Islam Bey Solitude Places

Landmark Location: Located on the west side of the Rock’s nave

Landmark History: In ((1001 AH / 1593 AD))

Reason of the name: Named after its builder; Islam Bey

Builder Name: Islam Bey

Details of the shape:
– Named after its builder; Islam Bey.
– Located on the west side of the Rock’s nave.
– Islam Bey.
– In ((1001 AH / 1593 AD)).
– A small Ottoman room. This room consists of two floors overlooking the Rock’s nave and consists of one room used as the accounting office for the reconstruction of Al Aqsa Mosque and the lower room is located under the rock dish off Bab Al-Hadid and is used today as the headquarters of the Jerusalem’s Zakat Committee.
– Seven reciters of Qur’an were appointed with their sheikh to recite the Quran every day and then to pray to Islam Bey, his family, and all the Muslims. He gave 500 golden coins as a “waqf” to who reads Al-Quran. In the past, it was used as a worship hall.

About the landmark:
– It was named after its builder; Islam Bey. It is located on the west side of the rock saucer. Built in ((1001 AH / 1593 AD))
– A small Ottoman room. This room consists of two floors overlooking the Rock’s nave and consists of one room used as the accounting office for the reconstruction of Al Aqsa Mosque and the lower room is located under the rock dish off Bab Al-Hadid and is used today as the headquarters of the Jerusalem’s Zakat Committee.
– Seven reciters of Qur’an were appointed with their sheikh to recite the Quran every day and then to pray to Islam Bey, his family, and all the Muslims. He gave 500 golden coins as a “waqf” to who reads Al-Quran. In the past, it was used as a worship hall.




    East Ahmad Basha Solitude Place

    LandmarkLocation: It is aroundthenave, in theeasternside

    LandmarkLocationrelativetoDome of therock: East of theDome of theRock

    LandmarkHistory:In 1006 AH 1598 AD

    Reason of the name: Namedafterthepersonwhoordereditsconstruction; Ahmed Basha Al-Radwan.

    Builder Name: Itwasconstructed on an orderfrom Ahmed Basha Al-Radwan.

    Details of theshape:
    Consists of twostories. Eachstoryconsists of oneroom. usestheupperroomtoguard Al-Aqsa Mosque, thebottom is a store.

    Additional Information aboutthelandmark:
    Ottomanconstruction, nowused as a translationoffice (documentsand a placefortourists’ guidance). Itwaspreviouslyused as a roomforworshippingandteaching. Below it a roomalsopreviouslyusedforworship.

    An Overview of theLandmark:
    Ahmed Basha’s villa wasbuilt in (1006 AH) byorder of Ahmed Basha Al-Radwan. Itconsists of twostoriesandeachstoryconsists of oneroom.
    Theupperroom, overlookingtheRock, is usedforguardingthemosque, andtheloweroneserved as warehousestore at thebeginning of theOttomanera.
    It is located on theedge of thenorthernRock’snave, on theeasternside. It is nowused as a translationoffice (translation of textsand a place of guidanceforvisitors). Itwasformerlyused as a roomforworshippingandteaching.



    The Western Ahmed Basha Solitude Place

    LandmarkLocation: Thenorthernside of theDome’snave

    LandmarkLocationrelativetoDome of therock: It is located in thenorthernside of theDome of theRock

    LandmarkHistory: 1009 AH 1601 AD

    Reason of the name: Namedafteritsbuilder Ahmed Basha Al-Radwan

    Builder Name: Ahmed Basha AL-Radwan

    Details of theshape:
    -TheMamluk art of decoration, such as coloredstones (AlAblaqandAlMqarnisat), as well as thedecoration of itsdomefromthe inside and in thefront of thehallwaythreedecades.
    -TheSolitudePlacesconsist of threerooms. Today, theoffice is usedbythedirector of Al-Aqsa Mosque. TheSolitudePlacesareused as a storehouseforgeneratorstoilluminate Al-Aqsa Mosque.

    An Overview of theLandmark:
    Ahmed Basha AL-RadwanSolitudePlaces, constructedby Ahmed Basha in 1009 AH 1601 AD. TheMamluk art of decoration, such as coloredstones (AlAblaqandAlMqarnisat), as well as thedecoration of itsdomefromthe inside and in thefront of thehallwaythreedecades. TheSolitudePlacesconsist of threerooms. Today, theoffice is usedbythedirector of Al-Aqsa Mosque. TheSolitudePlacesareused as a storehouseforgeneratorstoilluminate Al-Aqsa Mosque.



