetSuleiman. Theycalledthis name aftertheprophetswhoprayedbehindProphetMohammed, andbecause of theexistence of MosesandSuleimandomes.

    There is a greatresemblancebetweenSuleimanand Al-Mi’rajdomes. Theybothareoctagonalandhavearchesthatwereturnedintowindows.



    The Dome of the Lovers of the Prophet

    Located inside Al-Aqsa Mosque on thenorthside, tothesoutheast of King Faisal door (Al-Atem door).

    LandmarkLocationrelativetoDome of therock:
    North of theDome of theRock.

    Theestablishmentdatesbacktothereign of theOttoman Sultan Mahmoud II, in 1233 AH / 1817 AD.

    Reason of the name:
    -NamedtheDome of theLovers of theProphetbecausetherearesome Sufi sheikhsusedtomeetunderneath it, todiscussion of matters of religion.
    -NamedtheDome of Sultan MahmoudIwanbecause it wasbuiltduringthereign of thesecondOttoman Sultan Mahmoud.

    Builder Name:
    In theOttomaneraunderthereign of Sultan Mahmoud II.

    Details of theshape:
    -A squarebuildingwith a length of 7 meters, based on four cornerpillarstoppedbyfourpointedblockswhicharetoppedby a shallowdome, thebuildingwaswithopensideswith a beautifulhollowstonenicheseemthatadded in a laterperiod in thecenter of thesouthside, climbingtothebowl of thedomethroughthreeStairsfrombothsideswestandeast, itsfloor is pavedwithstone, and on itsedgefromthenorthside
    –Two columnsseemto be placedafterwards as a barrier.
    -Thetraveler Nasir Khusrawmentioned, in his visitto al-Aqsa, thatthere has been a domenamedthedome of Jacob at the site of thedomeitself, and he mentioned a group of Sufislivingnearthedoor of themosque. In theMamlukera, theDodari School wasestablished at Bab Sharaf al-Anbiya. Itwas a dwellingplaceforSufis, wheresome Sufi sheikhsusedtomeetanddiscussmatters of religionunderneaththeDome, back in thepastandnowadays.



    Dome of the Mi’rage

    Landmark Location:
    Located above the nave of the Rock, northwest of the Dome of the Rock.

    Landmark Location relative to Dome of the rock:
     Northwest Dome of the Rock.

    Landmark History:
     Built in 597 AH-1201 AD, i.e. in the Ayyubids era, at place for oldest dome erected to commemorate the Prophet’s Mi’raje. It was renovated in the Ottoman period.
    Reason of the name: Named to commemorate prophet Mohammed’s Mi’raje (ascending to heaven).

    Builder Name:
    Built by Prince Esfis-helar Ezzeddine Metwally, the Sheriff of Al-Quds.

    Details of the shape:
    -The dome is a small octagonal building, with closed walls by a white marble panels, has one niche on the south side, and the door to the north, It is built on 30 columns, topped by a dome covered with lead palate, characterized by presence of small dome above it, with a crown on top of her head.
    -When mentioning the construction of Abdul Malik: three domes adjacent, Dome of the Rock, dome of Me’raj and dome of chain. Indicating that these three domes date back to the Umayyad period.
    -As such narrated by Al-Mushraf ibn al-Marji (482 Hijri / 1099 AD) “there is no two differ the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) embarrassed by this dome, which is said to be the dome of al-Me’raj”.
    -It seems that the dome demolished during the Crusader occupation of the mosque, then rebuilt again in the Ayyubid era, As the Ayyubid inscription above its door indicates: "This is a dome of Prophet Muhammad mentioned by the people of history in their books, took to show them after its absence and its reconstruction after its demise … Isfashelar Abi Amr Othman bin Ali bin Abdullah Zanjibili Metwally of
    Jerusalem, in the months of the year seven hundred and ninety five hundred and fifty-five.
    –Note: In the Book of Subh al-Ashi in the Al-Ansha industry, the word
    Isfehlar means army commander, Which indicates the inscription:

    –Ayyubid era:
    -The old dome established but destroyed, then re-built by the governor of Jerusalem Ayyubids year (597 Hijri / 1200 AD) during the
    reign of Sultan Abu Bakr bin Ayoub brother Salahaddine, the presence of crowns and other remnants of crusade is a secondary use before by the Ayyubids, but not means that the Crusaders are the builders of the dome, the text of inscription refuted the claims that the dome was the Crusader building, and that used as a site for baptism, and theat Crusader travelers who visited the mosque during the Crusader occupation of the Crusades did not mention the presence of the Western Dome of the Rock used for baptism, but they mentioned a pond for washing sinners, as well the crusader traveler Theodrich at his journey in 555 hijri.
    -This dome called in the Ayyubids era Dome of the Prophet, It seems that the number of names of the dome is derived from the name Dome of the ProphetMe’rage" there are called by "Dome of the Prophet" and others, "Dome of the Me’rage."

    –Mamluk era:
    -The dome took its current name as Al-Omari points out in his visit in (746 Hijri / AD 1345), An octagonal dome, called the dome of the pyramid, was built on it open to North.

    –Ottoman era:
    -At (1195 AH / 1781 AD) The verse of the Isra’a was placed above its niche in support of the name of the dome Al-Me’raj dome, wrote over
    her beautiful niche, covered with colored Ottoman veneer.
    -Nice: the dome of the Umayyad caliphs were on columns without walls as mentioned Al-Maqdisi, in while the Ayyubids dome was sealed with marble, making her door always closed, so that it was Aoulia Al Halabi says: do not know what is inside and does not have windows, The Sheikh Abdul Ghani Nabulsi Entered, after calling the demolition of the dome and opened the locks and described the dome.

    An Overview of the Landmark:
    It was named to commemorate Prophet Mohammed’s Mi’raj (ascending to heaven). It’s located above the nave of the Rock, northwest of the Dome of the Rock. It was built by Prince Esfis-helar Ezzeddine Metwally, the Sheriff of Al-Quds, in 597 AH-1201 AD, i.e. in the Ayyubids era, at place for oldest dome erected to commemorate the Prophet’s Mi’raje. It was renovated in the Ottoman period.

    The dome is a small octagonal building, with closed walls by a white marble panels, has one niche on the south side, and the door to the north, It is built on 30 columns, topped by a dome covered with lead palate, characterized by presence of small dome above it, with a crown on top of her head. When mentioning the construction of Abdul Malik: three domes adjacent, Dome of the Rock, AlmI’raj Dome, and As-Silsila Dome. Indicating that these three domes date back to the Umayyad period.

    As such narrated by Al-Mushraf ibn al-Marji (482 Hijri / 1099 AD) “there is no two differ the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) embarrassed by this dome, which is said to be the dome of al-Me’raj”.

    It seems that the dome demolished during the Crusader occupation of the mosque, then rebuilt again in the Ayyubid era, As the Ayyubid inscription above its door indicates: "This is a dome of Prophet Muhammad mentioned by the people of history in their books, took to show them after its absence and its reconstruction after its demise ... Isfashelar Abi Amr Othman bin Ali bin Abdullah Zanjibili Metwally of Jerusalem, in the months of the year seven hundred and ninety five hundred and fifty-five.

    Note: In the Book of Subh al-A'shi in the Al-Ansha industry, the word Isfehlar means army commander, Which indicates the inscription.

    Ayyubid era:
    The old dome established but destroyed, then re-built by the governor of Jerusalem Ayyubids year (597 Hijri / 1200 AD) during the reign of Sultan Abu Bakr bin Ayoub brother Salahaddine, the presence of crowns and other remnants of crusade is a secondary use before by the Ayyubids, but not means that the Crusaders are the builders of the dome, the text of inscription refuted the claims that the dome was the Crusader building, and that used as a site for baptism, and theat Crusader travelers who visited the mosque during the Crusader occupation of the Crusades did not mention the presence of the Western Dome of the Rock  used for baptism, but they mentioned a pond for washing sinners, as well the crusader traveler Theodrich at his journey in 555 hijri. 

    In the Ayyubids era, this dome was called Dome of the Prophet. It seems that the number of names of the dome is derived from the name "Dome of the Prophet's Me’rage" there are called by "Dome of the Prophet" and others, "Dome of the Mi’raj."