    Mohammed Bey Solitude Place

    LandmarkLocation: Located on thenorthernside of theRock’snave, adjacentfromtheeasttothenorthernpillars

    LandmarkLocationrelativetoDome of therock: North of theDome of theRock

    LandmarkHistory: In ((974 AH / 1567 AD))

    Reason of the name: Namedafter it ownerMohammed Bey

    Builder Name: Amir of the Jerusalem BrigadeMohammed Bey had it built

    Details of theshape:
    – Namedafter it ownerMohammed Bey
    – Located on thenorthernside of theRock’snave, adjacentfromtheeasttothenorthernpillars
    – North of theDome of theRock
    – Amir of the Jerusalem BrigadeMohammed Bey had it built
    – In ((974 AH / 1567 AD))
    – Consists of twofloors; theupperflooroverlookstheRock’snave. Therearetworooms, theone in theeast is used as a roomfortheguards of themosqueandfortheuses of theIslamicAwarenessCommittee, andthe Western Office of theimams of Al-Aqsa Mosque, a SolitudePlace, is used as a storehouseand a generatorbackup.
    – In themamlukera, andbeforebuildingthesolitudeplace (746 AH / 1345 AD), tworectangularterraces (2,66 m / 8.5 m) werefoundtotherightandnorth of thenorthernQantara. WhentheSolitudePlaces of Mohammed Bey andMohammedAghawerebuilt, thetwoterracesbecamebalconiesforthem.
    – MohammedBey’s villa is located on thenorthernside of therockplateadjacenttothenorthernpillars. Itwasestablishedbythe Amir of the Jerusalem Brigade, Mohammed Bey (974 AH / 1567 AD).
    – Consists of twofloors; theupperflooroverlookstheRock’snave. Therearetworooms, theone in theeast is used as a roomfortheguards of themosqueandfortheuses of theIslamicAwarenessCommittee, andthe Western Office of theimams of Al-Aqsa Mosque, a SolitudePlace, is used as a storehouseand a generatorbackup.
    – In themamlukera, andbeforebuildingthesolitudeplace (746 AH / 1345 AD), tworectangularterraces (2,66 m / 8.5 m) werefoundtotherightandnorth of thenorthernQantara. WhentheSolitudePlaces of Mohammed Bey andMohammedAghawerebuilt, thetwoterracesbecamebalconiesforthem.



    Mohammad Agha Solitude Place

    LandmarkLocation: Located in thenorthernside of theDome’snave, nexttothenorthernpillars.

    LandmarkLocationrelativetoDome of therock: Thenorthernside of theDome of theRock.

    LandmarkHistory: In (996 AH / 1588 AD).

    Reason of the name: Namedafter Mohammad Agha, whoordereditsconstruction.

    Builder Name: MohammedAghabuilt it

    Details of theshape:
    Consisting of twofloors, theupperfloorconsists of a smallroomleadingto a largeroomoverlookingtheDome of theRock’snave, theSolitudePlaceisusedtoday as a residenceforthehead of theguards of Al-Aqsa Mosque andthebasement of thecell is used as a store. Anotherroom is usedbyZahidAhmad bin Aliwa.

    Additional Information aboutthelandmark:
    Therecords of theShari’a Court statedthatJudgeAin Ali Effendiusedtoread Surat Yassineveryday in theupperroomanddedicate it forthesoul of ourprophet (peaceandblessings of Allah be uponhim). He wasallowedtolive in thelowerroomandplantthesmallgardenacrossthelowerroom.

    MohammedAgha’sSolitudePlaceislocated in thevicinity of the North Rock’snavewest of the North West pillars. ItwasbuiltbyMuhammadAgha in (996 AH / 1588 AD). Itconsists of twoupperfloorsconsisting of a smallroom (theentrancetotheschool) leadingtothelargeroomandoverlookingthecourtyard of theDome of theRock .
    Today’sSolitudePlaceisused as a roomforthehead of al-Aqsa Mosque guardsandtheSolitudePlaceUsed as a storeandanotherroomusedbyZahid Ahmed bin Aliwa.
    Therecords of theShari’a Court statedthatJudgeAin Ali Effendiusedtoread Surat Yassineveryday in theupperroomanddedicate it forthesoul of ourprophet (peaceandblessings of Allah be uponhim). He wasallowedtolive in thelowerroomandplantthesmallgardenacrossthelowerroom.


    Arslan Basha Solitude Places

    LandmarkLocation: It is located in thenorthernside of theDome’snave

    LandmarkLocationrelativetoDome of therock: North of theDome of theRock

    LandmarkHistory:It is saidto be similar in styletothebuilding of MohammedAgha'sroomand is believed
    tohavebeenbuilt in thesameperiod (10th century 16 AD )

    Reason of the name: Namedafterthepersonwhorepairedit;Arslanbasha

    Builder Name: Itsbuilder is unknown, and in therecords of theShari'a Court there is a waqf of theSolitudePlacesthat Arslan Basha has restored in (1109 AH / 1697 AD)

    Details of theshape:
    – Namedafterthepersonwhorepairedit;Arslanbasha
    – It is located in thenorthernside of theDome’snave
    – North of theDome of theRock
    – Itsbuilder is unknown, and in therecords of theShari’a Court there is a waqf of theSolitudePlacesthat Arslan Basha has restored in (1109 AH / 1697 AD).
    – It is saidto be similar in styletothebuilding of MohammedAgha’sroomand is believedtohavebeenbuilt in thesameperiod (“10th century 16 AD )
    – Itconsists of twofloors; withtworooms in eachfloor, theupperroomoverlookstheRock’snaveand a gallery, whilethebottomoverlookstheolivetreesand is used as a warehouseandforthemosque’sguardstouse.
    – When Arslan Basharenovated it, it was a waqf in Jerusalem. Itwasknown as Dar al-Balat, wheretherent of thehouse is spent on thereciters of Al- Qur’an in thesolitudebuilding. Theupperroomwasseizedbythepolice of theoccupationauthoritiesandtheyturned it intotheirheadquarters.

    – Namedafterthepersonwhorepairedit;Arslanbasha. It is located in thenorthernside of theDome’snave; north of theDome of theRock. Itsbuilder is unknown, and in therecords of theShari’a Court there is a waqf of theSolitudePlacesthat Arslan Basha has restored in (1109 AH / 1697 AD). It is saidto be similar in styletothebuilding of MohammedAgha’sroomand is believedtohavebeenbuilt in thesameperiod (“10th century 16 AD ).
    – ItConsists of twofloors; withtworooms in eachfloor, theupperroomoverlookstheRock’snaveand a gallery, whilethebottomoverlookstheolivetreesand is used as a warehouseandforthemosque’sguardstouse.When Arslan Basharenovated it, it was a waqf in Jerusalem. Itwasknown as Dar al-Balat, wheretherent of thehouse is spent on thereciters of Al- Qur’an in thesolitudebuilding. Theupperroomwasseizedbythepolice of theoccupationauthoritiesandtheyturned it intotheirheadquarters.



    Junbaltic Solitude Place

    LandmarkLocation: Located on thenorthernside of theRock’snavetothewest of ArslanBasha'ssolitudebuilding

    LandmarkHistory:In ((1010 e / 1602 m)).

    Reason of thename:Afterthe name of IbnJumblatt.

    Builder Name: -Thearchitect is Abdul Mohsen bin Nimr, orderedby Ahmed BashaRadwan.

    Details of theshape:
    – Afterthe name of IbnJumblatt.
    – Located on thenorthernside of theRock’snavetothewest of ArslanBasha’ssolitudebuilding.
    – Thearchitect is Abdul Mohsen bin Nimr, orderedby Ahmed BashaRadwan.
    – In ((1010 e / 1602 m)).
    – It is noteworthythatIbnJumblatt is theonewhodonatedthecosts of construction, andconsideredtheSolitudePlace as waqffortheKurdishresidentswhocameto Jerusalem; tovisit Al-Aqsa Mosque. Later, it wastakenoverbythepolice of theoccupationauthoritiesandturned it intoheadquarters.