    Mamluk era:
    The dome took its current name as Al-Omari points out in his visit in (746 Hijri / AD 1345), An octagonal dome, called the dome of the pyramid, was built on it open to North.

    Ottoman era:
    At (1195 AH / 1781 AD) The verse of the Isra’a was placed above its niche in support of the name of the dome Al-Me’raj dome, wrote over her beautiful niche, covered with colored Ottoman veneer.

     Lateefah: the dome of the Umayyad caliphs was on columns without walls as mentioned Al-Maqdisi, in while the Ayyubids dome was sealed with marble, making her door always closed, so that it was Aoulia Al Halabi says: do not know what is inside and does not have windows, The Sheikh Abdul Ghani Nabulsi entered, after calling the demolition of the dome and opened the locks and described the dome.



    Dome of the Prophet (Al Nabi)

    Landmark Location:
     In the middle of Al-Aqsa Mosque.

    Landmark Location relative to Dome of the rock:
    In the northwest of the Dome of the Rock.

    Landmark History:
     Built in two phases, the first: 945 e - 1538 m Second: 1261 AH - 1845 AD.

                                       Reason of the name:
    Named after Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, and believed that it was the place where he prayed as an imam with the prophets and angels on the night of Isra.

    Builder Name:
    Built in two phases, the first: in the reign of Sultan Suleiman al Qanoni. Second: During the reign of Sultan Abdul Majid II.

    Details of the shape:
    -The dome built on eight marble columns, topped by eight pointed arches, open-sided, with red tiles on the dome floor surrounding it the mihrab, is likely to return to the Umayyad era.
    -Some texts indicate that the Mirage was on the right side of the Rock, and probably that’s why there are many domes on this side.
    -In the first phase of the construction, the existing mihrab was erected, and the second phase was the construction of the Dome over the

    An Overview of the Landmark:
    It was named after Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, and believed that it was the place where he prayed as an imam with the prophets and angels on Al-Isra’a Night. It’s in the middle of Al-Aqsa Mosque, northwest of the Dome of the Rock. It was built in two phases. The first was during the reign of Sultan Suleiman al Qanouni, in 1538 (945 A.H.). The second was during the reign of Sultan Abdul Majid II, in 1845. (1261 A.H.).

    The dome was built on eight marble columns, topped by eight pointed arches, open-sided, with red tiles on the dome floor surrounding it the mihrab, is likely to return to the Umayyad era. Some texts indicate that the Mirage was on the right side of the Rock, and probably that’s why there are many domes on this side. In the first phase of the construction, the existing mihrab was erected, and the second phase was the construction of the Dome over the mihrab.



    Qubbat Al Selselah

    In themiddle of Al-Aqsa Mosque.

    LandmarkLocationrelativetoDome of therock:
     East of theDome, threemetersfromtheeasterndoor.

    Reason of the name:
    Namedafter an ironchaindangled in themiddle. -TheMuslimsconsidered it as theplacewhereprophetDawood (David), peace be uponhim, sat forthejudiciaryandcalled it a David Court.

    Builder Name:
    Al Khalifa Abdul Malik bin Marwan.

    Details of theshape:
    -It is a smallbuilding, with a beautifulshapeandtopping, andwithopenwalls.
    -Thedome has twocircles:
    Thefirst: theexternal, consists of elevencolumns.
    Thesecond: theinterior, carriesthedomeandconsists of sixcolumns.
    -Itcontains a mihrab on thesouthernsideand is one of themostfamousdomes of Al-Aqsa Mosque.
    -One of thecharacteristics of thedome is thatyou can seeallthecolumns.

    In theUmayyadperiod:
    -Itwas a placeforscienceandscientists, forteachingandlistening. Itwas an officefortheKhalifahSuleiman bin Abdul Malik; where he sat tolook in thepeople’saffairs.
    thathavechangeditsoriginal form.

    In theAbbasidperiod:
    -Itdecoratedwithmosaics, have a marblecolumnswithleadplates.