    – ThejunblattSolitudePlaceissituated on thenorthernside of theRock’snavetothewest of the Arsalan PashaIn((1010 e / 1602 m)).
    – Thecourt’s legal recordstatesthatAhmadBasha al-RadwanaskedarchitectAbd al-Muhsin ibn NimrtobuildtheSolitudePlace in the name of IbnJunblatt. Junblattwastheonewhodonatedthecosts of construction, andconsideredtheSolitudePlace as waqffortheKurdishresidentswhocameto Jerusalem; tovisit Al-Aqsa Mosque. Later, it wastakenoverbythepolice of theoccupationauthoritiesandturned it intoheadquarters.



    Qetas Bey Solitude Places

    LandmarkLocation: On theperimeter of thenorthernRock’snave

    LandmarkLocationrelativetoDome of therock: Thenorthernside of theDome of theRock

    Landmark History:967 AH / 1560 AD.

    Builder Name: Accordingtotheinscription on theoverlookingfacade of theRock’snavethebuilderIs .QetasBey

    Details of theshape:
    – On theperimeter of thenorthernRock’snave.
    – Thenorthernside of theDome of theRock.
    – Accordingtotheinscription on theoverlookingfacade of theRock’snavethebuilder.
    – Is QetasBey.
    – 967 AH / 1560 AD.
    – Consist of fourroomsandthere is a column of marblecarryingthe pergola betweenthetwocellsengravedwith a beautifulinscription.
    – Theupperfloor is used as a guardofficeknown as “AlAhwal”, whiletheSolitudePlaceoverlookingtheolivetrees is a storethatservesthemosque.
    – Theyareusedtoforworship.

    Now it is used as follows:
    – A secondroomfor a policeofficerand a thirdfor a guard. Itwasusedforthepurposes of privacyandthefourthcorner of a mannamedSheikh Ahmed bin Aliwa.

    – ThetwoSolitudePlacesareOttomans. On theperimeter of thenorthernrock, there is a column of marblecarrying a pergola engravedwithbeautifulinscriptionsandaccordingtotheseinscriptions, thebuilder is OttomanQetasBey in 1560 AD.

    – Therearefourroomsunderthem:
    A secondroomfor a policeofficerand a thirdfor a guard. Itwasusedforthepurposes of privacyandthefourthcorner of a mannamedSheikh Ahmed bin Aliwa.


    Al Dakri Solitude Places

    LandmarkLocation: It is located on thenorthernrockplate in thewest

    LandmarkLocationrelativetoDome of therock: NorthwestDome of theRock

    Builder Name: BuildingOttoman

    Details of theshape:
    – It is located on thenorthernrockplate in thewest.
    – NorthwestDome of theRock.
    – BuildingOttoman.
    – TheSolitudePlaceincludesthreerooms.
    – TheSolitudePlaceisnowused as a headquartersfortheguards of Al-Aqsa Mosque.
    – Thethreeroomswereused as places of worship in thepast, and at this time thefirstroom of theSolitudePlaceisused as a storeforwatermaintenanceandthesecondheadquarters of thecleaners in themosqueandthethird is inhabitedby a man since ancienttimes.

    – Thethreeroomswereused as places of worship in thepast, and at this time thefirstroom of theSolitudePlaceisused as a storeforwatermaintenanceandthesecondheadquarters of thecleaners in themosqueandthethird is inhabitedby a man since ancienttimes.



    Islam Bey Solitude Places

    Landmark Location: Located on the west side of the Rock’s nave

    Landmark History: In ((1001 AH / 1593 AD))

    Reason of the name: Named after its builder; Islam Bey

    Builder Name: Islam Bey

    Details of the shape:
    – Named after its builder; Islam Bey.
    – Located on the west side of the Rock’s nave.
    – Islam Bey.
    – In ((1001 AH / 1593 AD)).
    – A small Ottoman room. This room consists of two floors overlooking the Rock’s nave and consists of one room used as the accounting office for the reconstruction of Al Aqsa Mosque and the lower room is located under the rock dish off Bab Al-Hadid and is used today as the headquarters of the Jerusalem’s Zakat Committee.
    – Seven reciters of Qur’an were appointed with their sheikh to recite the Quran every day and then to pray to Islam Bey, his family, and all the Muslims. He gave 500 golden coins as a “waqf” to who reads Al-Quran. In the past, it was used as a worship hall.

    About the landmark:
    – It was named after its builder; Islam Bey. It is located on the west side of the rock saucer. Built in ((1001 AH / 1593 AD))
    – A small Ottoman room. This room consists of two floors overlooking the Rock’s nave and consists of one room used as the accounting office for the reconstruction of Al Aqsa Mosque and the lower room is located under the rock dish off Bab Al-Hadid and is used today as the headquarters of the Jerusalem’s Zakat Committee.
    – Seven reciters of Qur’an were appointed with their sheikh to recite the Quran every day and then to pray to Islam Bey, his family, and all the Muslims. He gave 500 golden coins as a “waqf” to who reads Al-Quran. In the past, it was used as a worship hall.



    Bayram Basha Solitude

    LandmarkLocation: Thecircumference of the Western Rock’snave, betweenthetwonorthern Western nectar

    LandmarkLocationrelativetoDome of therock: West of theDome of theRock

    LandmarkHistory: OttomaneratheSolitudePlaceis a largebuilding

    Details of theshape:
    – Thecircumference of the Western Rock’snave, betweenthetwonorthern Western nectar.
    – West of theDome of theRock.
    – -OttomaneratheSolitudePlaceis a largebuilding.

    Today, it is used as a fire station in Al-Aqsa Mosque. In thepast, it wasused as a SolitudePlaceforworshipunderwhichthelowerroom is assignedforthearchitect of Al-Aqsa Mosque
    TheSolitudePlaceis a verylargeOttomanbuildingand is locatedwest of theRock’snavebetweenthenorthwestandthe West. It is usedtoday as the fire station of Al-Aqsa Mosque. Beforethat, it was a SolitudePlaceforworshipandtheroombelow it.



    Faaeq Al Danaf Solitude Places

    LandmarkLocation: Located on the western side of theRock’snave, closetothe western pillarsfromthenorth.

    LandmarkLocationrelativetoDome of therock: West of theDome of theRock.

    LandmarkHistory: Ottomanconstruction.

    Details of theshape:
    – Located on the western side of theRock’snave, closetothe western pillarsfromthenorth.
    – West of theDome of theRock.
    – Ottomanconstruction.
    – Consists of twofloorseachfloorconsists of oneroom, theupperfloorconsists of a simplesquareroombuiltaftertheyear ((1222 H / 1807 m)).
    – Theoldroomwasusedforworship. Now, theSolitudePlace is used as an officeforthetranslators / guides in themosque, whilethelowerchambercorrespondstothedoor of thecleanserwasclosedcontractsglassandaluminum.
    – At theend of thelastcentury, thelowerroomused a ticketoffice, andtoday it is usedformosquepurposes. It is alsoused as a roomforthehead of the dam in Al-Aqsa Mosque, and a ticketofficeforexpatriatesfromtouristsandvisitorsto Al-Aqsa Mosque.

    – Faaeq AL-danaf is located on the western side of theRock’snaveispastethe western pillarsfromthenorth West Dome of theRock. it is an Ottomanconstruction.
    – Consists of twofloorseachfloorconsists of oneroom, theupperfloorconsists of a simplesquareroombuiltafter a year ((1222 H / 1807 m)).
    – Theoldroomwasusedforworship. Now, theSolitudePlace is used as an officeforthetranslators / guides in themosque, whilethelowerchambercorrespondstothedoor of thecleanserwasclosedcontractsglassandaluminum.
    At theend of thelastcentury, thelowerroomused a ticketoffice, andtoday it is usedformosquepurposes. It is alsoused as a roomforthehead of the dam in Al-Aqsa Mosque, and a ticketofficeforexpatriatesfromtouristsandvisitorsto Al-Aqsa Mosque.



    Muazzins Solitude Building

    LandmarkLocation: Tothe western side of theRock’snave, adjacenttothe western pillarstothesouth, andabovethe Great Isa Reservoir

    LandmarkLocationrelativetoDome of therock: West totheDome of theRock

    Builtaftertheyear ((1222 AH / 1807 AD))

    Reason of the name:
    This name camefromthefactthat it wasused as a chamberforthemuazzins in theOttomanera

    Details of theshape:
    – This name camefromthefactthat it wasused as a chamberforthemuazzins in theOttomanera.
    – Tothe western side of theRock’snave, adjacenttothe western pillarstothesouth, andabovethe Great Isa Reservoir.
    – West totheDome of theRock.
    – Builtaftertheyear ((1222 AH / 1807 AD)).
    – TheSolitudePlaceconsists of twosmallroomstoppedby a dome, andthen a smallroomwasadded in front of thebuilding.