    In theFatimidperiod:
    -Thedomewasaffectedbyearthquakesandnaturaldisasters, so it wasrebuilt, and a beautifulwas mihrab set up on it.
    -DuringtheCrusaderoccupation of Jerusalem:
    -Thedomewasturnedinto a churchandwascalledSt James church, andmanychangesmadefor it.

    In theAyyubidsperiod:
    -Thedomewasrebuiltaftertheliberation of Al-Aqsa Mosque fromtheCrusaders, andthe mihrab thatwasfortifiedwithtwocolumnswasalsorebuilt.

    In theMamlukera:
    -Thedomewasrenovatedduringthe time of Sultan al-Zaher Baybars.
    -In theOttomanera:
    -Thedomewasrestoredtoitsoriginalshapewith 17 columns as it is today. TheAyyubid’sinscriptionwasreplacedwith a newone, aftercovering it withQishaniTurkishtiles.

    The modern era:
    -Thedomewasrestoredandthefloortileswerechanged in 1390 AH /1970 AD andbetween 1430 AH /2009 until 1434 H / 2013.
    -Historiansdisagreed on whythedomewasbuilt:Some say it was a prototypethatwasdepended on tobuildtheDome of theRock. Others say it’s a centerpoint of Al-Aqsa Mosque. Someconsidered it a memorialforprophetDavid’scourt. Othersthought it was a treasury, or an officeforengineers. In a nutshell, noonecouldidentifyand be certain of theexactcause.

    An Overview of theLandmark:
    Itwasnamedafter an ironchaindangled in themiddle. Muslimsconsidered it as theplacewhereprophetDawood (David), peace be uponhim, sat forthejudiciaryandcalled it a David Court. It’slocated in themiddle of Al-Aqsa Mosque, east of theDome, threemetersfromtheeasterndoor. Itwasbuiltby Al Khalifah Abdul Malik bin Marwan. 
    It is a smallbuilding, with a beautifulshapeandtopping, andwithopenwalls. Thedome has twocircles. thefirst is theexternal, andconsists of elevencolumns. Thesecond is theinterior. Itcrriesthedomeandconsists of sixcolumns. Itcontains a mihrab on thesouthernsideand is one of themostfamousdomes of Al-Aqsa Mosque. One of thecharacteristics of thedome is thatyou can seeallthecolumns.

    In theUmayyadperiod:
    Itwas a placeforscienceandscientists, forteachingandlistening. Itwas an officefortheKhalifahSuleiman bin Abdul Malik; where he sat tolook in thepeople’saffairs. Itwasexposedtotoomanynaturaldisastersandpoliticalchangesthathavechangeditsoriginal form.

    In theAbbasidperiod:
    Itwasdecoratedwithmosaics, and has marblecolumnswithleadplates.

    In theFatimidperiod:
    Thedomewasaffectedbyearthquakesandnaturaldisasters, so it wasrebuilt, and a beautiful mihrab was set up on it.

    DuringtheCrusaderoccupation of Jerusalem:
    Thedomewasturnedinto a churchandwascalledSt James church, andmanychangesmadefor it.

    In theAyyubidsperiod:
    Thedomewasrebuiltaftertheliberation of Al-Aqsa Mosque fromtheCrusaders, andthe mihrab thatwasfortifiedwithtwocolumnswasalsorebuilt. 

    In theMamlukera:
    Thedomewasrenovatedduringthe time of Sultan al-Zaher Baybars.

    In theOttomanera:
    Thedomewasrestoredtoitsoriginalshapewith 17 columns as it is today. TheAyyubid’sinscriptionwasreplacedwith a newone, aftercovering it withQishaniTurkishtiles.

    The modern era:
    Thedomewasrestoredandthefloortileswerechanged in 1390 AH / 1970 AD andbetween 1430 AH /2009 until 1434 H / 2013.
    Historiansdisagreed on whythedomewasbuilt. Some say it was a prototypethatwasdepended on tobuildtheDome of theRock. Others say it’s a centerpoint of Al-Aqsa Mosque. Someconsidered it a memorialforprophetDavid’scourt. Othersthought it was a treasury, or an officeforengineers. In a nutshell, noonecouldidentifyand be certain of theexactcause.