    – It is locatedtothe western side of theRock’snave, adjacenttothe western pillarstothesouth, andabovethe Great Isa Reservoir. Itwasbuiltaftertheyear ((1222 AH / 1807 AD)).
    – TheSolitudePlaceconsisted of twosmallroomstoppedby a dome, then a smallroomwasadded in front of thebuilding. In theOttomanera, theSolitudePlacewasused as a roomforearlywarningsystems.



    Khalil Al Danaf Solitude Place

    LandmarkLocation: Located on theperimeter of the western Rock’snave; north of thesouthwesternpillars

    LandmarkLocationrelativetoDome of therock: Northwest of theDome of theRock

    Details of theshape:
    – Located on theperimeter of the western Rock’snave; north of thesouthwesternpillars.
    – Northwest of theDome of theRock.
    – Ottomanandwasusedpreviouslyforworshipandtodayit’sused as a roomforelectricalmaintenance in Al-Aqsa Mosque.

    – It is located on theperimeter of the western Rock’snave; north of thesouthwesternpillars, northwestDome of theRock. It is Ottomanandwasusedpreviouslyforworshipandtodayit’sused as a roomforelectricalmaintenance in Al-Aqsa Mosque



    Abd Al Hay Al Dajani Solitude

    LandmarkLocationrelativetoDome of therock: Southwest of theDome of theRock

    LandmarkHistory:In ((1138 e / 1725 m)), as shownbytheinscriptionabovethedoor

    Reason of thename:Namedafteritsbuilder; Abdul HaiDajani

    Builder Name: CreatedbySheikh Abdul Hai Al Dajani

    Details of theshape:
    – Namedafteritsbuilder; Abdul HaiDajani.
    -Locatedbelowthe Western Rock’snave, adjacenttotheGreatIssareservoir (south of the western pillars’ staircase).
    – Southwest of theDome of theRock.
    – CreatedbySheikh Abdul Hai Al Dajani.
    – In ((1138 e / 1725 m)), as shownbytheinscriptionabovethedoor.
    – Rectangularroom, turned in thelateeighties of thelastcenturyintotheheadquarters of theclinic Al-Aqsa Mosque
    – An image of Van Bershamdatingbackto 1328 AH / 1910 indicatesthatthebuildingincludedanotherroomtothesouth, but theearthquake of 1346 H / 1927 ledtoitsdestruction.

    – Abd al-Hai al-DajaniSolitudePlacewasestablishedbySheikh Abdul Hai al-Dajani (1138 AH / 1725 AD), as shownbytheinscriptionabovethedoor, locatedbelowthe Western Rock’snave, adjacenttothe Great Issa reservoir (south of the western pillars’ staircase).
    – An image of Van Bershamdatingbackto 1328 AH / 1910 indicatesthatthebuildingincludedanotherroomtothesouth, but theearthquake of 1346 H / 1927 ledtoitsdestruction.



    Ahmadiyye Madrasa Solitude Building

    LandmarkLocation: Located on thewestside of theRock’snave, adjacenttothe South West pillarsnearto Al-Nahwayaschool

    LandmarkHistory: Builtafter ((1222 e / 1807 m))

    Details of theshape:
    – Located on thewestside of theRock’snave, adjacenttothe South West pillarsnearto Al-Nahwayaschool
    – Builtafter ((1222 e / 1807 m)).
    – Itconsists of twofloors, thefirstflooroverlookstheRock’snave, whiletheupperfloorconsists of oneroomwith a flatceiling (wheretheroofwasrebuilt in thetwentiethcentury) and is usedtoday as theheadoffice of themosque dam.

    – Thefirstfloor is located on theRock’snave. Theupperfloor is a singleroomwith a flatceiling. Today, theheadoffice is usedforthemosque. Thelowerchamber is locatedundertheRock, across Al- Ashrafiehschool. Itwasbuilt at thebeginning of theOttomanperiod. It is usedtodayforthepurposes of Al-Aqsa mosque.
    -ThesouthwesternSolitudePlaceislocated on the western side of theRock’snave, thesouthwestern, closeto Al-Nahwayaschooland it seemstohavebeenbuiltafter (1222 AH / 1807 AD).

